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Posts posted by bilis_money

  1. Yo!  :D


    This one is easy, i want to count the total row of a flat file.


    Let say i have a file called 'myfile.txt'

    now inside that text file it has text content rows like below,


    1. banana  //first row

    2. orange

    3. papaya

    4. grapes

    5. lemon    //last row


    now how do i count the total row of this text file and display the result?

    I think i done this before i just lost the script tho.  ;D


    thanks in advance.






  2. Hi guys


    I know this is very easy.


    what i want is a six codes generator.


    Let say i have a button when i press this button it will generate six digit codes.

    for example i have this code 543545.


    now i wanted also when i use this code it will tell me it's the valid codes.


    maybe you have the idea, just want to know the functions that i should use for this.


    thanks in advance.



  3. let's face it, it's not the GAME that is the point of Stu Nicholls site....


    Bingo! you got my point rebull, that is really the true game.


    it's a nice resources and a good place to study advance CSS.  :D




    Hi guys


    I want to know how to auto resize an image when the mouse cursor hover

    or point onto an image without clicking it.


    Is there a tutorial out there?

    or could you show me the link for it.


    Thanks in advance.



  5. ok that's really exicting.

    but if possible my friend could you bring video cam rather than still camera.

    and upload it on youtube.com then show us the link here.


    I really want to see it in motion.  :D


    and please don't forget to cook the fish on board, i request a fish fillet dish. lol  ;D



  6. ok here goes nothin'

    I'm from Philippines 29 years old finished computer technician and computer science.
    I love joking and laughing, my mother call me evil advocate lol  :D

    I'm Gemini. I'm still single, i dunno but i don't think i'm going to marry.

    and my hobby playing rope sometimes i tie it on my neck lol  ;D
    I also love playing my brain... I love logic. and i also like clever people.
    I love brand new concepts specially out of the box idea.

    I dunno but i love this phpfreaks family its like a crazy family,
    but i love crazy family. ha ha ha  :D

    I'm a member for fighting for blindness organization.

    I'm trying to smile and be happy, but deep inside i'm lonely and sad. i dunno.  :'(

  7. which part of finding out someone's star sign is fun?


    getting to know more your forum mate, will make us more closer, i think. just like a crazy family lol  :D


    rebull i think the entire family of American Chopper they are 90% capricorn, capricorn are very good at work  :D


    me --> Gemini


    and you?  ;)

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