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Everything posted by pocobueno1388

  1. Well...you can do this a couple of ways. You can slice the image up (leaving one slice to where you want the form to go) and put the image as the <td> background, then your able to add HTML right over that slice. OR You could position the form using CSS and/or with a <div>
  2. Please mark this as solved as it was solved on the PHP board.
  3. Woah, talk about a brain fart with the query on my part. Barand - Is there any advantage/difference to doing concatenation with commas rather than periods?
  4. EDIT: Oops, code edited, works now. With REGEX <?php $username = "someUsername"; if (!eregi("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", $username)){ echo "VALID"; } else { echo "INVALID"; } ?>
  5. Try this <?php $query = "SELECT number, MAX(number) AS max FROM Quantity ORDER BY max DESC LIMIT 10"; $result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error()); $num = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ echo "$num - {$row['number']}<br>"; $num++; } ?>
  6. Change your function to this function open_win(songID) { window.open("player.php?songId="+ songID) } Now to call the function, do this <?php $songid=$row['Cid']; echo "<td><input type=button value='Listen' onClick='open_win($songid)'/></td>"; ?>
  7. You cannot set a default value to a TEXT type field. To do it to another type field though, you use the keyword DEFAULT. EX CREATE TABLE Person ( Name text, Age int(3) DEFAULT '0', Sex text )
  8. Where did you define the variable $mailer? You need to initiate the class. $mailer = new yourClassName;
  9. Give this query a try. SELECT p.productnumber, p.productname FROM products p LEFT JOIN cartitems c ON c.productid = p.productid
  10. This topic has already been solved (It was double posted).
  11. Yes, it is. Why don't you just test it?
  12. Your trying to use PHP like it's JavaScript. PHP is a server side language as JavaScript is a client side language. Your going to have to make your danny() function in JavaScript and call it.
  13. You need to use the htmlentities() function www.php.net/htmlentities
  14. Take a look at this tutorial http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95426.0.html
  15. Give this a try, I'm not sure exactly how you wanted it formatted, but I got everything into separate pieces for you. <?php $lines = "11/12/07.10am.vs Lions|11/13/07.9am.vs Sharks|11/15/07.9am.Practice|11/16/07.10am.Practice|11/18/07.11am.vs Frogs|"; $lines = explode('|', $lines); foreach ($lines as $line){ $line = explode('.', $line); echo "<b>Date:</b> $line[0]<br>"; echo "<b>Time:</b> $line[1]<br>"; echo "<b>Your Team</b> $line[2]<p>"; } ?>
  16. You need to set up a cron job with your host. Usually you can set them up from the control panel. Here is some information on crons http://www.sitepoint.com/article/introducing-cron http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron
  17. Possibly...can't really say without looking at the code.
  18. Hmm...works fine for me both ways. What browser are you using?
  19. I don't understand the problem. Post the CSS.
  20. For you server, you may have to put something other than "localhost". If I remember right, when I used GoDaddy I had to put the actual server. If you browse through the help files you will find what your supposed to use.
  21. That is a user created function that someone wrote up.
  22. It all depends on where you want the variable coming from. If the variable is coming from the URL, you would do $var = $_GET['var'];
  23. $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+10 days")); EDIT: If you want to add days to a specific date, then you can do this <?php $date = strtotime("2007-11-14"); $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("10 day", $date)); echo $date; ?>
  24. <?php if ($var == 'a') include "stuffa.php"; else if ($var == 'b') include "stuffb.php"; else if ($var == 'c') include "stuffc.php"; else include "stuffd.php"; ?>
  25. You need to use the in_array() function. So change this line if($years == $year) { To if(in_array($year, $years)) {
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