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Everything posted by pocobueno1388

  1. Those errors mean that your not connecting to the database successfully. Make sure all your information is correct, it looks like it's not taking your password.
  2. There is a problem with your query. Try to catch the error like this. $result = mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());
  3. Okay, I figured out that I had to make a custom php.ini file...I did that and they turned off, but then my script wasn't adding to the database for some reason, and I wasn't getting any errors. So I decided to take it up with my host. They said they don't know whats going on and they are working on fixing it for me. Thanks for the help jesirose. I feel better that it was my hosts fault, I was feeling really stupid for a second.
  4. Did you do what I told you to do on Google?
  5. Type in that exact error on Google, and you get a lot of people with the same problem asking for help. Read through the replies and see if someone posted the solution.
  6. Do you have a redirection somewhere else in the code?
  7. I don't see anywhere in your code where your trying to redirect...
  8. How could it not set? Is it possible for my server to block being able to change it?
  9. It prints nothing...hmmm. I'm gonna have to leave this thread dormant for a while, I have to go to work.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean by that... Well, phpinfo says that magic_quotes is still on, but magic_quotes_runtime is off. I'm not sure why the magic_quotes won't budge >.< How exactly do I print out the results of the ini_set?
  11. Yeah, I figured that could be what was happening, but I made completely new entires after I did the ini_set, and it is still adding the slashes to the DB. Maybe my attempt to turn magic_quotes_gpc off isn't working? Wait, can I check this using phpinfo()? Let me check that.
  12. Yes, they are in the database entries. I use mysql_real_escape_string() on all the variables before I insert them. I thought there was a way to automatically strip them when coming out of the DB though? I don't remember having this problem on a past website, but I'm pretty sure it was done for me.
  13. This is very pathetic, but I can't seem to figure it out. Right now I am having to use stripslashes() on EVERY row I want to display from the database, and I really don't want to have to do this anymore. I want to figure out how to make it so the database automatically strips the slashes for you when displaying rows. I just tried this: ini_set('magic_quotes_gpc', 'off'); ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 'off'); It didn't do anything though...the slashes are still there. I'm really not sure what else to do. Thanks for any help on my pathetic question
  14. There is an extra backslash at the end of the image, I will make it bold. <img src=\'../../styles/BBQ3.jpg\' /> Try taking that out.
  15. That means there is something wrong with one of your queries. You need to put or die(mysql_error()); at the end of all of your queries, that will tell you the error. You also need to remove the '@' symbols, that is keeping the errors from displaying.
  16. Try changing this: <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $GLOBALS['errlist'] = $GLOBALS['errlist'] . "<font color='#ff0000'>Email Address Already Registered</font>"; } ?> To: <?php if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ $GLOBALS['errlist'] = $GLOBALS['errlist'] . "<font color='#ff0000'>Email Address Already Registered</font>"; } ?>
  17. Well, obviously this chunk of code is what sends the email: <?php $headers = 'From: ' . $site_email . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $site_email . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $subject = "Activation email from " . $domain_name; $message = "Dear ".$row['Username'].", this is your activation link to join our website. In order to confirm your membership please click on the following link: ".$url."confirm.php?ID=".$row['ID']."&key=".$row['Random_key']." Thank you for joining"; if ( mail($row['Email'], $subject, $message, $headers ) ) { $msg = 'Account created. Please login to the email you provided during registration and confirm your membership.'; } else { $error = 'I created the account but failed sending the validation email out.'; } ?> And this is the query inserting info into the DB. <?php $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (`Username` , `Password`, `Email`, `Random_key`) VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username'])."', '".mysql_real_escape_string(md5($_POST['password']))."', '".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email'])."', '".random_string('alnum', 32)."')") or die(mysql_error()); ?>
  18. Is "sendemail" your own defined function? Or are you looking for the mail() function? www.php.net/mail
  19. Have you tried google yet? There is tons of stuff...here is something. http://www.web-bureau.com/modules/free-php-paypal-ipn-script.php
  20. Try this: <?php $agent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if(ereg("msie", $agent)){ echo "Internet Explorer"; } ?>
  21. Can you give us more information on your database setup? List the tables and what fields they have.
  22. Change: $query = "SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 4"; To: $query = "SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 4, 99999999";
  23. If you want someone to write code for you, post in the freelance forum. This is for help, not pawning all the work on others. At least attempt to write some of it, then when you get stuck ask for help.
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