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Everything posted by newb

  1. wow exactly what i was looking for, thanks a bunch matt!
  2. the user has to login of course. im not sure how id be able to implement a timer system where the access limit that ive set automatically resets after 24 hours. ughh. any suggestions or help appreciated
  3. i need to limit the amount of times a user can access a page per day before he is denied access -- then in 24 hours, the limit resets back to normal. im not sure how i would go about setting this up in php, how do i set up some sort of timer that triggers the limit reset once 24 hours comes?
  4. HI im looking for a way to limit the number of times a registered user can access a page on my site. any suggestions or ideas on how this can be implemented through php & sql tables? thanks.
  5. who uses camino. anyway its designed/coded for IE/FF. i never heard of camino so i dont care about it. mod edit: watch your language!
  6. yeah. alot of full path disclosures. i fail 2 see how its much harm though lol. its only showing the obvious (that im in /home/ and my username is oxyfacto and i use public_html like everyone else?) :s. the request password doesnt work anyway, and if it did everythings md5 encrypted anyways so ppl wud just be getting md5 hashes.
  7. psh.. just because it doesnt have the overused java rollovers and random server pictures like a "typical" webhost design would have makes the design automatically weak? =\\ sorry, but i like to be unique above anything else.
  8. k fixed the DOS exploit (probably my biggest concern...) i dont know how i would go about fixing directory transversal thing...lol. anyway i dont think its much of a big deal as long as they cant include anythin outside the site. right? =p
  9. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gg lol.
  10. http://www.oxyfactor.com/
  11. designed and coded myself . http://www.oxyfactor.com/
  12. meh ive always wondered what code shows that information...anybody can pls tell me i would appreciate it.
  13. newb

    making files

  14. newb

    making files

    i dont get what ur saying someone help please not working.
  15. newb

    making files

    i have another problem. this could doesnt work anyone can help me?? [code] <?php mkdir("$dir/modules/$_POST[title]", 0777); fopen("$dir/modules/$_POST[title]/index.php", 'w'); $somecontent = "<?php if (realpath(__FILE__) == realpath($_SERVER[SCRIPT_FILENAME])) { header('Location: ../../index.php'); die(); } $query = $config->query("SELECT * FROM table_mod_page WHERE title = '$_GET[mod]'");     $row = mysql_fetch_array($query);     $data = $row[body];     echo $data; ?>"; if (is_writable("$dir/modules/$_POST[title]/index.php")) {   if (!$handle = fopen("$dir/modules/$_POST[title]/index.php", 'a')) {         echo "Cannot open file ($dir/modules/$_POST[title]/index.php)";         exit;   }   if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === FALSE) {       echo "Cannot write to file ($dir/modules/$_POST[title]/index.php)";       exit;   }     echo "Success, wrote ($somecontent) to file ($dir/modules/$_POST[title]/index.php)";     fclose($handle); } else {   echo "The file $dir/modules/$_POST[title]/index.php is not writable"; } ?> [/code]
  16. newb

    making files

    thanks, fopen works perfect.
  17. how do you make a file in php. like mkdir, is there a function for making files...
  18. what man.. u must be kidding me. there must be a shorter way to do this instead of all this binary and hexadecimal stuff to learn. my head is cracking.
  19. quite obvious what i wanted if u read above. nevermind figured it out on my own >_>... [code] <?php $query = $config->query("SELECT * FROM $table_users WHERE username='$_SESSION[username]'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); $sex = array('Male','Female'); echo "<select name='sex'>\n"; foreach($sex as $sex) { if ( $sex == $row['sex'] ) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } else { $selected = NULL; } echo "\t<option value='{$sex}' {$selected}>{$sex}</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; ?> [/code]
  20. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=111021.msg449657#msg449657 date=1160458827] This will work: [code]<?php $query = $config->query("SELECT * FROM $table_users WHERE username='$_SESSION[username]'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); $sex = array('Male','Female'); echo "<select name='sex'>\n"; foreach($sex as $sex) { if($sex == $row['sex']) $selected = $sex==$row['sex'] ? " selected='selected'" : null; echo "\t<option value='{$sex}'{$selected}>{$sex}</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; ?>[/code] [/quote] sigh, didnt work...still just outputted both value's as selected instead of the one the user has selected in the database..someone can help pls??
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