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Everything posted by newb

  1. hi, i have a script that allows users to register an acct... http://www.onpunbb.com/install.php but what i want is to tweak it to make it something like how vbulletin or similar forum software does with preventing users from spam posting. so that it prevents them from registering until x amount of minutes has passed since their last registration to prevent duplicate / spam accounts. whats the best way to implement this? if someone has a function for this pls help, thanks.
  2. is there a way to limit php execution in a specific file so that only certain commands can be ran?
  3. With the help of the people here at phpfreaks, i was able to create this installation script. This is a beta project, and I do believe there are still several bugs that still need to be worked out in it: http://www.onpunbb.com/install.php Go all out, let me know if you find something interesting. Thanks.
  4. Hi everyone, I'd like to introduce my new project OnPunBB.com. OnPunBB is a free PunBB forum host that offers a unique array of features to customize your board. Some of our distinguishable features include a free subdomain and FTP account with unmetered space for your extensions and skins. Our system is currently running the latest PunBB version (1.3.4) and will continue to update whenever a new release comes out. This has been a one man job, and so I've been working on it privately for several months and invested alot of time and hard work into this. Its not quite done, but it will. and i would LOVE some help. so heres the board URL: http://www.onpunbb.com/ http://support.onpunbb.com/ - Powered by PunBB 1.3.4 As we are currently in beta, the website is currently looking for some fresh new users to testdrive our new system. Also, If you come across any bugs, post them in our support forum and we will work them out. For the most part, I'm open to any suggestions that the community feels may improve this project Thanks.
  5. i want to create a php timer script to automatically set a variable after 48 hours after the timer has been started. how would i do this
  6. i need something like this: http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/ but with a php page instead of an image.
  7. ok well how do i use ajax
  8. yeah i know that, but i want to make it appear on over top of the page, and have the loading page greyed out in the background until the script is completed loading.
  9. i have a script taht takes a really long time to complete, i need a php progress bar or animated gif loop or somethign to keep visitors from leaving the site. how do i do this?
  10. how do i check if a string contains periods?
  11. how do i find out in php if a string contains something in it. like if i wanted to find if apple_333 contained _333 in it. how would i do that in php
  12. this is for cpanel: http://www.namepros.com/code/296341-add-subdomain-in-cpanel-via-php.html this probably can be modified to work with plesk, but im no sure as ive never used it before. here is for ispconfig: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27928
  13. i dont have any experience with plesk, but i do have some links to a couple of tutorials and scripts for automatic account creation for cpanel and ispconfig servers. cpanel u have to pay a license for though, ispconfig is free.
  14. depends on what control panel (if any) and server you are using. this is not something that is handled by php alone.
  15. how can i provide temporary urls for users on my server like until the actual domain resolves? ive seen this done in with cpanel but i dont know how its done exactly. my current server does not have cpanel
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