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Everything posted by newb

  1. why should i use oop to code a cms or not.
  2. [quote author=Barand link=topic=109152.msg441915#msg441915 date=1159296685] #82? I'm surprised it's that far down the list. [/quote] im not.
  4. i did, same effect. $libmysql->fetch_array is just a function i defined.
  5. ok it echo's multiple tables but in each of the tables it repeats the same information....ie: John Doe - john@doe.com John Doe - john@doe.com instead of : John Doe - john@doe.com Other John Doe - otherjohn@doe.com
  6. im having a bit of trouple with the while loop...its probably an easy fix, just cant figure it out atm. [code] <?php $query = $libmysql->query("SELECT * from $table_users ORDER by username ASC"); echo "<table width='100%' align='center'>   <tr>     <td colspan='4' valign='top' id='navcontent'>$links</td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td colspan='4' valign='top'><strong>Member List </strong></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td valign='top'><strong>Name</strong></td>     <td valign='top'><strong>Usergroup</strong></td>     <td valign='top'><strong>Registration Date </strong></td>     <td valign='top'><strong>Email</strong></td>   </tr>"; while ($row = $libmysql->fetch_array($query)) { $i++; $user = $row['username']; $signup_date = $row['signup_date']; $email = $row['email']; $tempsid = $row['sid']; $query = $libmysql->query("SELECT * FROM $table_usergroups WHERE id = '$tempsid'"); $row = $libmysql->fetch_array($query); $custom_title = $row['custom_title']; $libmysql->free_result($query); echo "<tr> <td width='35%' valign='top'>$user</td> <td width='60%' valign='top'>$custom_title</td> <td width='60%' valign='top'>$signup_date</td> <td width='60%' valign='top'>$email</td>   </tr>";     if ( $i == 2 ) {   echo "<tr><td width='35%' valign='top'>$user</td> <td width='60%' valign='top'>$custom_title</td> <td width='60%' valign='top'>$signup_date</td> <td width='60%' valign='top'>$email</td>";   $i = NULL; } echo '</tr></table>';   } ?>[/code] any suggestions?
  7. oh god, another social networking site...sigh...
  8. i was wondering how this was done. i know ipb (invisionpowerboard) has this feature for its user system and i wanted to find some way how to have it done with my own system. the thought of an administrator having the power to destroy a user's session at will would be a great addition to the script im working on, and the only way i know of doing that is through storing the sessions in databases. so how would i go about doing this? anyone have any ideas? give me some insight, thanks.
  9. pretty sloppy, mess around with it a bit, and make it neater while ur at it..hurts my eyes to look at.
  10. i think both of our points are quite valid actually. sessions indeed have a timeout value to when they are unset(for instance: if a user does not close their browser and leaves his browser running idle, it will time out) and the sessions automatically unset every time the user closes his browser due to the fact that sessions are stored on the webserver(aside from the phpsessid), unlike cookies(where the information is stored on the client's hard disk).
  11. sessions arent hard to get once u learn the concept of them, and are quite easier to use than cookies imho. [quote] So how can I make a page like generate so everytime you leave the page you have to login. [/quote] session variables automatically are unset when a user closes the browser i believe.
  12. nevermind i got it. $string = ucwords((strtolower(DoWnLoAdS))); changes it to just Downloads. ty anyways.
  13. [quote author=Wintergreen link=topic=108256.msg435367#msg435367 date=1158383352] strtolower() Then use your function you found, ucwords [/quote] can u provide a working example? im not sure how its done with a string inputted.
  14. heh. i have another question, its somewhat similar so i decided not to make another thread. how would i go about converting a string from DoWnLoAdS to Downloads. ? basically, im trying to find a function that makes only the first letter capital and the others lowercase in a string. I havent found a php function for it so im not sure how its done.
  15. nevermind i got it, its function.ucwords thanks guys.
  16. i dont want the entire word capitlized, just the first letter.
  17. how do i capitilize something in php. like say if i had something in the sql database that was lowercase but i wanted it capitlized in php how would i do that? is there a php cmd for it.
  18. i said usergroups can be done in sessions not bitwise.
  19. usergroup permissions can be done without bitwise. they can be done in sessions and stuff, i think.
  20. nope, im talking about actually coding it from scratch, not preconfiguring one, anyone can do that.
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