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Everything posted by newb

  1. newb

    ssh command

    tried it doesnt work: Fatal error: Call to undefined function ssh2_connect() in /var/www/html/test.php on line 47
  2. how can i call an ssh command
  3. wow just realized that the php copy function isnt working at all for some reason.. might but part of the problem...anybody have any idea why?
  4. btw i am using this function atm function copyr($source, $dest){ // Simple copy for a file if (is_file($source)) { $c = copy($source, $dest); chmod($dest, 0777); return $c; } // Make destination directory if (!is_dir($dest)) { $oldumask = umask(0); mkdir($dest, 0755); umask($oldumask); } // Loop through the folder $dir = dir($source); while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) { // Skip pointers if ($entry == "." || $entry == "..") { continue; } // Deep copy directories if ($dest !== "$source/$entry") { copyr("$source/$entry", "$dest/$entry"); } } // Clean up $dir->close(); return true; } copyr('/home/www/www.domain.com/test/','/home/www/www.domain.com/web/test/'); but it is only creating the directory in the destination not copying all the subdirectories or files.
  5. i need a function that can copy a directory and all subdirectories and files inside of it. please help thasnks.
  6. hi, im currently running on a CentOS server with apache and currently using ISPConfig (i cannot afford paying for one of the other control panels). How would i go about setting up my php script to create a subdomain / bind DNS entry based on the information the user has provided.
  7. newb

    root home directory

    thanks, im changing it for ftp.
  8. newb

    root home directory

    how do i change the root users home directory?
  9. how do i change the Configuration File (php.ini) Path location after installation of php
  10. hi i have a vps server that is working fine but i cant seem to get subdomains working on it. for example: *.domain.com will not give me a ping response. i dont know why because ftp.domain.com will give me a ping response and the BIND9 DNS server is up and running. maybe i configured something wrong? please help, thanks.
  11. yeah i know but i was wondering what are the necessary files that need to be configured for this and if its possible for a php script to access it. reason is im trying to start a website in php where people register an account and they get a subdomain like http://myaccount.myspace.com/ for example
  12. is there a function available where i can create subdomains through php? i know this can be done with cPanel + curl but my current UNIX system doesnt have cPanel. any way to do this without it?
  13. apparently i suck at syntax so i need some further assistance. the code im trying to get is $base_url = 'http://$base_url.mysite.com/'; but it keeps giving off an syntax errors '$base_url = \''.http://'.$base_url.'.mysite.com/'."';'."\n\n".' please fix, thanks.
  14. that function is no good to me because it only checks if the webserver is up and running. i want to check if a specific html or other document is on the remote webserver.. thanks for the help though.
  15. file_exists function does not work on remote server locations...
  16. I want to be able to check if a URL is live or not. Basically I want to make a function I can call and supply the URL, and it checks to see if the URL is currently up and running or not. Can this be done in PHP?
  17. u can easily fix this issue with a simple php regex script to add www. infront of all of your links on your website. problem solved.
  18. ur code is flawed. tables are outdated
  19. hmm interesting, ill have to take a look thanks.,
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