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Everything posted by newb

  1. SELECT * FROM db ORDER by column DESC LIMIT 1
  2. is there a function that grabs only part of a string. for example, theres a bunch of text in one string, but i only want the text that says '<b>'. how do i grab it? anyone know?
  3. hmm they appear to work to me, but the only page thats online is the support page. if you try clicking on the other pages (ie: media, faq) it'll display the home page's content instead anyway.
  4. try this <?php include('includes/connnection.inc.php'); $id = $_GET['id']; $q = "SELECT title FROM category JOIN content ON (category.title == content.category_group) WHERE category.id = '{$id}'"; if (@mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query($q))) { echo "You have content with category groups that match the title"; } ?>
  5. SIGH FINE HOWS THIS http://www.chapterblack.com/phpfreak.txt
  6. how is it annoying? its just a link loser lol. id hope so, if it could get sql injected so easily id switch to phpbb3 or smf asap! good to know punbb is secure is good looking.
  7. what about it? its my site i dont have to prove anything rofl. stupid rule imo.
  8. ok so i just put together a site and i need some guys to test its security. let me know if anyone finds any vulnerabilities/exploits in the php, sql injections, or xss etc. its coded in php using the latest version of punbb and grabs information from the forums SQL database. (not too complex) thanks. http://www.chapterblack.com/
  9. yeah its still being worked on (as mentioned above), but thx for the fb.
  10. I've just finished designing the entire site so I thought I'd post it here and share it with you guys. Some things arent finished and are still being worked on (faq page, media page). As a new community, we're looking for some new members who're interested in anime / yu yu hakusho, or just want a place to hangout. So don't hesitate to register. Let me know what you guys think of the design / forum skin as well. Alot of time went into it, thanks. http://www.chapterblack.com/ - main site (implemented/works with the punbb db) http://www.chapterblack.com/forums/ - forum skin
  11. really nice design, but as the previous posters above pointed out, theres several obvious flaws in its programming that need to be sorted out asap. id recommend coding it for xhtml strict.
  12. not bad, but some aspects of the design, such as the buttons and navigation, look really unprofessional.
  13. thanks haku, ur css fix was exactly what i was looking for.
  14. i didnt think it'd be too complex/complicated...im pretty sure ive seen it done on other websites before and they appeared valid. im just trying to get my FAQ page appear so theres a question then an answer like this: 1. question? answer 2. question? answer etc.
  15. that works somewhat. it validates fine when i use the html tidy, but then it skips a number order. the questions go 1 3 5 7 9 13 instead of 1 2 3 4 5 6...
  16. ok so i put the plaintext inside a <li> tag but now it shows up with a number behind it like the <li class="question"> tags. i dont want it to show up with a number or bullet before it, how do i fix it and still have it validated. and transitional doesnt help me, page needs to be strict.
  17. what do you mean? there isnt a single error, theres about 9 different errors i get when i try to validate the code. do a direct input to see what i mean.
  18. so i have this code that im trying to validate in xhtml strict, but ive tried everything and it seems impossible for me to get it correct. it always comes up with an error. any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  19. rofl i thought there would be some prohackers here but seems theres just a bnuch of idiot newbs who cant hack a simple frontpage html site
  20. http://spannj.org/njiccp/ i need to know how secure i made this website to be so give it ur best shot, post wat u come up with here!!
  21. k usually i would be able to fix something like this, but its not as simple as it seems... mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_table WHERE id='$_GET[id]' ORDER BY userid ASC"); that is my php code im having problem with. the problem is that i want the order to go like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 but its going like this instead: 1 10 11 12 13 2 20 21 22 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 how do i fix that?
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