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Everything posted by akitchin

  1. for all we know, several hundred things COULD be wrong with that script, since we have no idea what it does, what it's supposed to do, and therefore what's wrong. we need some guidance. try telling us what it should be doing, what it's doing instead, and/or any PHP errors you're being given.
  2. without seeing the rest of your code (which i can assure you could be cleaner, upon seeing this chunk), here's a suggestion: if ($timediff <= $calcG){ $var_name = 'out_g'; } else if ($timediff > $calcG && $timediff <= $mySL){ $var_name = 'out_y'; } else if ($timediff > $mySL){ $var_name = 'out_r'; } then you can use the variable's name in a variable variable declaration: // this: $out_g = $out_g + $i[$arg_list[2]]; // can now be this: $$var_name += $i[$arglist[2]];
  3. akitchin

    My new car.

    i drive a 2008 silverado (company truck), and some jackass hit me within the first two months of having picked it up. the only way i found out is because a small bit of the back corner was bent inward, and cause the corner of my bed's gate to curl upward when i opened it not too long ago.
  4. you're damning every bioactive material on the planet, then. "All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison."
  5. perhaps it is time to start playing with the timing of the traffic lights and artificially manipulating the population distribution a little bit?
  6. Wow, that was very...brusque. =P Nice way to put it though. well, it just seems like the most obvious conclusion is that it's clearly the fault of the machine and not the connection. i used to have plenty of issues with laggy videos on my older machine for a variety of reasons, all related to the computer itself.
  7. i am going to take exception to this one, if only because it's a silly statement from a scientific standpoint. how do you define "dumber/stupid?" most benchmarks involve speed of recall, speed of analytical processing, ability to form abstract thoughts and see them through, you name it; certainly one of those is "thought process speed." if your thought process slows down, you are functionally dumber than you were earlier. as for actual knowledge retention, there's plenty of evidence that both make you retarded over time and with abuse. this is a point i will 100% agree with you on; the key to curbing the negative effects of any activity is moderation. whether one destroys your intellectual abilities any faster than the other is a completely murky topic, and has so many variables (for one quick one, how do you compare dosimetry of two totally different metabolically active substances? without that, you wouldn't even be able to quantify anything) that it's not even really one worth debating. not many would argue the straight-up physiological effects, "mind" considerations aside. negative physiological effects of cannabis are not exactly common in scientific lit.; most stem from the smoke itself, which is news to no one. ethanol, on the other hand, has a very real impact on the body's physiology. again, news to no one. the fact is, any regulating body were the substance regulated (that is, taxed and for authorized sale only) would make a mint anywhere. i personally see far less possibility of a statistically relevant link between marijuana and violent or malicious criminal activity, not least because you just end up being really effing lazy while high. of course, i also haven't crunched the numbers, and that's just it - none of us have, so all we have to sit on right now is mostly meaningless moral argument. it's funny you mention that, there was quite a bit of discussion in canada recently about this. all i can say is i want to viciously punch the back of the head of that ambiguously ancient lady (is she 50? is she 70? WHO KNOWS?) who wears that terrible fur coat and makes you gasp for air whenever she passes within 20 metres of you because she apparently bathes in chanel after her afternoon harlequin reading session. you all know the one. there's one in every urban centre.
  8. your "least fastest" machine is a POS, perhaps?
  9. does something about this line look funny to you? $HTML .= "</form>" hint: that's the line directly above line 71. if the error is on line 71, that most likely means the ACTUAL error (when something is unexpected) is one character before that line.
  10. strtotime() returns a UNIX timestamp, which is a measure of time in seconds since 1970. therefore if you take the difference of the two dates, you get the number of second between them. there are 60*60*24 seconds in a day (60s in a min, 60min in an hr, 24hrs in a day), or 86400. essentially dividing by 86400 gives you the number of days between the dates (to which you must add 1 to land at the end date).
  11. a statement sure to make its way into economics and political science textbooks.
  12. i would like to point out that a recession isn't just a recession because people are playing into it. it has a specific definition, which is commonly two or more consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.
  13. my guess is that there's a filesize issue. is that the entire code? what does the HTML form look like?
  14. you're going to have to give us more than that. what problem, specifically, are you having? will the form not submit? do you receive an error message? does it just show up blank? does it say it worked, but the file doesn't appear in the folder?
  15. the short answer is no, unless you put both values into the value attribute of the one checkbox. alternatively, you can manually specify the index of the element(s) so that you have a structured array sent back to you: <input name="modulename[0][0]" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $row_Recordset2['Module name']; ?>" /> <input name="modulename[0][1]" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $row_Recordset2['Scheduled']; ?>" /> <input name="modulename[1][0]" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $row_Recordset2['Module name']; ?>" /> <input name="modulename[1][1]" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $row_Recordset2['Scheduled']; ?>" /> although to be honest, it's not clear what you're trying to achieve. a bit more explanation might be in order if this doesn't help you.
  16. the mysql manual is your friend: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/control-flow-functions.html it might be faster for you to simply run two queries: in the first, set all page_defaults to 0, then update only the row with the given page_id to have page_default of 1.
  17. it was either cracked or ars technica. given the humour, it was probably the "7 worst video game sins" or something like that on cracked.
  18. that is, assuming the statistic isn't "number of totally badass people in the world." in that case i'd like to become a statistic.
  19. my favourite comment in an article discussing lag/video performance issues in console games (with regards to the one system with one set of hardware) was this: it's like giving us an L-shaped condom; you know what we're working with.
  20. it is, in the variables section. is there any particular reason you want to find it in the manual, despite understanding how it works?
  21. when used on a string, the index notation refers to the character in that string. 'e' is the 5th character in the string, which is index 4 (since indexes start at 0). $string[0] would be 'a', etc.
  22. or even website critique, although probably not as closely as beta test.
  23. have you tried looking at what's in $row? is it putting anything into that variable?
  24. i'm a fairly big fan of mezzanine and 100th window, even though the latter isn't technically all of them. they also did a pretty good soundtrack for danny the dog.
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