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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. If you want to do that you'll have to use something like file_get_contents. You'll need to make your quantifiers lazy though. Otherwise you'll get problems with something like this: <script>foo</script> don't remove this <script>bar</script>
  2. That flag (SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY) was only added in PHP 5.2.0 so you cannot use it with your 5.1.1 I'm afraid. Seems the documentation needs to note when this (and a couple others) were first introduced. So get to it then
  3. ????? PROFIT!
  4. Did you try it? Why would he want to use str_split()?
  5. You can't, but it was closed as "Bogus".
  6. Sticky topics in PHP Help are obviously not supposed to be asking for help. That would be pointless. Seeing as no staff member has got around to stickying this yet, I'll just do it.
  7. I've never heard of him, but who forces you to listen to his music anyway? If he is popular, then obviously someone likes him. Each to his/her own. Why do you even care about what kind of music other people like listening to?
  8. I once read it
  9. Use set_error_handler to catch the errors.
  10. You aren't developing on the live site right? Get a development site or develop on your local computer. That will allow you to display errors when developing, but hide them in production. Your error handling still sucks though. Have you ever seen any serious website just display a blank page with "E2020" on it when an error occurs?
  11. Run it from the command line and make sure that you give it enough memory.
  12. Turn off display_errors and then implement some real error handling once you've done that. By the way, you do realize that you've just publicly published the information you're trying to hide, right?
  13. The IRC server doesn't start automatically on boot. The only person left who has access to the server is Eric. Don't expect it to come online for a while.
  14. No. Instead, I propose we all ignore people who think they're more important than everybody else.
  15. Oh, my post was a response to Neil.
  16. Deprecating the working volenteered staff structure further. Guru and PFR have never been considered staff. Read the stickies... For the record, I still have the same permissions on the forums that I had before. You can consider that a warning. Stop trolling the forums.
  17. Has anyone ever read those? Just because you have a habit of not reading rules, stickies and other important information doesn't mean nobody else do...
  18. You can get commercial support from Canonical, RedHat and Novell as well...
  19. Call the CGI binary instead of the CLI binary. This is usually called php-cgi The CLI SAPI won't output headers. It simply doesn't apply in that context.
  20. printf('%08d', $an_result + 1);
  21. I think Eric stores his email in /dev/null though
  22. You can't. It's restricted to staff only.
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