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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Yes, it's because PHP is not an ECMAScript language so naturally it does not support ECMAScript for XML... What exactly do you want?
  2. That would be handy. I read somewhere (and may be wrong) that Python determines blocks of code by the four-space method instead of using braces. Is that true? Like you would have something like if (condition) do this and this and then this end if or something to that effect. If i didn't have an editor like that, it'd drive me nuts. I may have misread that info though. Python does use indention for that purpose, but what you use to indent doesn't matter as long as you are consistent. You could use one space, two spaces, three spaces, a tab, etc. - it really doesn't matter as long as you don't mix it up.
  3. Why would you learn it using ActionScript 2 when 3 is the latest version?
  4. Those stats are hardly accurate: You could look at another website's log files and the figures could/would be much different.
  5. There are various ways you could do that. If you are using the MVC pattern then you would probably have a search action in your respective controllers. It's a UML class diagram, but seeing as the diagram depicts models you are partially right that it is also a database schema.
  6. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/basic-pagination
  7. The PHP closing tag is technically only necessary if you need something after the PHP block. An argument for omitting it is that you will prevent any accidental whitespace after which will interfere with things that are dependent on that no output has been sent yet (headers for instance). Such things can be incredibly difficult to debug.
  8. But you need a program that can read the exe file. No. It's getting compiled into machine code which the computer can understand.
  9. Yes. If you include it from within the class then you should be within the scope of that class and $this should consequently be available to you.
  10. When you ask people who to do something then it will always be helpful to give information about your system. Go into php.ini and find a line like extension=php_mysql.dll and check if there is a semi-colon in front of it. If there is, remove it, save and restart Apache.
  11. You probably haven't enabled the mysql extension. Check php.ini
  12. Include the file within a class or eval the code. In that way you'll be able to access $this for whatever object the file is called within.
  13. You still have the problem with the cookies.
  14. @The Little Guy: Care to read all his posts? What you are saying doesn't make sense in the context. hopelessX is looking at providing Virtual Private Servers, not shared hosting.
  15. Tom will enter in a moment and say "I prefer git"
  16. WinFS was dropped a long time ago. A shame I think...
  17. Whether accessing this site during work hours or from school depends on your point of view. As an administrator I'm one of the few people who have access to the server. Even within the admin ranks server access is further restricted. If I'd brought my laptop with me to school and I discovered a problem then it would be pointless to wait up to eight hours before I get home again. However, I never bring my laptop unless I need it for a very specific purpose.
  18. Vista uses NTFS. Also, the Vista installer gives you a partition manager.
  19. Visualize a ladder. The higher you climb on the ladder, the richer the user experience. On the bottom of the ladder you have HTML, you have the raw unformatted content. If you climb a little higher then you will reach CSS and your content will now be formatted and look really nice. Climb even higher and you will reach Javascript will define behavior for your content. That is how those three things are often separated into layers. The first one being the content layer, the second being the presentation layer and the third one being the behavioral layer. If you just have the content layer then it will work for the user; s/he can read the content. If you add the second layer then you will style it and the consequently get a richer user experience. Add the last layer and the user will be able to interact with the content (because you added behavior to it) and s/he will get an even richer experience. In your instance this behavior would be whatever AJAX technique you are looking to implement. The reason why you would code if for both Javascript on and off is that you cannot rely on having Javascript on. Some might use a browser that does not support it (e.g. lynx) or they may deliberately turn it off. You shouldn't lock those users out so you should make the page work for them as well. The result is just that they will not benefit from the last layer. As an example of Javascript's richness, try to use Gmail in the default mode (i.e. Javascript) and then in basic mode (HTML-only). I'm sure you will find the Javascript enabled one much better.
  20. Any reason why you can't just use PHP?
  21. AJAX and PHP sockets. As a matter of fact, I'm writing a tutorial about it at the moment.
  22. Home. However, if I bring my laptop somewhere else I might access it from that place (using the laptop) as well.
  23. One thing that has always struck me as odd is that their HTML is total crap and there is CSS and Javascript all over it. If they properly coded it and separated HTML, CSS and Javascript then they would save a lot of bandwidth seeing as it could be cached by the client.
  24. Yeah I did it. I didn't bother giving a reason.
  25. Uh... I think you miss the point... You develop it with whitespace and comments and upon deployment you "pack" it. Real world example (jQuery): Unpacked: 97 kB Packed: 30 kB Difference: 67 kB On a 256 kbps connection that amounts to approximately 2 seconds. Also, imagine you get 1000 hits per day. That's 65 MB/day or 1.9 GB/month saved. If you gzip the file then the size will come down to 16 kB and then you will have saved 81 kB per request or 2.3 GB/month with the 1000 hits per day mentioned before.
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