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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. You cannot really test it. It's merely a way of telling them to not crawl your site. They don't have to abide, but the vast majority does.
  2. Send a header like this: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=whatever.mp4
  3. Yes they can, but you can tell the spiders to not index your pages using a robots.txt file. User-agent: * Disallow: / See: http://www.robotstxt.org/
  4. Try to post some sample data from your database.
  5. Did you try? You can use both absolute and relative paths.
  6. Just escape the string. If you're using PDO, use prepared statements. If you're using the mysql extension, use mysql_real_escape_string().
  7. That there was an error in your query. It seems to be this part: $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM ac_users WHERE username=$email"; Unless the username is numeric, you'll have to enclose the value in quotes, i.e. $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM ac_users WHERE username='$email'";
  8. Why would you remove the entities? You can use html_entity_decode() if you want to though.
  9. The query probably failed.
  10. You already posted that question here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,193145.0.html
  11. Well... MySQL must return an error try to change it to: or die("Query Failed: " . mysql_error());
  12. It has to be $this->cssdisplay()
  13. What does the error message say?
  14. There is a constant which does it: __LINE__ http://php.net/manual/en/language.constants.predefined.php
  15. I believe that's how it's quite often done.
  16. It seems that setting the font size to a percentage has a downside. Nested quotes are becoming increasingly more small... I'll see what I can do about that. Edit: Should be better now.
  17. Sure, it's both easier to read and it looks nicer. I'll consider changing it. We only use SCP and SSH. It's more secure.
  18. Wouldn't the $movie_leadactor and $movie_director variable be set when the query: SELECT * FROM movie is executed? That does get called in the while loop: while ($rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) Thanks so much for the replies. Am I totally misunderstanding this? No. They would be indexes of the $rows array. I.e. $rows['movie_leadactor'] and $rows['movie_director'].
  19. Every class which is not yet defined would have its name passed to the autoloader. In my example it would because all classes and interfaces are laid out in a specific directory pattern based on the name of the class, therefore it "knows" where a specific class or interface should be located on the disk.
  20. Am I correct in believing that if the file looks like this: 6701001 6701231 6701343 then you want an array which looks like this? $array = array(6701001, 6701231, 6701343); That will turn the file into an array so to speak.
  21. The difference is the level of error that will occur if the file doesn't exist. include() and include_once() gives a warning whereas require() and require_once() gives a fatal error. A warning allows the script to continue, but a fatal error would stop the execution.
  22. Check out this post: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,191541.0.html It might help you with that.
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