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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. He's talking about a setting in php.ini which you can change.
  2. Heh... you'd never ever see me trying to convince people to use IE but that is more because it lacks support for standards, isn't cross-platform and because it's preinstalled on the worlds largest OS which makes some people believe that IE = The Internet.
  3. No you didn't, but according to your definition of copying Firefox has copied as well which nullifies your argument. Everybody copies each other and copying each other is (to a certain extent) good in my opinion. I totally agree. That it works and works fast is important for me as well. Eye candy comes after that. From what I can tell FF3 seems noticeably faster than FF2. Both page rendering and the GUI itself seems faster. I haven't noticed many GUI changes other than the bookmarks and the download manager (which is now finally supposed to be able to have resumable downloads). I've only just installed it a couple of hours ago though. Now I'm just waiting for all my plugins to be compatible with FF3. Of the plugins I use only one is compatible with FF3, Adblock Plus. The remainder is disabled when I'm using FF3.
  4. Amen to that. M$ is trying to steal/copy some of the awesomeness of Firefox (such as Firefox's awesome tabbed browsing capability), but they will never be more then bad posers. Firefox was not the first browser to introduce tabbed browsing... IBrowse was the first to have it in 1999. Opera was before Firefox with the tabs as well (they had it first time in 2000). Also, I hardly think you can call it copying.
  5. For an example of what you need to do go the the link I posted above. See the example called "Example 2285. Socket example: Simple TCP/IP client" on that page. This is sort of what you need to do. The request you send should obviously be changed to whatever your server (the one written with some sort of .NET technology) accepts.
  6. You can use the socket functions for that.
  7. I think it's quite easy - at least in PHP5. http://php.net/simplexml
  8. Yes, you can read about it here: http://php.net/scandir You'll need PHP5, if you don't have that then you can do the same with a combination of opendir(), readdir() and closedir() though.
  9. I actually think you'll have to do an apt-get dist-upgrade (or aptitude dist-upgrade if you prefer aptitude like me) to upgrade the distribution instead of just the normal package upgrade. I might be wrong though.
  10. Hmmm.. i have got 5.10 version and downloading will take ages for me You can request a free CD shipped to you
  11. First of all, Cross Site Scripting is called XSS You can set it to store the session id using a cookie on the client side, in that way you should be able to keep users logged in when they've closed their browser. XSS vulnerabilities are typically where it is possible to inject arbitrary Javascript code (e.g. using a URL or a post form) which enables a user to execute malicious code - this could for example lead to grabbing the session id. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_fixation and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XSS
  12. scandir() tells you what is in a directory: files, folders, links If you save that information somewhere then when you use scandir() again you can compare the results.
  13. Sure, just check what is in it and store that information, then if you wish to check if something has been deleted or added then you just check again and compare the old info with the new info.
  14. No, but you can make PHP do what you call .htaccess authentication. See: http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.http-auth.php Actually it isn't the .htaccess file that does the authentication, you just tell the webserver to send certain headers which the browser will respond to with an authentication dialog, but you can read about that in the link above (I think, but it does say how to do so with PHP nonetheless).
  15. You just need to turn it on. Go to Profile -> Look and Layout Preferences and turn it on.
  16. Hmm... I figured you'd ask that. I should perhaps have just bothered to explain it. Something like this: <?php $quizxml = <<<EOF <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?> <quiz> <questions> <question> <q>How do you feel right now?</q> <choices> <choice> <text>Great</text> <response>I feel great too!</response> </choice> <choice> <text>Sick</text> <response>Maybe tomorrow you will feel better.</response> </choice> <choice> <text>Depressed</text> <response>I'm so sorry.</response> </choice> </choices> </question> </questions> </quiz> EOF; $quiz = new SimpleXMLElement($quizxml); foreach($quiz->questions->question as $question) { echo "<h1>{$question->q}</h1>\n<ul>\n"; foreach($question->choices->choice as $choice) { echo "\t<li>\n\t\t<strong>{$choice->text}</strong><br />\n\t\tResponse: {$choice->response}\n\t</li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; } ?>
  17. Since when will posting incorrect information help the person who doesn't understand it?
  18. In fact, if you are able to make an algorithm that creates truly random numbers then you're better than everybody on this forum. If you're able to do that then I think the NSA might have a job for you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_number_generator#.22True.22_random_numbers_vs._pseudo-random_numbers
  19. You'll risk a hash collision if you trim the output of the MD5 function.
  20. ini_set('smtp', "mail.mydomain.com"); ini_set('smtp_port', 25); Note that these settings are only relevant in Windows.
  21. Use 'smtp' and 'smtp_port' (strings) instead unless you have defined constants named like that which holds the values.
  22. Well, he could type it in and show it correctly in the first screenshot, so it isn't his computer. Check that you output it in utf8 in screenshot 2.
  23. I'd format the question like this: <question> <q>How do you feel right now?</q> <choices> <choice> <text>Great</text> <response>I feel great too!</response> </choice> <choice> <text>Sick</text> <response>Maybe tomorrow you will feel better.</response> </choice> <choice> <text>Depressed</text> <response>I'm so sorry.</response> </choice> </choices> </question> (you might want to call it something else than "text" though, I just couldn't think of anything better). This makes more sense to me and then you can just parse it "normally".
  24. Actually $var[] = something will append to an array. The array should exist before doing so or it will result in an E_NOTICE.
  25. Yes, but the object has to be created before it can used, so if you have to object called $fetch then you can't use it.
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