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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. It is called breadcrumbs. It is has its name from the fairytale "Hansel and Gretel" where the two children left a trail of breadcrumbs in order to retrace their steps. So are the visitors on your page with breadcrumbs. It shows the path to the current page.
  2. for($i=0; $i<7; $i++=) { // do stuff } will do something seven times.
  3. 'IP_ADDRESS' => $perm==1 ? $ip_address : null, It is using the ternary operator.
  4. Store some information in the database about the session. Each time the user loads a page on your site you'll then update a timestamp. Just check on each request if the session is still valid.
  5. Sounds pretty cool. Sort of similar to CV's "vision", although not quite the same.
  6. Take a look here:
  7. It gives me 127 errors...
  8. $filename = "KSM_".date('dmyHis')."txt";
  9. It would be in the MySQL section near the bottom. It says something with users.
  10. Try vertical-align in the div then.
  11. That isn't possible in PHP. The object must be assigned to a variable first.
  12. Definitely number 3.
  13. Congratulations.
  14. Daniel0

    FF error

    Try setting the height to 100% in the box that is too "short" (the one saying "Client Area").
  15. Try #area img { position: absolute; bottom: 0px; }
  16. I don't really like popup windows (be it advertisements or something you requested (e.g. the full size of an image)). Therefore do I prefer the lightbox. It also looks nicer.
  17. I think it should have been: $pattern = '/\[quote\].*\[\/quote]/';
  18. This is a result of trying to use an undefined variable (quite self-explanatory though). It could occur in the following examples: <?php $i++; // $i was not previously defined, but will still be defined as 1 now. Gives an E_NOTICE //... $names[] = "Daniel"; // $names was not defined, but it will be defined as an array with one key holding the value 'Daniel' now. Gives an E_NOTICE as well ?> Either ignore the errors and turn E_NOTICEs of or try to fix them.
  19. We'd probably need some code in order to help you out
  20. Why did you bump this to give the same answer as the two replies before you?
  21. Yes you can: <input type='text' style='width: 100%;' /> Note that ToonMariner said style. That means to use either a stylesheet or the style attribute.
  22. You could also crack the password: http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/ OR ask the person who has the password what it is.
  23. I wasn't aware that any PC fully supporting vista unless you want to run vista by itself (it doesn't play nice with others) Techie trick #2 If you have WinXP.. Get a Win2000 CD and goto recovery console.. ooow no password required.. now CD %SystemRoot%\System32 rename logon.scr logon.old copy cmd.exe logon.scr reboot wait for screen saver io mean command prompt now net user Administrator letmein if this part fails do the following start explorer.exe now you should be logged in as System EDIT: To make your system less vulnerable to this type of hack, you should disable logon.scr from loading at bootup. This can be done with a registry edit: HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop For the value screensaver.exe, change it to none and set the value ScreenSaverActive to No. Or just take your WinXP cd and boot into recovery mode (or whatever it is called), then run the net user command from there to change the password.
  24. um... I knew Windows was insecure, but I wasn't aware that it reached that far. In some versions of Windows XP it doesn't ask for a password for 'Administrator'. It doesn't even tell you it is there as it is hidden, though in Windows XP Home it is disabled when not in safe-mode. It did ask for a password when I installed the Media Center Edition version on my computer though.
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