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Everything posted by Hybride

  1. body { background-image: url(images/header.png), url(images/line.png), url(images/line.png); background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat-y, repeat-y; background-position: top center, 187px, 833px 250px; Ok, if this is just a border, you have two options, depending on which way this is going. The first is the background way, in which you'd create a background image (which includes both lines) of your border and in this case, repeat-y. (The following is the shorthand version.) body { background: url(images/line.png) repeat-y top center} Or, if this is a container, you can create a div box. <div style="border:1px solid orange"> </div> I hard-coded the div's style, but you would move the code into your external CSS file. And try doing: <div id="oline"> </div> ("&nbsp" is non-breaking space, or, just a space.) If that doesn't work, try adding some text into the div to see if something renders.
  2. You can go <table style="float:right"></table> for just the one table you want to float.
  3. What is your entire preg_match statement? The error goes down to that the regex had nothing to match against.
  4. Hybride


    Have you tried looking at floats? div.lefthand { float:left; width:400px; height:70px; background-color:#000099; color:#0066FF; } div.righthand { float:right; width:100%; height:50px; background-color:#0066FF; color:white; }
  5. If you're asking for when the search is empty in one column, then: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id=2 AND ISNULL([columnname]); If it's not null, then: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id=2 AND NOT ISNULL([columnname]); Please describe better next time what you are looking for.
  6. Your MySQL statement is wrong. $sql = "select * from behan WHERE 1 order by total_value DESC"; What is "WHERE 1"? It has to be equal to something, such as id=1, name=1, etc., etc.
  7. You need a result type after the $rs_settings, which you have an option of 3: MYSQL_ASSOC, MYSQL_NUM, and MYSQL_BOTH. MySQL_fetch_array. <?php while ($row_settings = mysql_fetch_array($rs_settings,MYSQL_BOTH)) { //for example?>
  8. Your page requires a wrapper container then, with the logo within the wrapper. And why is your div container in the actual CSS? I am assuming you're doing a 2-column page, so 2 Column fluid CSS.
  9. Arrays start at 0, not at 1. So your $example1 = $example[1]; is actually $example1 = $example[0]; I would do a print_r of the $example to see if anything is actually being found by the preg_match_all to begin with.
  10. There are a lot of factors involving choosing a shopping cart. What language is your site written in? Are you looking for a commercial or free shopping cart? Is it part of a CMS or is it your own site? Those kinds of things. When you figure that out, then it's just a matter of research.
  11. Comparing the original versus yours, you removed some of the margin/padding resets in some cases (such as the #topmenu, #topmenu li), which would be affecting the code placement. And also, never design for IE first, always FF/Opera/Chrome, then you go back and fix the code for IE. They have much stricter, proper restraints when it comes to designing CSS-wise, and IE often implements the CSS commands differently than the other browsers.
  12. Without the script, there's no way of knowing what's "exactly" wrong with the code. However, an upgraded FF browser may not view the same as the browser you built for (so FF1 or 2 would not look exact as on 3, due to new CSS constraints, etc.).
  13. So what's the code, and what's wrong with it that you're not getting the desired results?
  14. Please use the proper code tags next time when you post code, thanks. Is that all of the code? What about the actual form?
  15. If you have a file that has all the header information that you want (including the picture), you can create a template page and include the file with PHP. <?php include "header.php"; ?> That way, you have the header file all in one location, and only need to add/edit anything with regards to the header in that one file.
  16. Do you have any data in the table so it actually loads?
  17. You could use a regular expression (preg_match_all/replace, depending on what you want) to remove the <image></image> part in $image[$i]. For the actual XML, you could use SimpleXML. Example 2 looks like what you're trying to do.
  18. If you're planning on doing a load of link scraping, I'd suggest a database rather than a file. However, you still have to remove all those excess coding (such as the href="javascript...") and just save the URLs themselves. After that, a loop would be helpful to go back in and crawl the rest of those pages.
  19. You can try figuring out how you want to split up the variable - is it with spaces, some character (+,-,=,!,etc). If you have any code to show, we might be able to help, but your request is extremely vague. Try looking up: Str_Split; if you want to use regular expressions, there's preg_split; or if you use an array, you can try explode.
  20. Please use the php/code tags next time. I briefly glanced over, and this stuck out: for ($x=0;$x<$record_count;$x=$x+$per_page) { if ($start!=$x) echo " <href='pagination.php?start=$x'>$i</a> "; else echo " <a href='pagination.php?start=$x'><b>$i</b> "; $i++; } The first line was missing an "a" echo " <a href='pagination.php?start=$x'>$i</a> "; and the second was missing a closing tag echo " <a href='pagination.php?start=$x'><b>$i</b> </a> ";
  21. W3 School's CSS or CSS Tutorial.net. You'll have to show more of your code - we can help, but only if you try yourself first.
  22. Scrollbar properties are proprietary standards of Microsoft - they will only work in Internet Explorer.
  23. #nav1,#nav2,#nav3 { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 252px; padding-top: 292px; } #nav1 { background: url(images/pic_1.jpg) no-repeat; } #nav2{ background: url(images/pic_2.jpg) no-repeat; } #nav3{ background: url(images/pic_3.jpg) no-repeat;} Like that. You can always group the ids/classes together, and change the rest in their own sections.
  24. Don't use absolute positioning for that - it does exactly what it says, absolutely positions the div container, and does not become fluid on the resolution. Removing them should get rid of the problem (and then changing the top/lefts, as those are absolutes). And using "text-align:center" is best in the body{} tags then using a "text-align:left" in your div to align the text left.
  25. (Someone can correct me if am wrong), but I usually put in a clear:both in a tag and put it above the footer. <div style="clear:both"> </div> <div id="footer">...</div> That usually does it for me. If not, you may have to move in your footer one </div> tag above.
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