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Everything posted by Salis

  1. I see what you're saying but, there will be some pages that I may want an elevated PowerLevel User to accesss. Each article is saved in the DBase, along with who posted it, when it was posted, the posters IP and what Powerlevel can access it. Some pages may be members only other may be for Admin Only. I also plan on using a script similar to this for a forum. I like to design for simple modifications as well. There have been times where I had to re-write whole scripts for the most stupid reasons. But I'm hoping that this $UMS and $MPRS make life much easier.
  2. The User PowerLevels comes from the database when they login. The only way I can see them changing this is by SQL Injection (Which I clean any way) or if they some how manage to access the DBase on my server. I've also added a script to check if the login came from my domain as well. If not no access for them.
  3. I'm about security on my site. My goal is to create a MySQL and DBase driven site. I also want people to register and post their work. (It's a multimedia website for flash, photoshop drawings etc.) Any way I've been working on a session script that I hope is secure. I'm not the best php coder I know that. But I started php about 6 months ago. <?php session_start(); $UMS = $_SESSION['UserMS']; define("6F13E6",true); @require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/php/required/SiteVars.php"); // Article 0 is the "Welcom To Vx-FX" or "Browse Articles" article, I haven't decided $AID = (is_numeric($_GET['article'])) ? $_GET['article'] : 0; $SQLClass = new SQLClass; $MPRS = $SQLClass->GetMPRs($AID); // User/Guest PowerLevel vs Minimium Page Requirement System if( !$UMS['PowerLevel'] >= $MPRS['PowerLevel'] ) { header("Location: $Error403"); } else { if( $UMS['LoggedIn'] || $UMS['Time4Expire'] > time() ) { session_destroy(); header("Location: $LoginPage"); } else { //Every thing is good.. Post/upload/comment code here. } } ?> About $UMS and $MPRS: $UMS -> User Management System This includes: PowerLevel; 0 = Guest - No power at all execpt to browse the site. 1 = Member - Allowed to post comments and upload images. 2 = Moderator - All of 0 and 1 but with the ability to edit posts and delete images. 3 = Admin - All poweres of 0 - 2 with the power to edit accounts of lesser power. 4 = Super Admin/Owner - What ever the heck they want to do. (Basically only me) Username; Name of the logged in member USSID; User Session ID LoggedIn; Value is 'true' if logged is other wise 'false'. 'false' by default Time4Expire; Set time till expire. Once value is greater than time() then the user is logged out. ================================================================================ $MPRS -> Minimium Page Requirement System This includes: PowerLevel; The required User Power Level to access the page of equal or grater power AllowComment; If 'true' members and post comments. Default is 'false'
  4. I don't really have the need to go back to DVD format. I never use the menu or scene selection any way. I have have quite a few codecs including divx and xvid. I'm just not sure what programs are used to rip the DVDs. Also, I don't really want several files for 1 move. I would like 1 file for 1 move. Thanks
  5. I'm looking to backup my DVDs to my computer, but the problem is, I have 13 movies and well 13 * 8GB +- is 104GB 1/3 of my total storage space (though I plan on upgrading to 1-1.5TB) Any who I've hear about movies being ripped and compressed to about 500 or so MB. Does anyone know of any good software what can do this? I really don't want to rip my movie collection if takes up 100+ GB. Any ideas?
  6. Seriously?! 1,000,000 hits in one month off $20?! In some cases hits and view are more important than registration, in my mind any way. Are there plans with Adwords? I mean, you're paying $20 a month you said, so naturally you only get so many clicks right. So are there plans for advertising, like $40 for so and so, $100 for so and so?
  7. I too have been working on a forum.. It sucks to say the least (my forum that is), but I've written guest books and DBase driven blog programs for the web. I don't think anyone intends to reinvent any thing. I think it's more for the feeling that you were who design the forums on your site, or that guest book that has 1000+ "Hey cool site man!" posts. I find it to be a challenge. Especially if you're the only one who's coding the forum. There is definitely a level of satisfaction when it's complete..
  8. It really depends on how much you want to spend. The deeper your pockets the better advertisement. Google ads are all over the web, so that may not hurt. Also remember to place keywords in your <meta> tags. This will help with search engines.. so yeah
  9. Salis


    I like http://proxyweb.net/ personally but I'm sure there are better ones... (Rarely need to use it unless Work blocks a DNS)
  10. Isn't that sort'a contradicting? Any way another idea is, if you're registered on forums maybe place a link in your sig. I'll probably be shot down for that, but every little counts
  11. You also have to remember that Windows is paranoid too. If it's Windows XP Pro, set up a permission for that program and "Run As Administrator" if Windows XP Home right click -> "Run As Administrator". Same goes for Windows Vista and as for Windows ME or anything older..... upgrade... Usually if you have some code in the program that resembles a WORM or Virus then Windows will tend to block it, (if security settings/programs are enabled)
  12. You'll need to know the location of the bat file but this is it: Example move c:\Users\SomeUser\Desktop\FileToMove.File %windir%\system32\ move [File To Move] [File Moved Here]
  13. Hmmm..... This is something to think about.
  14. Well if you have 5 images that you are going upload you may forget what is what. There are 2 input fields for the user, the Image then a Description for the Image. People can better describe something when looking at it, so if they browse for an image they wish to upload, it's displayed on the web page for them to describe. I understand that not every one would need this, but for those who would it's all ready there for them. There have been times where I wish some web sites had this.
  15. I'm working on the gallery now of my website and one idea I had is that before you upload you image it's displayed on the page. I'll be using the file type form input. So I'm wondering, if through JS or something, with out reloading the page or uploading to my server, is there a way so the user can see the image before they upload? Thanks
  16. No... lol that works. Thanks KrisNz this helps a lot. So yeah... who thinks there needs to be less php functions...... I do for one...
  17. Ah found it: You missing a ; . "\n" @mail($pfw_email_to, $pfw_subject ,$pfw_message ,$pfw_header ) ; Should be: . "\n"; @mail($pfw_email_to, $pfw_subject ,$pfw_message ,$pfw_header ) ;
  18. I've tried your code and it works, though It's pulling the keywords from my site. Again really don't know mych of any thing when it comes to preg_match, but is there a way that if "description" matches then it reads the content? Also, any good tutorials on preg_match? Every thing I find is not so helpful... Thanks again!
  19. Actually I hit submit then read your code. I get Fatal error: Call to undefined function: text_between_array() in *************** on line 29 Opps, underscores.... OK tried the code but it returns the Title. I can all ready get that. Or can I change something in here to read the description?
  20. Well, first vx-fx.com is my web site I'm building. My goal is to read the description meta tag. I need to get the description of that page for a URL Snipper tool that I'll be adding to my site. It works like this, or at least this is the idea. Say a member has a few web sites they like to goto or wants to share stuff they found on line with the community, well they would copy the url. They would fill out an alternative title and description just in case the page did have one. Then once they submit the URL a PHP script would access that page and read the <title></title> and <meta name="description" content="" /> tags. As you can see, so far the script for reading the title works, but I'm not too great with preg_match at all and barley understand it (even after reading a few tutorials). So I need find <meta name="description" content="" /> then read content=""
  21. I'll tell ya, I'm all ways working on something. My latest project is reading the Title and Description for a given web page. But I hit a snag.. I'm having a little problem reading the Description... My code for reading the Title: <?php $Handle = fopen('http://vx-fx.com/', 'r'); $File_Read = fread($Handle, 4096); if( preg_match("@<title>(.*)</title>@",$File_Read, $mTitle) ) { echo $mTitle[1]; } ?> Reading the title was easy but as I thought, the description has the same tag/value thing as key words. I'm assuming I need to preg_match for http-equiv="description" then some how get the value for content="" Any ideas? Thanks every one.
  22. It really is a personal preference. I went with Visual Basic for Windows Applications. And actually M$ has free versions of their professional programming software Visual Studios. Visual Studios Express Edition
  23. I'm sure some of you have been to sites where the captcha is so distorted that we as humans can even figure out. Oh boy, I can't wait to see these sites use this.... It's bad enough when I have to enter my email, password then a distorted jumble letters and numbers.... 20 seconds to enter user validation information? No thanks. I actually like a simple math problem "What does 1 plus 2 equal?" No spam yet....
  24. I've used SmartFTP (Till I bought Vista <- IT WORKS....) But since then I've switched over to FireFTP which I like a lot. I have XAMPP as my testing server, Dreamweaver as my editor, then I just upload using FireFTP to my web site. Been doing this for a few months and I've had no trouble. I like the fact that I have an FTP "program" in my browser. Combined with PortableApps I can edit my site from just about any where I go. Works for me! All IMO
  25. Man I love this game! I've owned a copy for a good 6 or 7 years. Actually 2 copies, first one my brother broke (came with out POS Gateway). Any way, even though 1TB will cost only what, $350 if that or you can pick up a single Hitachi 1TB for $400, I don't like installing what I don't have to. So I'm wondering if there is a way to install AOE 2 and TCE (The Conquerors Expansion) on a single CD/DVD? A Live Disc if you will. I would rather Run the game off my CD with installing it, Basically Tray N Play Any ideas?
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