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Posts posted by 11Tami

  1. I found something and that does work for what I needed here. With all the 1000's of little tricks out there, you know that someone else might be able to help, and just one persons opinion doesn't always make it so.  Please let me post and let others respond on their own, they might have my answer. Give your opinion without ridiculing me, then let others give theirs. If no one can help me, I'll try something else. Please don't follow me around. Thanks.
  2. Regarding the php, this is one of the better ajax articles I read but it didn't say how to make something viewable in the source code. [url=http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/schalk-ajax.html]http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/schalk-ajax.html [/url] Instead of carrying the text or xml in the form of a javascript onload function or similar. Where you can only read it on the page and not in the source. How can I get it to the div source instead? Thanks a lot Alpine.
  3. Thank you very, very much for that! You don't know how glad I am to see you, I have looked through so many web pages or weeks without finding anything much about dividers and ajax. I hope you can please help me with some few more minor issues with this, then I'll be on my way, and send you some gifts for your help.

    Right now a page elsewhere is being inserted into the div.

    Lets see if I can explain what I need properly. Before you posted I don't know if I made myself very clear. I need to be able to manipulate just a divider with ajax. This is the opposite of what most people use ajax for but with a similar technique so I don't know why it shouldn't work. For instance, an external javascript function would be elsewhere.
    Ajax would go to the server to connect to just the javascript function. The external javascript with ajax access would manipulate the divider so that anything in the divider would be on a timer. Thats pretty much it really.  Thanks.

  4. [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,115581.0.html][/url]
    For this Ajax link above, "A basic Start and working example" its fantastic for what it does.

    I need to know how to manipulate the div only, using javascript. The example puts text into the divs and a lot more. If javascript and ajax can put text into divs, how can I get it to concentrate on the div id only? Once I know that I can figure out I can figure out the rest of it thanks to the example. Do you use getElementByID somehow with the div id name? Anyone who writes ajax and manipulates text into divs etc. should know. No one in the javascript forums know, because they don't have to learn about it, because many of them don't seem to do ajax much. If anyone knows please tell me. Thanks.
  5. Thank you very much, it looks like my email php is missing something then. For instance.

    $formurl = "http://mywebsite.com/formpage.html" ;//The address of my page with the form and fields on it.<br />
    $email = $_POST['email'] ;//The email address of the person filling out the form.<br />
    if (!isset($_POST['email'])) { header( "Location: $formurl" ); exit ; }
    I don't understand what the above "if" command is supposed to do regarding the formurl and the email.

    But even as importantly, there seems to be something missing with the http_referrer.
    This is how it looks in my php email form.
    $http_referrer = getenv( "HTTP_REFERER" );
    But there is no "if" statement for this saying if the form isn't being sent from my site
    there should be an error or an exit. Does someone have anything to go it that I can use? I already looked at the php manual with no luck. Please let me know, Tami.
  6. I thought ajax was so you could refresh the whole page without all the usual that goes along with it. Didn't know it could refresh just part of a page.

    To refresh just part of a page with ajax, does the part getting refreshed have to be surrounded in javascript? In other words can the javascript and ajax refresh a portion elsewhere on the page? By calling it by divider id or something? Please let me know, and thanks for all the input Ober.

  7. Thanks Ober, working on it but need more time. In the meantime this would fix it completely. Does anyone have a partial-page rendering function that I can put my php include in? That would be the easiest fix. Just as long as it doesn't wrap it so the php can't be searched by search engines.
  8. Thank you. Yes I am done with the page refresh if possible, I'm not going to try to make that better anymore. I could use this other approach for many different things.
    So I better keep pursuing it at least until I find out what I need can't be done with ajax.

    Can someone tell me how to have php make a  XMLHttpRequest to some javascript elsewhere? Then I can access the javascript for a setTimeout, to avoid page refresh on the page the div is in. You don't have to give me all the code. I just need pieces here and there to head me in the correct direction.

    Please let me know, thank you very much.
  9. Thanks thorpe. I am trying to see if I can get around refreshing the page everytime I want the new php function to appear. For instance I am using rand(1,31). In order for the new random item to appear a page refresh needs to be done. I either need a way that just part of the page can be refreshed or I need a way that javascript can re-execute my php script. Or another way if someone has one. Or can something be put in this so the function only re-executes? echo "<img src='/$imagefile'>I need search engines to be able to search my php content, so I can't use iframes or enclose the php inside the javascript.

    Reason why page refresh isn't working is because it has to refresh the whole page which disrupts everything when I need to do it often. Same problem happens when server side include calls the page with the refresh in it. I only need something small in php refreshed, not the whole page. Some wizard out there please let me know, thanks.
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