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Posts posted by 11Tami

  1. OK I've got this to try to delete a field from the table named add. Whatever field is entered into the form is the data row to be deleted. I'm getting this error on the page when the page first loads, before anything is even entered in the form. Anyone know why? Thanks.


    Error with queryNot unique table/alias: 'data'



    $link = mysql_connect('mysqladdress', 'database', 'password');

    if (!$link) {

    die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error()); }

    $db_selected = mysql_select_db('database', $link);

    if (!$db_selected) {

    die ('Can\'t use mbdirectory : ' . mysql_error());



    <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ;?>" method="post">

    <span>Enter the name of the row you want to delete from database.</span>

    <input type="text" name="data" />

    <input type="submit" value="Delete data" /></form>     


    $delete = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['data']); 

    $query = "Delete data FROM add WHERE data = '$delete'";

    $result = mysql_query($query)  or die('Error with query' . mysql_error());

    { if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)

    {echo "Row not found. Click back button and try again.";  }

    else {echo "Row deleted successfully!! To delete another, just click the back button.";}



  2. Hello, right now for a site I'm working on people are entering their software in our database faster than we can put them on our pages. Is there a way we can put a limit on how many rows the database will take? That way when we get caught up we can open it back up again? If we do will it keep the form from sending for those that want to add more? Need good advice on this, nightmare land. Thanks.

  3. Thanks a lot. Yes thats where I would like to learn how to do it. I have tried to back up the database before. I exported it as a sql file. Then I tried to upload it to a brand new database just to make sure it would import back again but it wouldn't work. So I still don't know the proper way to export yet. Any good tips on the proper way to export? Thanks.

  4. Fantastic I'm glad there's a way. I've heard about entering queries manually before and I've looked at the guide but need some advice. It sounds like there is a way to enter in a command to the database when youre at the database. So it can be entered there and not from a php form that you make. Where are these codes entered there? At the database? Please get back to me, thanks.

  5. Hello, for mysql on the server. Is there an easy or another way to delete rows? Right now I'm checkmarking the row I want to delete and then clicking on the red x for each one. It takes absolutely forever. Is there a better way? Please let me know, thank you very much.

  6. Thanks, first there is the whole database, then the tables. Then all the fields in each table. The fields in the table is what I need sorted. So right now I have many fields in one table. The first field is listed as "name." With other fields after it. When I click on browse to look at all the rows that have been entered, the rows are not listed alphabetically. Instead they are listed by which row was entered first and last.


    Another way to explain it. There are forms on the web pages. Each person comes along and enters their information. It is sent to the database. Each entry for each person appears as a row in the fields. So I have all these rows being added. But they are being with the last one being added at the end. Instead of alphabetical by what their name is.


    Fields, first field is name  [name] [information]

    Rows                            [Tami]  [Tamisinfo]  [grey]

                                      [betty] [bettyinfo]  [blue]


    I'd like it to be alphabetical by name, so that Betty would come before Tami. Not Betty last just because she entered her stuff in after Tami. Either sorted alphatically automatically when they are added. Or sorted when I come along later and hit a button to sort everything. Hope someone knows a way. Thank you very much.




  7. Hello, is there a way to make mysql server sort its fields? Like if I wanted the fields to appear by alphabet of the name instead of just which one was entered first.


    Please let me know if you can sort these fields, I looked everywhere can't see how to do it, yet other databases can sort. Please let me know, thank you very much.

  8. Hello, am I the only one having a hard time tracking these posts. You'll ask a question and then bookmark it. Then to come back to see if there are any responses you can't use the bookmarks because all it shows is the newest posts instead. Is there any way to keep track of our own posts? Without copying and pasting the url? Anyone please let me know how it works for you, thank you very much.

  9. Hello, I'm trying to follow the example on W3 schools page found here:


    http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_ftp_fput.asp  So I put my own web address under ftp_connect, then put my own admin name and password under ftp_login.

    Then I uploaded a text file called source.txt to the root with a tiny bit of text in it and uploaded target.txt to the root with no text in it. Then I tried to run the .php page with this code in it.



    $source = fopen("source.txt","r");$conn = ftp_connect("ftp.myownwebsite.com") or die("Could not connect");

    ftp_login($conn,"myownadminname","myownpassword");echo ftp_fput($conn,"target.txt",$source,FTP_ASCII);ftp_close($conn);




    I just get an error saying it can't connect due to an error on line 4. Can someone please help? Thanks you very much.

  10. Hello, is there a way to get around the browser continually acting like they are loading when using sleep()? It says the page is still loading but it really isn't because we are causing a delay for some data on purpose with php. So it is for an intentional reason that we cause it. Many of us like using sleep(). Anyway to do it without the browsers showing the page is still loading? There must be a way, so many programmers for intense programming use sleep(), I can't imagine they have to deal with the browsers loading prompts whenever they do. Please let me know if you have the answer from real research of your own on this, not just to tell me no as a guess, thanks.

  11. I'm getting hung up on a few things because everytime I turn around the php wants me to use a variable $. I guess this is what I need.

    You can retrn value from function and store in $t variable but not direct define.


    How would I do that?  How would I return value from separate function and then store it in $t variable?

    function a(){

    echo "this is a";


    a(); How to get a() to $t?

  12. Hello, I need some php or advice to help me replace the first entry with the second. For instance with this it just adds the second one onto the first one. I need it to move the second position date into the first position. Any ideas? I tried several things but think I was moving in the wrong direction. Thanks  :D



    // Current time

    echo date('h:i:s') . "\n";

    // wait for 2 seconds


    // back!

    echo date('h:i:s') . "\n";



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