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Everything posted by 11Tami

  1. Is cron the only way? Also I am not on a virtual or dedicated server.
  2. Hello, just wondering if php can execute something per minute. Anyone know where I can go to read up on how to time with php? Thank you.
  3. Sure, it looks like I might have misunderstood. It is called a "reg now id." Whatever that is. http://www.sharewareconnection.com/submit.php http://www.sharewareplaza.com/secure/developerPortal.aspx?mode=submit
  4. Well, it may be a roundabout reason for posting it here. I know people write software and scripts in php. So I was hoping some php programmers might know what software pads are. I went to a couple of software sites and they all require people listing software to give their software pad id numbers. But when I do a google search no where does it say what they are. I even tried asking a few of these software sites and they wouldn't tell me.
  5. Hello, I know PAD has to do with software. But wondering what a pad id is and where you get them? I have people trying to list on my site that keep giving me pad ids. Please let me know, thanks, Tami
  6. ??? OK whats wrong with the personal message function. This forums personal messages don't work. Can anyone try it and see if yours works? I am getting a gateway message. Try sending one to me if you need to test it.
  7. LOL Fenway, have me giggling over here, your funny. Well thats a relief that made no sense. Thanks a lot Tel. Every many many months, things like this happen for no apparant reason. Last night I restarted the computer for another reason and its working fine now. I don't think my script was resaving properly. You guys did it! Thanks for help. I'll send you something at least.
  8. Man I would think so too, looks fine but somethings wrong. Commas all look correct. Strange thing is when I put in an incorrect array like this in it works. arr = new Array( ["link name"],["http://www.google.com"], ["another link name"],["http://www.yahoo.com"]); When I switch the above to a correct array like that below then it doesn't work. I don't get it. If anyone that knows javascript and has the time and can test it maybe you can see whats wrong. Here's the whole thing as it seems like it should work. <body onload="changelink()"><a href="#" id="url"></a> arr = new Array( ["Link name google","http://www.google.com"], ["Link name yahoo","http://www.yahoo.com"], ["Link name msn","http://www.msn.com"] ); function changelink()    { document.getElementById("url").href = arr[new Date().getSeconds()][1];  document.getElementById("url").innerHTML = arr[new Date().getSeconds()][0]; setTimeout('changelink()',1000);}
  9. Gosh none of those work, seems like they should. You sure there isn't some sort of hidden conflict in this somewhere?    -----> arr arr = new Array( ["Link name google","http://www.google.com"], ["Link name yahoo","http://www.yahoo.com"], ["Link name msn","http://www.msn.com"] ); arr = [ ["Link name google","http://www.google.com"], ["Link name yahoo","http://www.yahoo.com"], ["Link name msn","http://www.msn.com"]];
  10. Man you both make a great team and are both very nice, I appreciate the help. The looping only meant when it got to the end of the array it wouldn't start over but now it does. Between the two of your ideas it is almost working. Tele's adjusting my string, and keeping setTimeout like Fenway said, the two combinations work very well together. Now I am having trouble with my array, it was incorrect before it wasn't combining the two sides. I tried this but somethings still wrong, can you see what it is? Then I'll send you both something for helping me. Problem still with this, can't see a problem but there is one. arr = new Array[   ["Link name google","http://www.google.com"],   ["Link name two","http://www.yahoo.com"]   ];
  11. I have only two items in the array just as an example. If you try to run the script with 60 items for every second when it get to the 60th item it stops. Its supposed to start over when it gets to the end of the array and it doesn't. Can anyone help me fix it? Thank you very much. Tami
  12. Hi can anyone tell me why the array doesn't start over when it gets to the end? Thank you very much. Tami <BODY onload="changelink();"><a href="#" id="url"></a> arr = new Array( ["link name"],["http://www.google.com"], ["another link name"],["http://www.yahoo.com"]); function changelink()    {document.getElementById("url").href = arr[new Date().getSeconds()-1][0];  document.getElementById("url").innerHTML = arr[new Date().getSeconds()-2][0];    setTimeout('changelink()',1000);}
  13. I got it, you just do use the rand but you have to put something in it. rand(0,5)
  14. Not its not an array. I just put some php code into a directory and it rotates everthing in the directory folder. Right now this is what makes everything rotate by day. $getfile = date("d"); I need it to point to a php random command instead of a date command. Hope someone can help, thanks.
  15. Gosh, I was going to say I think I need something more than that something in the parenthesis or something....rand(etc.) Yes I have something I am rotating. Can't list the script someone else gave it to me but its pretty simple. I just need a random variable to call on instead of getting the date. Right now as you can see it calls on the day. I need it to call on a random command instead.      $getfile = date("d"); Hope some of you have some random commands I can put there instead.
  16. Hello, I really need something written to make something random. Anyone have anything I can use? Please let me know thanks, Tami
  17. Are you still around Alpine? Would if I am doing it in a form without it going to mysql. Anyway to make sure its coming from the form page? Thanks! Tami
  18. Thanks crayon someone else said those don't stop spam at all so I'll just get rid of them. Anyone know the code for stopping the form from being sent if not sent from the form page? Thank you!
  19. Hi, I have a form that sends to my email and there are a couple values in the php form that are supposed to help with spam but they don't seem to be working. Because when I change them to just anything the form still sends to my email. I am hoping someone can tell me what these do so that I can fix them to actually work and protect my form. Here they are and I have no idea what they do. Thank you!!! Tami $http_referrer = getenv( "HTTP_REFERER" ); if (!isset($_POST['email'])) { header( "Location: $formurl" ); exit ; } This one is at the end of my mail() string and I am supposed to list in it the name of the page with the php in it. But when I change it to anything it doesn't seem to matter. It all still sends. "X-Mailer: chemailphp.php 2.07"
  20. Thank you, thank you, thank you, lord project fear! Weird thing is It worked once with what I had but then it would never work again. That made no sense to me. Project fear yours works just fine! Thank you very much!
  21. I've been working on this for several days. I don't know why its so hard! Trying to add a simple entry to a my sql table. server version 4.0.27 database name "dropdown"  table name "buttons" column name "one"  I sure hope someone can help, thanks! Tami <?php $con = mysql_connect("","dropdown",""); if (!$con)   {   die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());   }mysql_select_db("dropdown", $con); $firstname = $_POST['firstname'] ; $sql="INSERT INTO buttons (one) VALUES ('$_POST[firstname]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))   {   die('Error: ' . mysql_error());   } echo "1 record added";mysql_close($con) ?> input field name is "firstname" <form action="http://www.website.com/dropdown.php" method="post"> first name<input type="text" name="firstname" /> <input type="submit"/> </form>
  22. Hello, I know how to make forms with php. Not quite sure how to include a radio button function. For instance. Maybe someones picking a color. This in the html page. Red: <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="color" value="male"> Blue: <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="color" value="male"> Purple:<input type="radio" checked="checked" name="color" value="male"> Do I need a different $ in the php for each color? How will only the one picked be sent to the php form? Thank you very much!!
  23. Hi, I have a few scripts that you don't even have to specify that its a web page. You just stick an address in an array that is in a directory and it appears. But when I try to use an image in its place a bunch of code shows on the page instead of a .gif etc. What do you need to call an image with php? Thanks!
  24. Hey lightray did you get fopen working? I am having same problem. When I try this, I only get a blank page and no error message, almost like its working but not showing the url. <?php $filename = http://www.website.com/; fopen($filename, "r") || die ("Could not open file"); ?> Does someone know whats wrong with fopen retrieving url's? Thanks
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