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Everything posted by rempires

  1. yup, i just tested sing outlook smtp.mail.yahoo.com pop.mail.yahoo.com usign username, password port 465 and an ssl connetion i think the ssl connection is what's stopping me from doing this i php, is the a way i could make php do this ssl?
  2. sigh so i'm trying to use phpmailer to do this know and i get an error generated by the php mailer Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\wamp\www\includes\class.smtp.php on line 146 Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\wamp\www\includes\class.smtp.php on line 1024 There has been a mail error sending to me@yahoo.com this only happens when i turn authentication on, which i guess makes sense, but i do populate the vars $mail->SMTPAuth = "true"; $mail->Username = "my username"; $mail->Password = "my pasword"; $mail->Port = 465; ... any idea what would be causing this error, as this appears to be on my servers side?
  3. ya, i set up phpmailer a few in ago i get this error using port 25 Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to smtp.mail.yahoo.com:25 (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ) in C:\wamp\www\includes\class.smtp.php on line 105 so i decided to change to 465 like yahoo says There has been a mail error sending to me@yahoo.com ... i think i'm gonna try using the smtp server thatgmail offers and see if that woks any better, since have an account there
  4. isp and email, they offer dsl service around here, well technically at&t does but it's merged with yahoo... kinda screwy... but yahoo are the servers i connect to to get online.
  5. Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "smtp.mail.yahoo.com" port 465, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\wamp\www\passwordRetrieval.php on line 126 since the yaoo page said to use authentication, is there a way do you know if i can send my yahoo log in data this way, to authenticate me
  6. i'm not sure what your host if offering you, but if you are running cpanel then click file manager, then click on the folder you want to allow uploads to, next click change permissions and there are our permission options, such as read write and execute
  7. Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "smtp.mail.yahoo.com" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\wamp\www\passwordRetrieval.php on line 126 hello, i found this on yahoo website Outgoing (SMTP) Server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com (Use SSL, port: 465, use authentication) is there anyway i can do that?
  8. even when i specify that it doesn't work [mail function] ; For Win32 only. SMTP = smtp.mail.yahoo.com ; For Win32 only. sendmail_from = *ME*@yahoo.com
  9. [mail function] ; For Win32 only. SMTP = localhost ; For Win32 only. sendmail_from = you@yourdomain.uni.cc i wan't sure what sendmail_from was sposed to be i was wondering if maybe it'sbecuase i'm rnning a 64bit os?
  10. soo here we go, again anyway, i'm trying to use th php mial function, i tried setting up postcast server and failed miserably... so i went the route of Microsoft's iis (ya, i'm a failure). so anyway i at first got that lovely like 550.XX... error so i went and set up a relay through the local host(127.0.1). know when i try to send the mail it gives no error message or anything, but the place is end it to never receives it . i'm mainly trying yahoo, but i thought maybe there blocking me, so is ent it to a server antoehr one of my sites is osted on, and tht ever receive it eater. BTW: i'm running WAMP + iis server smtp mail on windows XP pro(64bit) $email = $row[0]; $message = "I'm just a lonely test message, that won't work......"; $from = "From: Destination Chicago <administrator@destinationC.com>"; mail ($email, "Password Reset", $message, $from); thanks, john
  11. I'm making a site and i was going to keep track of how long users are logged in, originally i was going to use a TIME field, but my problem is would that be limited to 99hours, 59min 59seconds?? because the thing is users will most likely be logged in for hours at a time, I'm not to worried about this becoming a problem at first but in lets say a year or 2 from know what would happen if somone reached say 100 or more hours, what would mysql do?? should i instead switch to another field type to hold this data?? if somone could just tell me if this field can not handle anything bigger than this it would be appreciated, if somone has a suggestion about what to do instead I'd love to hear that to, as i was going to use a text field since I'll need to handle hours, min, seconds and just separate them with :, use explode in teh php to determine it all thanks, john
  12. A lot of places use cookies to identify if a person has voted in a poll. example after a person voted you put a cookie on there computer saying that they voted, this way instead of showing the voting option you show the results... You may also just want some data that you don't need to keep perminitly but just helps to make your site look better and instead of storing it in a database, you give them a cookie if they delete it doesn't matter, just like things such as user last visited this post at 12:oo pm, there was a new post at 3:00pm so put a little image saying new post next to the link, if there was no new post after 12:00pm no action.
  13. thank you for your advice but i've actually decided to aplce cookies on each user and use the cookies to show which topics they visited at what time, so if there has been a post after that time then make it so it was unvisited, it seems to be the best way i can come up with
  14. I've run into a problem with efficiency, again... For my site I'm building my own forums (there are many reasons i choose to do that instead of using phpBB or SMF or something like that) , anyway my problem is i can't really seem to figure out a good way to determine if a topiuc or thread was read/unread by a user. my forum is organized category-topic-thread-post. The category is not something click-able or anything just a general way to organize all the topics. I mainly want to be able to tell if the user ahs opened that topic (example: general discussion) since there has been a new thread or post posted in it. The only way i can think of doing this is adding a field for each user in the members table that has each of the topics and when the suer last opened them and compare it to the last post/thread creation date of that topic. before i do this i wanted to see if anyone here ca think of a better/more efficient way of doing this. If this confused you please say so and i'll try to clarify what i'm saying, any ideas would be helpful. thanks in advance, john
  15. also try posting a link to your site, I had a problem when i first started my site with security (i probably still have 500...) but i found out that thinking like a hacker and trying to hack my own site fixed the most prominent ones, so if you add a link here maybe somone will try to hack it (friendly hacking not destructive) and tell you how they did it if they secede... my advice would be try changing your passwords to start and make sure that there not in files the suers can access.
  16. thank you, that's not actually what's happening but the mysql and webserver are the same machine so that will work, thank you.
  17. i just need to know which one of these is more efficient, post data or mysql queries. There will be a lot of data and it will only be retrieved. I'm going to have a script were it will pull there data out of a mysql db, but when the page loads which it will do a lot would psot data or re-retrieving it form the datbase be the best route. I'm think that post would be more efficient but i figured i'd ask because there will be a LOT LOT of data, and post has to send then receive were mysql sends the query and then receives.
  18. I'm not quite sure what your asking, if you want to retrieve all that info and put it into variables names after the fields themselves you could do this while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)) { foreach ($row as $colname => $value) { ${$colname} = $value; } } if you wanted to pull out each individual you could do $username = $result[0]; $firstname = restult[1]; ect.
  19. i couldn't find anything through google but in php's site i found msession_list, msession_count... unfortunitly there all undocumented, but msession_list says lsit all sessions, so this might work, thank you everyone, i will actually probably be going the database route because this way i can get a rough approximate amount of time they were on to. thanks for all your help again, john (uhh i'll mark this as solved when i figure out how...)
  20. so when they log in i just put there session in a db? but then how would i know when they logged out if they just say close the browser instead of hit the log out button. is there a function in php to check and see if that current session is active, like i put the session id into the mysql table on log-in, then i have a cron job run every 10 min to see if the sessions in it are currently active? thanks in advance, john
  21. I know this is kind of a very broad psot, btu i'm not sure were to start with this one. I have made a user log in area for my website allows them to create/edit profile view restricted pages and all, this all works good, what i want to do is be able to show who is logged in. like phpBB and smf forums and all those ahve a users logged in. it shows who is logged in and what there viewing and stuff. manily i jsut want to tell if somone is logged and, and if i would also but able to keep track of the time there logged in this would be great. Like i said i ahve no idea were to even start with this so i'm not sure what information you would need about my loggin code, so please if i don't give required info ask for it, i'll telly ou or psot that little section of code. things that might help (kinda hit and miss until somone tells me what i need to show you guys, i don't want to post it all here, there is a lot beause i ahve suer levels and control panels for differnt levels and crap...) but log in data connect to MySQL to get user info and check and make sure it all works. then creates a session to make sure the user ahs the appropriate rights to view page is logged and and keep basic info about them as they traverse the site. My guess would be that showing what suers are logged in would ahve somthing to do with teh sessions, like if there is a way i could amke php pull all open sessions, instead of jsut teh ones for that user, but i really don't know, if you need mroe information please ask and i'll happily tell/post the code you require, i'm not asking for the code for this, btu hoiw it would work, or the functions i need...
  22. you might want to look into reading a book on this area, a really good one is "PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 2nd Edition (2004)" it will get you started in the right direction, it did for me. This book and similar eons will start you off from nothing and teach you the basics you'll need.
  23. Okay, so right know i'm in high school and I'm currently in c++ programming, but because of my high grades in it and because I know other languages (php, vb.net...) my teacher thought I'd make a good student aid because i already have the logic down. cool, so next year i'll be taking a class where i sit for 7/8 of the time trying to find something to do.  I've decided i want to learn openGL. my sisters peoncey(sry, i don't know how to spell it) is a computer science major and already learned it, he demonstrated some of teh amt behind it, and i got it, i had a hard time, it was a challenge but i got it.  So i've decided upon learning this next year in my free time, i thought i'd start with a nice book, but they all assume you have previous graphical knowledge and what not.  I have programming knowledge and good algorithm skills, but I've never tried to work with graphics before, this my first time.  I decided to learn this with c++ so that it can run on multiple operating systems.  If somone could please point em int eh right direction, book, online tutorials, anything, for somone completely new to the process of graphics it would be appreciated.
  24. thanks to all who helped here, majic tags really suck... thanks again i jsut decided to change it to session variables, makes my life and your not having to try and find an answer a lot easier
  25. doesn't seem to turn them off, still adds the / i jsut copied that code, if i have to be the host to use it i'm not...
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