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Everything posted by mynamesleo

  1. Ah ok, thought as much. linuxdream; how could I go about testing #1 ?
  2. Just wondering if theres a way to view the php code of a php script online? or some sort of way to see what functions it has etc????
  3. well, yahoo was an example website.... it seems to crash out on 49 on any website. What I am doing is just basicly scanning the html of a bunch of sites, for certain information. Nothing "dodgy" mind. I can do it fine in visual basic but thought id try it out in php. Is there anything else i could try?
  4. Just used that as an example, the number it loops to will be much more and the page it reads will be differernt each time. Is that causing it to run out of memory? if so, what do i have to do? create a new variable for each page i read or??
  5. Ok guys this is driving me cookooo now  :-\ Ok this works fine, echo's out up to 440. [code] for ($x=0;$x<441;$x++)  {     echo "Scanned " . $x . "<br>"; } [/code]   But adding this new line in, it stops at 49. What the hell? [code] for ($x=0;$x<441;$x++)  {     [b]$chtml = strtolower(file_get_contents("http://yahoo.com"));[/b]     echo "Scanned " . $x . "<br>"; } [/code] Sorry if this is something silly, i'm still new to php, I just dont understand how adding that line in causes it to stop looping at 49  >:(
  6. i updated the time and it seems to work in IE now  ???
  7. Hi all, having a bit of a problem with the setcookie: In my index.php I have the following: [code] <?php if (isset($_POST['list'])) { setcookie("VLIST", $_POST["user"], time()+3600);$vlistid=$_POST["user"]; } else { $vlistid=$_COOKIE["VLIST"]; } [/code] $vlistid will be put into a forms textbox further down in index.php, i did it so if the form is being submitted then: set the cookie, otherwise $listid = the last cookie set. the reason i put $vlistid=$_POST["user"] after setting the cookie as when the page reloaded from the form being submitted it was showing the old cookie. It seems to work fine in firefox but in IE, when I go back to the site it doesnt show the cookie. Thanks in advance, p-s; how do i set the cookie to expire in 1 year?
  8. is there a way to get the re-directed url using header? im guessing no ??
  9. I said shut the F*** up after you started the argument, remember. I didn't argue with ted I said thanks but basicly that doesnt help. And as he kept posting it I just got a little irritated. I just thought i was asking a very simple question, but it seems to have just confused everyone.. which sucks. Shu, i think you actually had the answer to the question also, in the header part.
  10. My god man how old are you???? The first question I asked was this: [code]All I want, is to be able to get the url that this link directs too: http://youtube.com/v/I6DBeK7y-4Q it directs to http://youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=I6DBeK7y-4Q&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//sjc-static14.sjc.youtube.com/vi/I6DBeK7y-4Q/2.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskIDNtK1GcrDtb2oPUlepC__ [/code] How is that not asking a question properly??? how in the hell can that be asked differerntly? all that happens is the link re-directs, i simply wanted to know how to get the link that it redirects too; which happens to be an FLV file/player. I said it has nothing to do with youtube to try and make it simpler for you to understand (my god, how does this need simplifying!?!?) - the question I am asking has nothing to do with youtube, its to do with a re-directing url. The program I am writing does have to do with youtube, but im not here to talk about that im here to talk about the re-direction!!!!!!!!!! Yes I did state you cant answer the question which is FINE, but because you dont know the answer to my question you try and start an argument instead. Theres a name for people like you, i'm not sure what it is but its very clear whats happening... You dont know the answer, which subconsciously angers you.. maybe this is due to an inferior complex of not knowing enough or something. So you have come up with a defense mechanism for when you dont know the answer, you trigger an argument and work from there... trying hard to make the person asking the question feel like they are infact the one who doesnt know enough, and of course you know more. Am I chatting crap? well look what happened here: Out of the blue you post this: [quote]"Firstly, sorry to disappoint you. [b]But you make it sound like you are the first person[/b] to find out how to download a video from youtube. Secondly, [u][b]i can do it[/b][/u] by injecting a javascript code." [/quote] Can you see that? cries out "im better than you!!!!" even though i had presently said [quote] alot of people have wrote youtube downloaders[/quote] Your not alone though buddy, theres guys like you on all forums. just remebered what they are called: delusional dreamers
  11. Shu I only used rude words at you because simply you was acting a fool , and i'll bet everyone else can that also. You started with me trying to make me feel stupid by saying "your acting like you are the only one who can do this" , even though I wasnt, i clearly said "I NO LOTS OF PEOPLE HAVE DONE THIS" Anyway, my question is about PHP not youtube videos, i told everyone why im doing it and it seems to just added more confusion which is why i didnt do that in the first place. As for your questions, you told me deleted videos cant be download and i just showed you that they can... how can you have more questions? just leave it at that. Anywho, if you cant answer the question "how to get the URL from a link that redirects in php" then please stop posting in this thread. Thanks
  12. [quote author=Shu link=topic=119886.msg491863#msg491863 date=1167171333] you do know, typing 'http://youtube' in the address bar won't take u to youtube. and then please don't be that naive. youtube as one of the top site, will of course make the .flv file of the deleted video unable to download as well. [/quote] My god are you that simple? ok let me finish the EXAMPLE: "Anywho, I dont know JS but looking at that its just the same way everybodys doing it. First of all id change the CHECK (the check to make sure they are at youtube!!) from WWW.YOUTUBE.COM to just YOUTUBE.COM as some people like me have it bookmarked as HTTP://YOUTUBE.COM" Naive????? Deleted video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1XgE_c9jyw Download that deleted video: http://ash-v126.ash.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=v1XgE_c9jyw mod edit: grossly inappropriate comment removed. Do not use language like that here.  The next time, will get you banned.
  13. [quote author=Shu link=topic=119886.msg491825#msg491825 date=1167162374] Firstly, sorry to disappoint you. But you make it sound like you are the first person to find out how to download a video from youtube. Secondly, i can do it by injecting a javascript code. [code]javascript:var r=false;void(g());function g(){if(window.location.host!=%22www.youtube.com%22&&window.location.host!=%22www.youtube.com%22){alert(%22Go to YouTube and select a video first.%22);return false;}try{r=new XMLHttpRequest();} catch(a){try{r=new ActiveXObject(%22Msxml2.XMLHTTP%22);}catch(b){try{r=new ActiveXObject(%22Microsoft.XMLHTTP%22);}catch(f){r=false;}}}if(!r)alert(%22oops! try again later ..%22);w=window.location;r.open(%22GET%22,w,true);r.onreadystatechange=u;r.send(null);}function u(){if(r.readyState==4){if(r.status==200){var t=r.responseText;var l=t.indexOf('SWFObject(%22/player2.swf?')+23;var z=t.indexOf('%22',l);if(z==-1){alert(%22String not found.%22);return false;}var h=t.substring(l,z);window.location=%22http://www.youtube.com/get_video%22+h;}}}[/code] i put this code into a bookmark and whenever i want to download a video i just click the bookmark. no privacy issues, fast and simple. :tested in firefox 2.0 Shu. [/quote] First of all, what part of me saying "alot of people have wrote youtube downloaders" gives you the impression i am making out im the first person to do this??? Anywho, I dont know JS but looking at that its just the same way everybodys doing it. First of all id change the check from www.youtube to just youtube. as some people like me have it bookmarked as http://youtube Also the way im doing it is to be able to downloaded deleted videos
  14. how about opening up a new/hidden broswer within php then just grabbing the url of it? can this be done in php or is it to messy?
  15. [code]str_replace("£", "", $value);[/code] I guess that would work, and do the same for the .
  16. [quote author=ted_chou12 link=topic=119886.msg491468#msg491468 date=1167088841] okay then, if the url address is sitting in front of you, it must be possible, yes then. If it is possible, contacting the admin would be the best idea, if they dont reply, then i guess you have to give up, because as the current situation states, the people in this forum is not so much of an expert as to those vedio freaks. BTW, writing a program to download youtube vedio sounds really really dumb believe me, anyone who hears it is gonna laugh at you like i do, besides automatic downloading can cause risks to viruses. And afterall, whats the difference between a redirected link and the original link? [/quote] You laugh because you are ignorant, if you did a bit of reading you would find out that 4.2 million emails were sent to youtube asking "how do i download your movies!!" - alot of people have wrote youtube downloaders, infact some are making a fortune from the ads on that actual page. Not so funny anymore is it. Anyway I have came up with this new way of doing it which would rule out all problems, but as shown nobody can think of away to do it. redarrow; i see that but thats php files, the link im going to isnt a file infact i think its a dir which redirects to a flash player with a video.
  17. [quote author=ted_chou12 link=topic=119886.msg491463#msg491463 date=1167087795] okay, then my best advice is why dont you go and contact the admin for youtube? wouldnt that give the best solution??? [/quote] They dont reply. Look, if you dont have an answer thats ok.. you cant know it all. Theres no point giving me links that do nothing what I asked and keep asking me the same thing. My question is very easy to understand, maybe not easy to do but yeh. I would just like to be told if this can be done and stepped in the right direction. I am very new to php and have tried a few silly things like file_get_contents and including the url and checking the current url etc, all no good. I dont have the knowledge yet hence asking here. Hope somebody can help, surely this cant be impossible? considering the information i need puts itself into my address bar infront of my face, it must be possible
  18. [quote author=ted_chou12 link=topic=119886.msg491460#msg491460 date=1167087156] If you had checked out the link i gave you it redirects this: http://www.gentlesource.com/demos/demo-short-url-script/?XVGRW to the link of the page (*the current page you are viewing right NOW!) by the endding of the url: ?XVGRW I dont see why this does not match what you want If you dont believe me, just try the link. [/quote] What the hell? did you even read what I wrote. That link you sent me is no good for my php program
  19. I really dont know how I can be any clearer. Ok i'll explain it from start but all my posts are starting to look the same. Ok the reason is for a php program I am writing, well updating... to download youtube videos. A normal youtube video link looks like this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=-fjTlpuEzkA But to download a video you have to request it with an ID for that video. Now, I can do this but with my current program, some videos cant be downloaded due to them being flagged down, etc. Today after much messing and reading video pages sources, I realised that if you go to http://youtube.com/v/ (with the video hash (not ID) on the end, like this http://youtube.com/v/-fjTlpuEzkA) It re-directs you to another address and the video starts to play, this address looks like this: http://youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=-fjTlpuEzkA&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//sjc-static11.sjc.youtube.com/vi/-fjTlpuEzkA/2.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskIF4Dbbyub_qD2zoypSsLwi *again, I have said this 2/3 times now  :-\* Ok now on that link right at the end is the information I need to download the video: "t=OEgsToPDskIF4Dbbyub_qD2zoypSsLwi" So, again  ::) I just need that address it re-directs too because it has information needed to download the video in it. Hope thats clear.
  20. [quote author=Shu link=topic=119886.msg491448#msg491448 date=1167083778] so u want to write a script that redirect user to another url? or u want to access a website and read their headers? [/quote] All I want, is to be able to get the url that this link directs too: http://youtube.com/v/I6DBeK7y-4Q it directs to http://youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=I6DBeK7y-4Q&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//sjc-static14.sjc.youtube.com/vi/I6DBeK7y-4Q/2.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskIDNtK1GcrDtb2oPUlepC__ Thats exactly what I need to be able to do. Obviosly the link will change etc, but it always redirects in the same mannor.
  21. [quote author=Shu link=topic=119886.msg491445#msg491445 date=1167083198] i cut off part of it cause it contain some personal info [/quote] Ok, did it look like this though? [code]"/p.swf?video_id=I6DBeK7y-4Q&eurl=http%3A//www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic%2C119886.0.html&iurl=http%3A//sjc-static14.sjc.youtube.com/vi/I6DBeK7y-4Q/2.jpg&[b]t=OEgsToPDskKfSoIPM3Tgb0_xUqjPmh17[/b]"[/code] And have t=blahblahwhatever on the end??? if so, do you know how to do this in php?? thanks
  22. [quote author=Shu link=topic=119886.msg491437#msg491437 date=1167081915] I clicked http://youtube.com/v/I6DBeK7y-4Q and the server send these headers that make my browser goes to another url [code]HTTP/1.x 303 See Other Location: /p.swf?video_id=I6DBeK7y-4Q[/code] are u trying to get these headers? [/quote] Yes, well I need all of it "/p.swf?video_id=I6DBeK7y-4Q&eurl=http%3A//www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic%2C119886.0.html&iurl=http%3A//sjc-static14.sjc.youtube.com/vi/I6DBeK7y-4Q/2.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskKfSoIPM3Tgb0_xUqjPmh17" did it show you all of it or just the bit you quoted?
  23. ted_chou12, no thats not any help but thanks. receiver, didnt work either. Thanks though Its driving me nuts, i mean i put that link in my broswer and boom it changes to the link i need. Surely this can be done in programming
  24. No, better example: put this link into your broswer: http://youtube.com/v/I6DBeK7y-4Q it redirects to: http://youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=I6DBeK7y-4Q&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//sjc-static14.sjc.youtube.com/vi/I6DBeK7y-4Q/2.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskLkdpKDXcRxIFXN6VgdQ-AN *warning, girl booty shaking video* I just need to be able to get that url it re-directs too
  25. Hi all, hope you can help  ??? For example, if i type in a url into my browser like: http://site.com/flashmovie/#4554354 and then my broswer redirects to a flash file in a flash player. The address in the address bar has changed as I was redirected, this is the address I need. Now in php, i have tried include, get, request and file get contents. All i can manage to get is the source to the movie file or flahs player. I need the url it puts in address bar... Any ideas?????? Thanks in advance, merry xmas
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