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Everything posted by mynamesleo

  1. Ok that works when I click the link but not if say i type the link into the browser, so the link has to be clicked?
  2. Hmmm well, http://tubeprogs.com/test.php The code in that test.php is [code]<?php echo "Eh1"; echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; echo "Eh2"; ?>[/code]
  3. $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] I am tyring to see the url that a user comes from when they visit my site, I assumed I would need $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] in index.php, as this is the first file that loads on my page. [quote] <?php echo 'aaa'; echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; [/quote] Thats in index.php, but it just ignores it  >:( and doesn't echo anything but the aaa, am I doing something wrong here?
  4. Thanks for the comments, I will be redoing the site as it needs it. It was mainly just a try as I go thing to learn more, I prefer the basic look but I agree it is TOO plain. The icons are from an image I found on my pc, no idea where it came from. I made the little youtube one at the bottom though.
  5. I tried this on its own file and it worked. <?php $link="http://yahoo.com"; header("Location: ".$link); ?> but the same exact same code in my php code doesn't work? just seems to ignore it?
  6. Hi guys, this is a little messy to explain. First of all its not important, was just an idea... so either way its not worth too much though. On my page code, its basicly setout like this Form php function result So they input some info and click submit, the php function does its job then shows them the result (which is a weblink) in the form of a hyperlink, well was a hyper link now it shows another form button, so they click this button to go to the new link. I wanted it so when they add the info and click submit, the php will do its thing then automaticly send them to the link.. without them having to click a hyper link or anything. I couldnt set the <form action=linkhere> as this is above the php function for obvios reasons. I also thought about onlick on the submit button but was having a nightmare due to having to echo the form then in php etc etc.. I am very new to php and website programming so do forgive me, i hope the idea is clear and allows you to tell me if this is possible? thanks!!
  7. Is there a way to execute a link to a download (e.g; http://site.com/program.zip ) within my php code? So the user clicks Submit on my page, then the download from the other site autmaticly begins, without them having to manualy go to the other site? Thanks
  8. Well, the site is just a place for me to put programs i make that are for use with YouTube. (see downloads) I agree it is plain etc, but as I have hardly any content i don't know what i could put up, etc... any advice
  9. Sorry, found it now!
  10. http://tubeprogs.com Very basic... still building it up as I go along. Would like to hear comments and suggestions etc. Thanks
  11. Hi all, - hope this isn't the wrong section New to forms.. have looked on google but having a hard time finding any information, probley due to my searched keywords. I am using a textbox in a form, like: <input type="text" Just wondering how/if I can customize the textbox? flat border, colors, font etc.. ?? thanks!
  12. wow I was expecting a messy job, thanks!!!
  13. Hi all, Is it alot of work to get a users IP from a form? for example, in a basic form which would send the string from a textbox to a text file somewhere when Submit is pressed, how could I go about sending the users IP also? so string:ip would be sent to the text file.
  14. Actually I had to edit it on this line:   [code]$file = $_GET['p'].'php';[/code] Had to add a . in 'php' [code]$file = $_GET['p'].'.php';[/code] Ok now I wanted it to default to home.php whenever the site is visited (site.com) instead of index, I got this so far: [code] <?php if (isset($_GET['p'])) {   $file = $_GET['p'].'.php'; } else { include "home.php"; } if (file_exists($file)) {     include $file;   } ?> [/code] It seems to work, but is the code OK? I am just starting out in php but program in Visual Basic  ::)
  15. Thanks  ;) And the winner is... *drum roll* SMF forum
  16. Hi again guys! I am looking for a forum and figured it would be best to ask here. I would prefer the forum to be very standard and not flashy or anything, just very basic. Also I need to be able to back up my forum members id's and passwords, so if anything happens they won't need to sign back up, I can just replace the "users" file, or what not. Thanks in advance
  17. Thanks that works perfect
  18. Hi all  ;) I am new to the forum, googled php help and was located here! I am a complete beginner in PHP, I know some basic [i]html[/i] though. [b]Question[/b] On my site I want it to load a page within a page, so I can keep the logo and "naviation" links at the top without having to have that code in every page on the site. A guy a while back did this for me bud sadly my FTP got wiped and I lost all the files. I remember it was something like; site.com/?p=home, site.com/?p=contact, etc.. etc... Hope this is enough information for you to know what I mean Thanks in advance
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