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Everything posted by RichardRotterdam

  1. Given your input I'd say open a text editor and remove the column but that's probably not what you mean. specify your problem a bit more such as: How do you wish to remove the column. When do you want to remove this column Where is this html table etc the more detail the easier someone can help
  2. What's bigger picture here? It seems like you're trying to create a calendar from the looks of it. I think you're better of rewriting the whole thing in javascript or completely in php depending on the purpose of your script
  3. modal, lightbox, slimbox, dialogbox, multibox
  4. If you mean like in the following situation <div id="mydiv" class="class1 class2 class3"></div> <script> alert(document.getElementById('mydiv').className); </script> I see it alerts "class1 class2 class3" Either you can split that using split() or you could use a js framework which returns the class names as an arrray. I know jquery and mootools does this.
  5. Do you mean your ajax call returns a string? you could try json_parse() from json.org
  6. look at the following url: 'to_db.php', That's how you usually set an attribute of an object in javascript however, you didn't start an object. now take a look at the following ajax code taken from the jQuery site $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "test.js", dataType: "script" }); notice how it has $.ajax({ before type:"GET" that should prob solve your problem
  7. For simple scripts I use notepad++ or kate depending on which os im working on. For more serious projects I use eclipse.  There is one thing im curious about a lot has changed since 2005 and more often I notice php developers switch to ide's instead of editors, is the percentage of users that use DW still this high compared to the other editors/ide's?
  8. You don't compile php though. What version php version shows up when you run: phpinfo(); Or do you mean that red lines are showing up in your ide?
  9. If this is your query And this is what you know that leaves you with joines. I suggest you look up how to work with joins this site has a tutorial about that here http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/data-joins-unions
  10. Try looking for "javascript carousel" or "javascript slider" the one on the link you posted is build using jquery. Usually the ones build with a js framework(such as jQuery, mootools, prototype and dojo) are easier to implement and/or modify.
  11. Uhm Are you sure about that??? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mysql+foreign+%20key
  12. With the given input I guess that could be your tabels yes. That's where relations come in using foreign keys i suggest you read up on that. The following could be your relations 1 User has many Pictures 1 Picture has many Comments
  13. Before you start coding It might be wise to answer yourself a couple of questions first. if you have the following string ADID00000001 You can check the following conditions: 1. Is it always the first 4 characters that are letters? 2. Is ADID a prefix that is always the same or can it have different letters. 3. Do the letters have a range of the alphabet or is it hexdecimal? 4. Is the second part of this string always an 8 digit string. Maybe there are a couple more of these but with that input you can code a whole lot easier. You also might want to look into regular expressions. It might be the way to go with this case
  14. I'd start with the entities before you start filling the fields. So far I see the following: Users Pictures Comments After you've done that you can set the relations and properties of these entities Is this correct so far?
  15. Maybe this is a longshot but could it be that you're using an html 4 doctype? HTML4 isn't XML but SGML so it would be logical if that does'nt parse using the simplexml functions I did a quick test using DOMElement instead of simplexml You might want to try that. Here is the code test I did which might be usefull to you. <?php // put some html into the string $html $html=<<<HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8"> <title>Insert title here</title> </head> <body> <br> <div id="anassfullofninjas"><br><img src="someimage.jpg"></div> </body> HTML; // create dom element $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->validateOnParse = true; $doc->loadHTML($html); /** *get innerHTML of node */ $innerHTML = ''; $elem = $doc->getElementById('anassfullofninjas'); // loop through all childNodes, getting html $children = $elem->childNodes; foreach ($children as $child) { $tmp_doc = new DOMDocument(); $tmp_doc->appendChild($tmp_doc->importNode($child,true)); $innerHTML .= $tmp_doc->saveHTML(); } echo $innerHTML;
  16. I don't see any semicolons ; use those to get rid of the errors
  17. it shouldn't display the php tags at all. Most likely your not using a webserver. Are you running apache, IIS or any other webserver on your computer?
  18. What is the code you have tried? and what do you mean with "it simply prints the php code as link"?
  19. You could do this with php using $_GET. That way you can get the vars from the url.
  20. The $() function in jQuery is the selector function which returns a single element or a collection of DOM elements it doesn't create a new element. http://docs.jquery.com/Selectors You can place <div id="register_respond"></div> in your html. That or use the jquery add function() , html() function or anything else to add html dynamicly
  21. the following does not make much sense $('<div class="quick-alert">' + data + '</div>') the dollar function you mostly use as css selector if you want to use it to get an element by id use the following $('#register_respond').html(data); What should be the result btw?
  22. In the following line change $image to $filename mysql_query ("insert into pix (imgdata) values('$filename')");
  23. What is it that's not working? what method are you using for your form are you using the post method and are you using enctype="multipart/form-data"? <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="uploader.php" method="post">
  24. You find the following link usefull to solve your problem http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95426.0.html
  25. In your code I see the following two queries query 1 SELECT * FROM category query 2 SELECT * FROM sub_category WHERE sub_category_id = {$category['id']} Aren't sub_category and category both the same? I think you might be better of using 1 category table instead of 2. then you can simply use 1 query instead
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