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  1. I need to enter an array of values into a database, having each value be inserted as it's own row. I've searched for how to do it and the best I found was the foreach() function. So, would: foreach ($array as value) { $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO some_table (value1, value2) VALUES ('$value', '$someOtherValue')"); } work, or is there a better way to do it?
  2. You can have session start before a header, just move all of your login code above the HTML and it should work.
  3. I think the main nav rollover could be better, and (at least in Opera), the rounded corners on the undernav and text box look a bit messed up. Also, the text in the text box needs some padding on the sides.
  4. AXiSS


    Times New Roman! Use a sans serif font such as Arial, Trebuchet, or Verdana. Like others said, overall the site looks cheap, and as if it was made for only one resolution screen (on mine, there's about a 30/70 split on the surrounding blank area).
  5. The nav could use some work, and just center the scrolling text. It's hard to read and it can all fit statically. Also, why are the login labels below the login boxes?
  6. I'm working on a very very simple blog system, and want to allow users to add tags to their blog posts. So I'm wondering how to seperate each tag (from one variable with them seperated by commas) and then how to store each into a seperate row in the tags table, with the same blog_id value. Thanks.
  7. Looks awesome, but the coded version seems a little buggy in Opera.
  8. I'm using Opera, and all it is telling me is "Please wait for the image to load" even though the image is there.
  9. It is the page title that appears in the search engine listing.
  10. Err... it's content is about as obvious as the content of McDonald's Mystery Meat. And as long as you are referencing Youtube, you might get a clue about what aesthetic design is. And the problem isn't just the tables, it is the fact that there is a total lack of any intelligent design displayed on the site.
  11. Oh noez, an Untitled Document. The site looks pretty good except for a few little things: underlines on the navbar rollover, the Times New Roman footer, and the lack of color.
  12. Times New Roman. Use sans serif fonts such as Arial, Trebuchet, and Verdana. Think about adding some contrast to the site, instead of it being all shades of blue.
  13. :(Times New Roman. Use sans serif fonts such as Arial, Trebuchet, or Verdana.
  14. How about some contrasting and bright colors? Your site still looks like it is stuck in the 1990's.
  15. It is just ugly in general. Try a whole new color scheme, layout, and a flat logo.
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