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Everything posted by ted_chou12

  1. here: [code] <?php //email right format, valid? $regex = "^[_+a-z0-9-]+(\.[_+a-z0-9-]+)*"."@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]{1,})*"."\.([a-z]{2,}){1}$"; if(!eregi($regex,$email)){echo"(Invalid E-mail Address!)<br>"; $invalid = TRUE;} ?> [/code]
  2. what i want to do is to pass a string from one page to another (just like my subject title) what it means is this: first php page: <?php $string = "information" ?> <a href="page2.php">click here</a> and then when the visitor clicks the hyperlink, he/she is transferred to the second page, however, i also want the string to be transferred as well so you can echo it on the second page. <?php echo $string ?> However, I dont wish to write nor create any text files, is there any suggestions? Thankyou :D
  3. yeah, i quite like this feature, so the experts save the time in clicking for the thanks replies... :D
  4. timmah, i dont quite understand, can you just explain it briefly to be please?
  5. thanks, ill let you know if i have trouble combining them.
  6. below is the list directory code, but how should i list them in pages? for example, i want to have ten text files listed on one page, and the next ten on the second page, tell me if it is going to be too complicated, then i will forget about it thankyou :D Edited: oh yeah, if possible, is it possible to list the file in terms of their last modification time, eg. latest goes first thanks again [code] <table bgcolor="#FAEBD7" width="100%"> <tr bgcolor="#D2B48C" align=center width="100%"><td align=center><font face="arial" size=4><b>ID</b></td><td align=center width=30><font face="arial" size=4><b>Thread Con.</b></td><td align=center width="40%"><font face="arial" size=4><b>Thread Name</b></font></td><td align=center width=30><font face="arial" size=4><b>Views</b></font></td><td align=center width=30><font face="arial" size=4><b>Replies</b></font></td><td align=center width="20%"><font face="arial" size=4><b>Thread Strarted By</b></font></td><td align=center width="30%"><font face="arial" size=4><b>Thread Started On</b></font></td><td align=center width="20%"><font face="arial" size=4><b>Last Commented</b></font></td></tr> <?php $namearray = array("forum"); // File names you want to exclude $extarray = array("xml","jpg","php","css","bmp","png","html");  //extension you want to exclude $files = array(); if ($handle = opendir(".")) {    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {      if($file != "." && $file != ".."){        if (filetype($file) == "file" || filetype($file) == "dir"){        $filearray = explode(".", $file);        $files[$filearray[0]] = $filearray[1];        }      }    } closedir($handle); } foreach($files as $name => $ext){   if(in_array($name, $namearray, false) || in_array($ext, $extarray, false)){   } else { foreach(@file("$name.txt") as $v){list($topic,$category,$number,$datetime,$name,$username,$message,$threadicon) = explode("#",$v);}   $counteraa = file_get_contents("topic$number-counter.php");   if (!file_exists("topic$number-counter.php")){$counteraa = 0;}   $repliesaa = file_get_contents("topic$number-replies.php");   if (!file_exists("topic$number-replies.php")){$repliesaa = 0;}   $lastposteraa = file_get_contents("topic$number-lastposter.php");   if (!file_exists("topic$number-lastposter.php")){$lastposteraa = $name;}   echo "<tr><td valign=center align=center bgcolor=\"#FFDEAD\">$number</td><td valign=center align=center><img src=\"../smilies/$threadicon.gif\"></td><td align=left valign=center bgcolor=\"#FFDEAD\"><a href=\"../viewtopic.php?id=$category/topic$number\"><font color=\"#A0522D\"><b>$topic</b></font></a></td><td align=center>$counteraa</td><td align=center>$repliesaa</td><td align=center bgcolor=\"#FFDEAD\">$name</td><td align=center>$datetime</td><td align=center bgcolor=\"#FFDEAD\">$lastposteraa</td></tr>"."\n";} } ?> </table> [/code]
  7. what if my string is: directory($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) do I have to set anything or put quotation marks? because it doesn't seem to work like this: $string = echo "directory($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])";
  8. last thread on the left? I cant seem to find it.
  9. for example: the original string is "test" what i want it to turn to is "Test" is there any easy way to do this? Thankyou
  10. opps, i found out why... because i didn't put the radio buttons inside the form tags... NOBODY LAUGHS :-[
  11. Sorry, ive tried posting the whole page up, but it doesn't seem to work, I think is too long. Can you work with this alone? My apologies...
  12. I cant seem to get the value of the radio buttons in the form into the php string, here is what ive got: <input type="radio" name="threadicon" value="1"><img src="tests/1.gif"> <input type="radio" name="threadicon" value="2"><img src="tests/2.gif"> <input type="radio" name="threadicon" value="3"><img src="tests/3.gif"> and the php if(isset($_POST['Submit'])){ $threadicon = $_POST['threadicon'];} is there any error?
  13. thankyou!
  14. nope , this one is not the same as the one yesterday, I want to achieve the name of the directory this time, because i want to show it on my navigator. The other one was problem with listing the files in the folder.
  15. can anyone give me suggestions on this please?
  16. as for me, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] would give you /forum/folder/test.php and dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) would give you /forum/folder is there any possibility if i want the folder part of the string and nothing else? Thanks
  17. :D, haha, yeah, i was kind of exaggerting, thankyou for solving my problem by the way!
  18. i have infinite number of files in a folder, and each of those txt files has a number, what i want is add all of those numbers together, so far, this is what ive got $namearray = array("forum"); // File names you want to exclude $extarray = array("xml","jpg","php","css","bmp","png","html");  //extension you want to exclude $files = array(); if ($handle = opendir(".")) {   while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {     if($file != "." && $file != ".."){       if (filetype($file) == "file" || filetype($file) == "dir"){       $filearray = explode(".", $file);       $files[$filearray[0]] = $filearray[1];       }     }   } closedir($handle); } foreach($files as $name => $ext){   if(in_array($name, $namearray, false) || in_array($ext, $extarray, false)){   } else {   foreach(@file("homework/$name.txt") as $v){list($topic,$category,$number,$datetime,$name,$username,$message) = explode("#",$v);}   $repliesaa = file_get_contents("topic$number-replies.php")."\n";} it lists out the txt files but i am having trouble adding the numbers up, can anyone give me some ideas
  19. but thanks for everyone's active participation!! :D
  20. Here, i have to string: $figure_1 = 1 $figure_2 = 2 does php work with simple + symbol? eg. $figure_1 + $figure_2 == 3 does this work?
  21. thanks for sharing! :)
  22. thankyou, i will have a try on it :)
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