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Everything posted by Trium918

  1. I am looking for a legitimate site that allow users to download movie. I would like to be able to download DVD quality full length movies. I have google several, but I would like to know which sites have you experienced?
  2. None of the 3-4 dells Ive ever owned have ever had any such issue. thorpe what do you recommend?
  3. I am looking for good internal hard drive with a lot of space in between 300GB & 500GB or more. I am looking for performance, speed etc.. I am trying to avoid purchasing a dud. If you have any ideas on a great selection, could you please share them? Thanks! I have a Dell desktop computer. I think the tower is the 2400 series.
  4. It doesn't take all that! You don't have to change anything. Try this! <?php function load($level) { static $levels = array('level 1','level 2','level 3'), $level_index = 0; while ($level >= $level_index && isset($levels[$level_index])) { $current_level = $levels[$level_index]; unset($levels[$level_index++]); _load($current_level); } } function _load($level) { switch($level) { case 'level 1': print "Test Line 1"; break; case 'level 2': print "Test Line 2"; break; case 'level 3': print "Test Line 3"; break; } } ?>
  5. The variable $level must be defined as static in order for your script to work properly. <?php // Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',' static $level = array('level 1','level 2','level 3'), $level_index = 0; $i = 0; while ($i < 5) { print $level[$i].'<br>'; $i++; } ?>
  6. What are some useful extracting software that allows me to extract .tar files? I am looking for a free version. Thank You!
  7. Is it possible for an user to store malicious scripts inside of the database? If so, how would I protect against it?
  8. What data type should I use to store PHP scripts in the MySQL database. I want it to be exactly like phpfreaks or similar.
  9. Would someone please explain to me what exactly the code below is suppose to do? <?php // Get php version $phpver = phpversion(); if ($phpver >= '4.0.4pl1' && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'compatible')) { if (extension_loaded('zlib')) { @ob_end_clean(); ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } ?>
  10. normally there is a syntax error with in your code if there is a blank page being displayed. you are missing a ) at the end of your query. <?php VALUES (0, '{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['posted_at']}', '{$_POST['excerpt']}', '{$_POST['body']}', '{$_POST['categories']}'"; ?> shoud be <?php VALUES (0, '{$_POST['title']}', '{$_POST['posted_at']}', '{$_POST['excerpt']}', '{$_POST['body']}', '{$_POST['categories']}'"); ?>
  11. http://www.thisis50.com/profile/50cent I only want it on the profile page.
  12. I've seen it done on other sites, so I started wondering how could it be done using php.
  13. Ok, currently I have www.mysite/profile/index.php showing in the URL, but I would like for the user name or ID number to show in the place of index.php. How would I remove index.php and replace it with the user name?
  14. I would like for the URL to show the user's name or ID number if the user is logged in. How would I accomplish this? Example: www.mysite/profile/user
  15. Where to check the statics of all Website? The most popular sites and most views and usages.
  16. What type of phone do you have? I have the HTC Touch phone, so yes I have access to bluetooth.
  17. So what would this equal to? <?php $_SESSION[''] ?>
  18. val should have been value inside the option tag SOLVED
  19. What are some reliable ring tone software that is available?
  20. The dob function populates the drop down menu. That part is working just fine. After the submit button is submitted, there is no data being displayed to the screen.
  21. The dob function below populates the drop down menu, but there isn't any output being displayed to the screen. Why? Can someone tell me? <?php function dob() { $month = array ("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); $select = "<select name=\"birth_month\" >\n"; $select .="<option val=\"0\">Month\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($month); $i++) { $val = $i+1; $select .= "<option val=\"".$val."\">".$month[$i]."\n"; } $select .= "</option></select>"; $select .=" "; $select .= "<select name=\"birth_day\">\n"; $select .="<option val=\"0\">Day\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < 31; $i++) { $val = $i+1; $select .= "<option val=\"".$val."\">".$val."\n"; } $select .= "</option></select>"; return $select; } $birth_date = dob(); echo $birth_date; $birth_month = $_POST['birth_month']; $birth_day = $_POST['birth_day']; $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> <form action="<?php echo $self ?>" method="post"> <table border="1"><tr><td> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo $birth_month."/".$birth_day; } ?> </td></tr><tr><td> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" /> </td></tr></table> </form>
  22. <?php $title = "Web Site Name - Menu Title - Web Page Name"; ?> <title> <?php print $title ?> </title>
  23. Thanks to both replies! I still could use a really could textbook to go along with the tutorials. Anymore ideas? Thanks again.
  24. I have no knowledge of flash besides using it on other sites that offers it. I have all the time in the world to implement a flash video player. I would like to build a custom player. Maybe a good book or two would do the trick. What are some Web sites with a tutorial describing how to build a flash video player? Have any of you custom built a flash video player? If so, where did you learn ActionScript? Can someone please reply with a list of the things that I would need in order to complete this task? Thanks!
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