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Everything posted by Trium918

  1. Man! I have not idea about how to use this generator.
  2. The color scheme is the most important element when it comes to Web page designing. The right combination attract user because its appealing. I was thinking of an orange, blue, and green. Blue being the primary color and green the secondary color, and orange the highlighted color. My question is this: Does anyone else have trouble putting together their color and is there any Web site that could help?
  3. I have been googling like crazy. I totally do not understand what other problem could there be. I need help bad. Could you help me by giving me a site with a list? Thanks.
  4. Intellectual property threats are a larger problem than they were prior to the widespread use of the Internet. Domain names have given rise to issues such as cybersquatting, name changing, and name stealing. Identify and briefly describe at least 5 intellectual property threats related to names. What are some others that you can think of besides the 3 in the paragraph above? I am looking for 5 more because I need 8 total. Thanks in advance.
  5. No problem! I got it out of a book myself. lol
  6. Looks like you modified a script I posted!
  7. Like what kind of stuff do you mean? Examples would help me alot. Image Gallery for the images for instance.
  8. I think more information is needed. Explaining to the user what the site is about and how to use it. As developers, we understand that it is an upload/download file system, but the user must be aware of that as well! The site is boring. Give the user more to do with his or her files. By the way, good and clean looking site.
  9. Question: What is Illustrator used for in a Web App?
  10. Wow! That is a lot of money. I was thinking maybe 1,000-2,000 price range.
  11. I don't think that analogy works at all for programming. Why not?
  12. Its like riding a bike. Once you learn it you got it. It may take a few seconds but you'll get it.
  13. No, I enjoy writing code but I am looking for new ideas. I am trying to be more creative.
  14. Guide me! Where should I be looking? I enjoy PHP for instance.
  15. Is the internet getting boring or is it just me? There isn't a Web site with that excitement anymore. Myspace is getting boring and so is facebook. Youtube is ok but the same video is getting old fast. Yahoo has been the same , no changes. Google, well, I just use it for research, so is the Internet getting boring or it just me?
  16. The reason I create this topic is because I get these text messages from an account that I have when ever a payment is received. It isn't a SMS message but I text message. I was wondering how is it done because it is interesting and could come in handy in the futures. Thanks to all for your reply.
  17. I am trying to gather as much information as possible about sending text messages to mobile phones using PHP. I have a few questions like: 1) What is required/Free or Purchased Software? 2) Is it difficult to implement? 3) Where can I get more information about this topic? 4) Is it as simple as the PHP Script below? <?php /*Example code to send text messages written in php. This code requires phpmailer class. You can download free phpmailer from http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net/. This code is provided as sample only. */ require("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = "ipipi.com"; // specify main and backup server $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication $mail->Port =25; $mail->Username = "YoureIPIPIUsername"; // SMTP username at ipipi $mail->Password = "YourPassword"; // SMTP password $mail->From = "YourUserName@ipipi.com"; $mail->FromName = "Your Name"; $mail->AddAddressTo("DestinationPhoneNumber@sms.ipipi.com", "Receiver Name"); $mail->Subject = "Compression Option goes here - find out more"; $mail->Body = "Your Message"; if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Message could not be sent. <p>"; echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; exit; } echo "Message has been sent"; ?> Note: Please do not answer this topic with "Try Google!" Thanks In Advance.
  18. I am looking for a PHP book that teaches and has great examples of building an advance Web site. I am looking for PHP books that has been read by you.
  19. Or something like the following. <?php $newsletter= $_POST['newsletter']; switch($newsletter) { case radio1: $sql = " "; break; case radio2: $sql = " "; break; default: echo "There is a problem in your script"; ?>
  20. I got it! I just used the title attribute inside of the <a></a> tag. Thanks!
  21. Ok, I have the Overlib. PHP is embedding into the Javascript the same way that it is embedding into HTML, correc?
  22. I tried to google it but I found no results. Anything else that is useful would be great. Thanks.
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