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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Adam

    The Black Keys

    Yeah absolutely. Mixed opinion about their new album though, quite different to their other stuff. There's some great songs on it though.
  2. Hey up. Anyone seen The Black Keys live before? Off to see them Monday evening in Birmingham, absolutely can't wait!
  3. How are you defining the arrays?
  4. Store the results into an array: $items = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $items[$row['item_id']] = $row['amount']; } That you can reference the array later.
  5. Do you ONLY want items 13, 14 & 15?
  6. Mix semen with water, works a treat. -- No seriously, what do you want from us here? What have you tried so far?
  7. Use a fixed path (e.g. "/styles/something.css", or "http://example.com/styles/something.css").
  8. Remove it from the food directory.
  9. Ah, just make an end slash optional:
  10. You were trying to redirect requests from register.php to food/register, which doesn't exist. You need to rewrite requests from food/register to register.php .. Try this: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.php [NC,L]
  11. By wrong way around I meant your approach is backwards, not the rewrite rule.
  12. You're doing it the wrong way round. "Food/Register" should rewrite to register.php. What you're trying to do is redirect register.php to Food/Register (which doesn't exist).
  13. No problem
  14. Give this a go: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ([^/]+)/?$ $1.php [L] Haven't tried it.
  15. Perhaps using $_GET? Be sure to sanitize input data before using it in your query though.
  16. I don't know this is your code. Where are their values supposed to come from?
  17. An 'object literal' (AKA JSON), allows you to write the object kind of in-line. You don't pre-define it like functions, which means you can't create multiple instances of it.
  18. Because your queries aren't returning any results. You can check the number of results returned with mysql_num_rows - perform a check before you try creating/using the MySQL object.
  19. $carid and $fuel don't exist.. Where are they defined?
  20. The undefined variable notices are simply alerting you that you're trying to use a variable that doesn't exist. As they don't exist though that then means your queries are returning 0 results, and so when you try to use $info->fuel you're being notified that the property "fuel" doesn't exist (as there's no results).
  21. The header function does work on both, you just need to use it *before* any output is sent to the browser (i.e. HTML).
  22. You're looking for mod_rewrite..
  23. Try: /(.+?) posts/
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