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Posts posted by suzzane2020

  1. ok wat i meant is

    u wud have a table for subjects and a query to get them in the form

    <form name="">


    $res=mysql_query("select * from subject_tbl");






    <td><input type="checkbox" name="links" value="<?php echo $subject_name?>"></td><td><?php echo $subject_name;?></td>


    <?php }?>


    <input type="hidden" name="chkIds">




  2. ur gonna need javascript for this



    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
           function MM_callJS()
    	for (i=0; i<document.form1.links.length; i++)
    		 if (document.form1.links[i].checked==true)
    		return true;		



    now here u wud need a hidden field which is "chkIds" here and the name of the checkbox wud be "links"

    as the checkbox is in the loop, the javascript takes the length or number of checkboxes generated-" document.form1.links.length" and gets the value of each selected box-"  if (document.form1.links.checked==true)"


    then its passes it to the hidden field- "  document.form1.chkIds.value=document.form1.chkIds.value+","+document.form1.links.value"


    with a separator '+' in between


    let me knw if u gt this till here

  3. not this way

    // see if any rows were returned
    if ($num=mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)


    change it to







    SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Category_id = '4'"

    copy this and paset it in the database n see if u get the record


    if not try it without the quotes

  4. ok cool we have reached till here



    we can take out the password from here since its nt sent thru the link


    so it becomes



    after this once the user comes to this page

    try echoin all the values to see if we got them

    echo $login;

    if yes then check the table to see if the login name has been entered initially




  5. its fine if u dnt have the password or infact better since it is confidential.

    we can leave out the password since the username is anyways unique and we wud be using tht to update our query


    so no probs just remove the password bit from the link an d proceed


    and also

    since we are nt usin the password

    rem0ve it from

    the reg_success page

  6. okie  seems u have not gt the concept rite yet. no p-robs. :P

    heres hw


    when u use


    the "username" or watever it is thts there inside the brackets shud be one of the parameters u sent


    in the link

    <a href='www.runnerselite.com/include/reg_success.inc.php?login=".$login."&password=".$password."&enabled=yes'>Please click to confirm</a>";


    u have



    so the values u can use to check in the bracket are either "login","password" or "enabled"

    ie the names that u assign for the parameters.

    so we are checkin if any one of these parameters are sent thru GET method

    so the code shud be

    if(isset($_GET["login"])) or password or enabled


  7. <?php if(isset($_GET["username"]))
    $res=mysql_query(update tblname set enabled='yes' where username='$username')


    hey u need to have the parameter names in the brackets.

    ie if u have passed the username in the link this way



    it shud be


  8. k in te second page

    u need to get the parameters using GET







    $res=mysql_query(update tblname set status='true' where username='$username')



    n thts it

    after this you can give any message to the user such as "Thank You for reg...etc etc


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