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Posts posted by suzzane2020

  1. Hi,


        Iam working on drag and drop html control script. Here i have a list of html elements which can be dragged and dropped onto a dropable area.

    so far so good. But i need to position these elements when i drop them

    ie. I need to place them wherever i want in the dropable area.

    hw can i do tht using the div tag.


    Any help wud be appreciated

    Thank You

  2. How do i change the local timezone in phpini settings.

    The prob mentioned above has nt been solved yet.

    the time function gives me a time 5 hrs back.


    the time on my system is correct

    I have tried the same function at my workplace and  it gives me the rite time.


    But when i use it at home on xampp it gives te wrong time


    plz help

  3. Hi,

    I have a script to generate the local time. My local time here is ISD 6:50pm.


    This is the script

    $timestamp = time() ;


    echo $hr;

    $current_time=strftime("%I:%M %p",$timestamp) ;

    but i get a time as 1:10pm aand so .not the rite time.


    is there anythn wrong?

    plz help


  4. call this javascript on the click event of the submit button



     function MM_callJS()  
    							for (i=0; i<document.form1.links.length; i++){
                      			  if (document.form1.links[i].checked==true)
                               return true;


    In this example te checkbox has a name 'links' and a hidden field named chkIds. on form submit the values of the selected boxes are passed to the hidden field.

    This value neds to be exploded with ','

  5. Call this java script on the link for delete.Pass the relevant id's as the parameters


    eg: if the user clicks cancel the the link wud be the same page

    $p=same page


    if the user clicks yes, the page wud be delete.php



    function Alert(d,p)
    var d=d;
    var where_to= confirm("Do you really want to delete this job posting??");
    if (where_to== true)

  6. HI,


    Iam stuck on a problem here and hope someone wud help


      I have a table with each row having 3 columns . And these rows are populated from a database.

    how do i get the values of each row using javascript?

    this is the javascript i have been using:



    function get_order() {
       var x = document.getElementById("rowid");
    var items = x.getElementsByTagName("td");
    var itemsString = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            if (itemsString.length > 0) itemsString += ":";
            itemsString += items[i].innerHTML;


    The prob here is that i only get the first row from the database .

    Plz help


    Thnk You

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