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Everything posted by suzzane2020

  1. <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function changeIt() { var i = 1; my_div.innerHTML = my_div.innerHTML +"<br> ><input type='text' name='others'+ i>" </script> place te div tags in the form where u want te field to appear. eg: <div id="my_div"></div> //call this function on a onclick event of te link
  2. u can try this write a code tht checks the diff between te current date and the invoice date. n when the diff is 7 the query to archive is executed so put the query in the if condition.
  3. Try this format if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'])) { $target_path = "/uploads/"; $filename = basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); $target_path = $target_path .$filename; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { $uploadNotice = "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded.<br />"; } else { echo "cannot move uploaded file"; } } else {echo "cannot upload"; }
  4. u need to upload it first and then move it to the target path before if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) u need to use if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']))
  5. hi i tried that out and it worked fine..used the same variable.. thanx a lot fert
  6. ok its like i go to this site and find a particular page tht i want to send to my friwnd..there is a link "Tell a friend" where i can enter info about the site and send it . along with te info i, want the link i had just visited in te site to be sent to him/her.
  7. Hi Thnx in advance for any help. I have a function where i need to send the recently visited link in my site ,to a friend. The link should appear in one of the mail form fields. hw do i get it?
  8. try this use the round function $dec=12.234; $new=round($dec,2);
  9. n better still u could use the _GET or _POST methods when using isset eg if( !isset($_POST["$mail1"])) { }
  10. when the email is not set does it go to the else part n display $logged2 or just give an empty string?
  11. hi, where have u placed the second part on the program?
  12. after echoing the ile name try pasting that in the browser n see wat u get..im there the extension or filepath needs to be changd a bit
  13. headers and sesions are normally kept before an html code..if not u wud get the error
  14. yes,,and mabe if u just want to go back to the form page u cud place a link to go back
  15. hi, hw can i select the latest 10 job postings from my table datewise?
  16. ok..thnx..was asked this  question in a previous interview  n wasnt sure of the ans... thnx again
  17. hello, gt a doubt.(gt an interview 2mrw..need all te help)!!!!.plz help can we have 2 connections to the same db and like wise two connections to diff db's in te same script?
  18. try takin the space out between messages  and (to, subject) mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages(to, subject) VALUES ('$to', '$subject')") or die (mysql_error());
  19. add a part over here else if (($Actual < $Target) &&( ($Actual-$Target)!=2)) { $colour = "red"; return $colour; }
  20. sorry te other way around if(($Target-$Actual)==2) {   $color="Amber";   return $color; }
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