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Everything posted by studgate

  1. Thanks Psycho, I always thought this board to be advanced so I was explaining it as such but will explain more details if I have other questions again... ginerjm, thanks for trying to get it but everything I said made sense for advanced developers and being a developer for 9 years I will figure it, I always do. i did post an example for you above so you can understand the unlimited textfield concept, you can add a submit button to process the entries and validation I started coding this using JavaScript instead as it made more sense and will share the solution here later today if anybody is interested.
  2. are you kidding? read this and tell me which part you don't understand Thank you in advance... here is my situation, I have a form with three (3) fields in it, the 'student name' is unlimited textfield with an "add more" button to it and I have two select fields ('number of shirts' and 'trophies') that depend on the number of entries for 'student name'...
  3. that clearly was a typo ginerjm, thanks for capturing it ... it supposed to be 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 as you mentioned! the reason for the zero is they can select none and we need to record it It was also suppose to be unlimited input textfield (find demo here: http://jsfiddle.net/studgate/tqj8bxdh/), this is without the other SELECT fields thanks!
  4. Hey guys, Thank you in advance... here is my situation, I have a form with three (3) fields in it, the 'student name' is unlimited textfield with an "add more" button to it and I have two select fields ('number of shirts' and 'trophies') that depend on the number of entries for 'student name'... I want to create the select fields based on this math, for as many 'student name' entries: 1- i want to have the select form for 'number of shirts' to be 0 up to that number... so if there are 6 'student name' entries, the select options will be 0,1,3,4,5,6,7 2- I want to have the select form for 'trophies' to be 5 'student name' entries to 1 'trophies', for example if there are 6 'student name' entries, the select options will be 0,1... if there are 13 entries, options will be 0,1,2... So if there are less than 5 'student name' entries, the select field will not show (hidden) of course if there are no 'student name' entries, these two fields won't show up (hidden) let me know if that make sense and ANY help or directions will be GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thanks guys!
  5. I am figuring out things...

  6. thanks Kira for getting in the right direction, i know what I have to do now plus your code works fine, just need to modified to fill my needs.
  7. hey guys, I am having a small problem and I can't wrap my head around it. I want users to be able to upload up 10 photos in the database and what I want to do is check the database to see how many pics they have already and if they have 10, just show the photo with action items but if they have 7 for example, show the 7 pictures and three upload fields, if they have 4, show the pics and 6 fields and so on... let me know what you guys think and some help. Thanks in advance guys, you always come through...
  8. i am gonna try these options guys but is there a way for me to get the metropolitain area for that ip address, I get the current city where the ip address resides but get me Boston, instead of Foxboro.
  9. ok guys, i know you guys are awesome and I always get the help and I need some help in figuring the current city and the metropolitan area from an ip address. For example, if I am in Harlem, NY, I need to get the Harlem and New York. I have a code that is partially working but not accurate enough, please guys help, something like groupon will do. function currentCity () { ( ( (float)phpversion() < 5.3 ) ) ? die ( 'There is something wrong!' ) : ''; $site = file_get_contents( "http://www.google.com/search?q=VBXMCBVFKJSHDKHDKF" ); $getLocationViaGoogle = function ( $html ){ $regex = "#<\w+\s\w+=\"tbos\">([^<]{3,})<\/\w+>#i"; preg_match_all( $regex, $html, $matches ); return $matches[1][0]; }; print $getLocationViaGoogle( $site ); }
  10. hey guys, it works fine for me... thanks to cssfreakie and Pikachu2000 for the help, I appreciate it
  11. thanks guys , I am gonna test and reply or mark as solved
  12. I already validated the email address and want to check that it is .edu email address... i want any email address which ended with .edu to be accepted...
  13. hey guys, you guys never seem to amaze me so this is the best place to post my question. I am looking for a check email function that will check if the entered email address is an education email address (ending with .edu) for example: me@anyschool.edu. thanks in advance!
  14. Easier than I thought, thanks for the pointer... If anyone needs the solution, please let me know
  15. how do I set/unset a session from a click button? on/off button...thanks in advance!
  16. hey guys, I am trying to setup a session for a filter , I have a button that the user can click on or off, the button starts off but when the user clicks on it a new session starts and it stays on until the user clicks it again to turn it off or when the browser sessions ends... Any help is welcome, thanks guys, you are the best
  17. Hey guys, I am trying to secure a folder for only a few people. I am trying to secure the folder and then when the user logs in, redirect them to a page with information. A little help is highly welcome. thanks in advance guys!
  18. Hey guys, i have a simple little problems. I am trying to breakdown a date(timestamp) into month name (Jan, Feb), month (01, 02), Day (01...31), and year. I have been trying and I have not have much success so I come to the best place with the best people for some help . The date on the database is stored as (dateexecuted), I want to get the date and break it down. Thanks in advance guys!
  19. $sql = "SELECT `id`, `title`, gallery1' AS type FROM table1 WHERE galleryid = '1' " . " UNION SELECT `id`, `title`, 'gallery2' AS type FROM table1 WHERE galleryid = '2' "; $sql .= "GROUP BY type";
  20. yeah, that won't help, I got the same problem...
  21. I have a table that contains data from two galleries using their id. I want to be able to get a list of each item from a particular gallery and categorize them in groups. The way that I want is: Gallery 1 Item 1 Item 2 Gallery 2 Item 1 Item 2 the code that I have right now gives me: Gallery 1 Item 1 Gallery 1 Item 2 Gallery 2 Item 1 Gallery 2 Item 2 Any help is welcome!
  22. Where is the action in the WHERE statement comes from, if you took it from the url, you should try $_GET['action'] try: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE Genre = '$_GET['action']'");
  23. I figured it out, there was a problem with the WHERE statement, apparently you can't use aliases in the where statement and that's why i kept getting error messages. Here is the correct query: SELECT MONTHNAME(posted_date) as month, blogid, YEAR(posted_date) as year FROM blog WHERE date_format(posted_date, '%m/%Y') = '$month' Thanks to all!
  24. Thanks rhodesa, but that's not the problem, the date I am referring to in the query is date_posted and added quotes to $month without success, I keep getting an error and it seems that the result has wrong argument. "SELECT COUNT(blogid) total, blogid, MONTHNAME(posted_date) month, YEAR(posted_date) year, date_format(posted_date, '%m/%Y') dated FROM blog WHERE dated = '$month' GROUP BY MONTH(posted_date), YEAR(posted_date)"
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