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Everything posted by studgate

  1. Darkfreaks: I thought I did but I am going to make sure and make changes where needed. any suggestions for the login.php?? just sanitized?? Coreye: suggestions to solve the XSS and I will take a look at sql error.
  2. I did all I can do to protect from sql injection and xss. what was supposed to happen with the test you did??? I never tried this addon before.
  3. Website back up. Continue to send your suggestions and any problems found. Thanks Coreye, I fixed the problems above ( I hope). Thanks again guys, the help is appreciated.
  4. I put the site down so I can fix the problems above. I will put it live in a couple hours. Thanks!
  5. Thanks Coreye, Let me get to work, keep them coming. post any problems that you found and let me know of any security threats.
  6. have you tried this?? <a href="javascript:history.go(-2)">GO back</a>
  7. Can you guys test this site for security and stability reasons. I just completed the site and want to make sure that it can sustain any problems? The website is happyhoursports.com thanks in advance guys, you the best!
  8. you can simply use a function that redirect to any page that you want do this: function redirect ($location){ header('Location: '.$location); exit; } Usage: redirect (../../pagetosend.php);
  9. Thanks Thorpe, there was one mistake in your query, 72 HOUR not 72 HOURS/ Okay I create a function that will do that for me in the backend or any page that you want. Here it is for all who needs something like this. function DeleteInactiveUsers(){ $sql = 'DELETE FROM users_table WHERE status = 0 && registered_date < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 72 HOUR);'; mysql_query($sql) or die('The MySQL query failed. MySQL said: '.mysql_error()); } You can just call this on the page that you want: <? DeleteInactiveUsers(); ?
  10. I was thinking about a function that runs on all pages and in the backend... it will connect to the database, check if status = 0 and date_registered is > 72 hours. if both conditions are met, delete the user.
  11. Hi Guys, I am trying to automatically deleting users that have not activated their account after 72 hours. How can I go about doing that?? There are two fields in the database that I want to to check: if active (int) = 0 (not active) or 1 (active) and compare the date_registered(timestamp) with 72 hours. Any ideas are welcome, thanks in advance guys.
  12. yep, that works!! thanks Little Guy!
  13. Hey Guys, I want to check if a url contains a query string or not. How do I go about doing that?? What I am looking for is a simple code of function that checks the url and if there is no query string, show this and if there is query string show that. I hope I explain it right. Thanks in advance guys! Example: if querystring() { echo '&'; } else { echo '?'; }
  14. thanks peasepud, it works just fine.
  15. Hi Guys, What I want to do is excluding past dates from my list. I want to create a list of upcoming events and i want a way to check the date and if the date is less than today, remove it from the list. How can I do that??? Thanks in advance!
  16. mysql_insert_id is a little risky because what if two users are posting messages at the same time??
  17. I am creating a simple forum I want to be able to get the initial message id so when someone is replying to it, I can update the database. I can get the reply message working but the post is what I am having problem with.
  18. hi Guys, I am trying to update a table that I just insert inot the database. i insert the value and I want to get the primary key of that entry and update another field with that same value. Example: TABLE (ID, NAME, OTHERFIELD) INSERT into table (name) VALUES ('$NAME'); UPDATE table SET (OTHERFIELD) VALUES (ID) I hope I explain it properly. let me know if you have a question
  19. Hi guys, I want to check a database and see if the image value is null or if it is empty. If it is empty, I want to replace it with an image in the images folder. if it not empty, insert the image. Anybody wants to help me with this please. Thank you in advance.
  20. I want to save the current user id in a session and when the userid equals to the user id of the session gets the full name and other information. The only thing is I don't know how to get this.
  21. Hi Guys, I need some help resolving a simple problem. I have two tables one is user and the other is activity. The user can't filled the activity form without logging in, when they registered, all the information was asked. What I want to do is when the user is filling out the activity form, the user's information (first name, last name, address, city, etc) can be inserted into the form, the user can leave it or change it if they want. Thanks in advance guys!
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