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Everything posted by chmpdog

  1. Hi, Im not too sure where to put this so I put the post here. On my website I want to have better search engine results. So I put in proper Meta information for each page and all the pages have proper urls (such as root.com/page.shtml) Also, I put in a site map for the search engines. (xml format) Now what do I need to do to get better search popularity? I have waited about a week and still no progress in stats. Is there anything I can do to get better search engine ratings? Thanks
  2. I changed the <?php session_start(); ?>, and is not the base .html (its on a rewrite engine). What do you mean by the headers being rejected? Thanks for the help
  3. Hi I have gotten this contact form, and it works normally on its full url (http://www.mdoneonone.com/includes/contact_short.php). But when I put it in with the template and submit I get an internal server error. here is the final url (http://www.mdoneonone.com/contact-deborah-harding.html) Here is the code for it: <?php session_start(); ?><center> <?php echo "$status2"; ?> <?php // Change these two variables to meet your needs. $myemail = ''; $subject = $fname && $lname; $op = $_POST[op]; if($op == 'contact') { if (isset($_POST['submitBtn'])){ $secCode = isset($_POST['secCode']) ? strtolower($_POST['secCode']) : ""; if ($secCode == $_SESSION['securityCode']) { unset($_SESSION['securityCode']); $result = true; } else { $status = "<p>Sorry the security code is invalid! Please try it again!</p>"; $result = false; } } $fname = stripslashes($_POST[fname]); $fname = stripslashes($_POST[fname]); $azip = stripslashes($_POST[azip]); $astate = stripslashes($_POST[astate]); $adress1 = stripslashes($_POST[adress1]); $address_2 = stripslashes($_POST[address_2]); $lname = stripslashes($_POST[lname]); $city = stripslashes($_POST[city]); $email = stripslashes($_POST[email]); $bmonth = stripslashes($_POST[bmonth]); $byear = stripslashes($_POST[byear]); $bday = stripslashes($_POST[bday]); $remail = stripslashes($_POST[remail]); $gender = stripslashes($_POST[gender]); $phone_1 = stripslashes($_POST[phone_1]); $phone_2 = stripslashes($_POST[phone_2]); $phone_3 = stripslashes($_POST[phone_3]); $text = stripslashes($_POST[text]); $referer = $_POST[referer]; $remote_host = $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]; $server = $_SERVER[sERVER_NAME]; $browser = $_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]; if(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$",$email)) { $status = "We're sorry, but you've entered an incorrect email address.<br>"; } if(!$fname) { $status .= "Please enter your first name.<br>"; } if(!$lname) { $status .= "Please enter your last name.<br>"; } if($email != $remail) { $status .= "Your emails do not match."; } if(!$text) { $status .= "Please enter a message.<br>"; } if(!$status) { $header = "From: $email\r\nReply-To: $email\r\n"; $message = " --------Name-------- First Name: $fname Last Name: $lname ------Email----------- Both Emails should match Email: $email Email: $remail ---------------------------- Message: $text -------------------------------------------- Below Must be mdoneonone.com Referer: $referer Site: $server Remote Host: $remote_host Remote Browser: $browser Copy of message: $text "; if(mail($myemail, $subject, $message, $header)) { $status2 = ""; $status = "<font color='black'>Thank you, Your message has been sent!<br><br></font>"; } else { $status = "There was a problem sending your feedback, please try again.<br><br>"; } } else { $status .= "<br>Please press <u>back</u> on your browser to resubmit.<br><br>"; } } // Now check the referer page and ensure it's a proper URL $referer = $_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER]; if(!preg_match('#^http\\:\\/\\/[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z0-9\-]+\.)?[a-z]+#i', $referer)) { unset($referer); } ?> <h2>Contact Deborah Harding Instantly</h2><br /> <font color="red"><?php print $status; ?></font> <?php if ((!isset($_POST['submitBtn'])) || (!$status)){ ?> <form method="post" action="<?php print $_SELF; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="op" value="contact"> <input type="hidden" name="referer" value="<?php print $referer; ?>"> First Name:<input name="fname" size="15" value=""> Last Name:<input name="lname" size="15" value=""><br><br> E-mail address:<input name="email" size="35" value=""><br><br /> Re-enter E-mail:<input name="remail" size="35" value=""> <br /> <table width="400"> <tr><td>Security code: <input class="text" name="secCode" type="text" size="10" /></td> <td><img src="http://www.mdoneonone.com/images/securityCode.php" alt="security code" border="1" /></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><br /></td></tr> </table> <br /> <br /> <b>Type Your Message:</b> <br><textarea name="text" cols="50" rows="10"></textarea><br><br> <input name="submitBtn" type="submit" value="Send message!"> </form><?php } else {} ?> </center> If you guys could help me I will owe you my foot. Thanks
  4. DANG!! Its like you guys have a sixth sense! I am really impressed. Thanks a lot. I have a few questions: what does Cross Site Scripting mean? How can I fix the Insecure Cookies, Is there a tutorial? Thanks again, really hepful
  5. Is there anything wrong with my website. Could you tell me any thing about security issues, my template, or anything you like / dislike. Thanks. OH, almost forgot, my site is http://www.mdoneonone.com
  6. Right now I have a site with login / register, but how do I know if I am secure from hackers? Thanks
  7. Hi, Is there a secure script for chatting. What I want is one on one chat. I (the admin) can talk to anyone, but the users can only contact me. And it has to be secure. so is there anything out there like that? Thanks
  8. Hi Someone has asked me to hire me as a freelancer. Now, this is my first freelance project and how much should I be paid. The project: 1) make a custom design from a 1990 two bit page 2) put all content on pages Not that much php coding is required. What should I set my price for: Flash (30 second presentation) The Custom template Putting in all their content minor PHP to make the site easy to edit Thanks in advance PS: if you have any other freelance advice pass it over
  9. Thanks, but I have two questions. How would I get the iformation from the database for each page? And how do I send the info to the database? Thanks again
  10. But what about the actual re-write of the content. Thanks for the help
  11. I know php, html, and css. It is the client that dosent know. Everything is made in notepad from scratch.
  12. Hi, My client has me tied down right now. To untangle myself I was thinking of using an admin panel. I want them to be able to edit each page without any knowledge of coding. For the site I am using a file system where there is only one index and each page's content is hosted individually. So how would I do this? Is there a program that I could use? Thanks
  13. Sorry, Is there a place to find out where I can do this? A tutorial place? Thanks
  14. Hi, I have a site that I recently added in SEO urls. Everything works great, but none of my links go to the seo. So I need a script that would add in a $variable before every link, automaticly. Since I am not too skilled in php is would be really hard or me. If you are a PHP guru out there could you whip this up or me? Thanks
  15. ok, I had it working in a sub folder with this htacess: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^view/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z?-]+) index.php?task=view&id=$1&name=$2 [L] RewriteRule ^cat/([0-9]+)?/([a-zA-Z?-]+)/p([0-9]+) index.php?cat_id=$1&name=$2&page=$3 [L] RewriteRule ^profile/([0-9]+)?/([a-zA-Z?-]+) index.php?task=profile&id=$1&name=$2 [L] RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+) index.php?task=view_page&id=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^task/register index.php?task=register [L] RewriteRule ^task/lost-password index.php?task=lost_pass [L] RewriteRule ^task/cr index.php?task=crazyeyes [L] RewriteRule ^task/login index.php?task=login [L] Now it only works a the sub folder I tried it on the root and it wont work. Its really weird. Whats Happening? PS : I tried the other htacess same problem
  16. I have researched how to make my htacess file but no luck. I am very confused. Is there anyone out there who can write this htacess for me? thanks
  17. Hi, I have made my website like this index.php?task=page Is there a way to make it SEO, such as: url.com/task/page/1.html I can easily change all the links on my page but I dont know how to include the _GET tag. Thanks
  18. Hi, I have been trying to make my site and I am getting this error: line 58 is the closing ?> tag Here is my code : <?php function load_content() { if(!isset($_GET['page'])){ } else { if ($_GET[task] == 'login') { include ('login.php'); } else if ($_GET[task] == 'mostplayed') { include ('mostplayed.php'); } else { if(!$_GET[task]) { // HOMEPAGE echo 'homepage'; } function title() { include ('config.php'); if($_GET[task] == 'login') { echo 'Login';} else if($_GET[task] == 'register') { echo 'Register';} } function navi() { include 'includes/nav.html'; } function header() { include 'includes/header.html'; } function footer() { include 'includes/footer.html'; } function css() { include 'include/cssjava.html'; } ?> And this file is included in the index: <? include ('includes/main.php'); ob_start(); // Include the template include ('template/index.php'); ob_end_flush(); ?> Thanks for the help I appreciate it
  19. How do I get all the links on my page to automaticly update? What I mean is if I changed my php page to /folder/page/ Hope I made that clear. Thanks
  20. Hi, First off thanks for reading my post! Now how do I get my url to become like this: http://www.example.com/folder/thisismyphppage/ Anyone know how? Thanks
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