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only one

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Posts posted by only one

  1. hes got an older version of php


    try this:

    if (isset($_POST[submit])){
        $recepient = "contact@mydomain.com";
        $subject = "You have Guest! from mydomain.com";
        $contents = "Name:  " . $_POST['name'] .
        			"\n\nCountry:  " . $_POST['country'] .
        			"\n\nCity:  " . $_POST['city'] .
        			"\n\nPhone:  " . $_POST['phone'] .
        			"\n\nEmail:  " . $_POST['email'] .
    			"\n\nHotel:  " . $_POST['hotel'] .
        			"\n\nInquiry:  " . $_POST['enquiry'];				
        $headers = "Reply-to: pleasurephil@yahoo.com\n";
        mail($recepient, $subject, $contents, "From: contact@mydomain.com");

  2. for registering????

    $query= mysql_query("SELECT user FROM users WHERE user='$user'");
    $check = mysql_num_rows($query);
    if ($check>0) {
    echo "already in use";
    lets the through...

  3. all made

    my old one... might still have my stuff

    //path from folder of file
    $path = "uploads/";
    if (!isset($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile'])){ echo "
    <FORM ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data ACTION='' METHOD=POST>
      <p>The file:<br>
        <INPUT TYPE=file NAME=userfile style='border: 1px solid #222222; background-color: #111111; color: #888888'>
        <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Upload style='border: 1px solid #222222; background-color: #111111; color: #888888'>
    "; }else{
    if (is_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
    if (($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type']=="image/gif") || ($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type']=="image/pjpeg") || ($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type']=="image/jpeg") || ($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type']=="image/png")) {
    if (file_exists($path . $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name'])) { echo "<font color=red>Error</font>! The file already exists, try calling your file a different name.<br><FORM ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data ACTION='' METHOD=POST>
      <p>The file:<br>
        <INPUT TYPE=file NAME=userfile style='border: 1px solid #222222; background-color: #111111; color: #888888'>
        <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Upload style='border: 1px solid #222222; background-color: #111111; color: #888888'>
    </FORM>"; }else{
    $res = copy($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $path .
    if (!$res) { echo "upload failed!<br>"; exit; } else { echo "upload sucessful<br><br>"; }
    echo "File Name: ".$HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name']."<br>";
    echo "File Path: <a href=uploads/".$HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name']." TARGET=_BLANK>uploads/".$HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name']."</a><br>";
    echo "File Size: ".$HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['size']." bytes<br>";
    echo "File Type: ".$HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type']."<br>";
    echo "<img src=uploads/".$HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name']."><br>";

  4. ich kanst kliene duetsch..


    u moeten het in een mysql database zetten(my attempt at german)


    jij moet het in een mysql database zetten(mijn nederlands)


    you have to put it in a mysql databse(my english :))


    also comes in french and spannish....



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