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only one

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Posts posted by only one

  1. <form method="post" action="member.php">
                    echo "<select name=\"NickName\">";
                    echo "<option size =30 selected>Select</option>";
                    while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($approvalQuery))
                    echo "<option>$myrow[NickName]</option>";
                 else {
                    echo "<option>No Names Present</option>"; 
       <td valign="top" align="left" class="control_panel_td_2">
             <input type="submit" value="Approve" name="Approve">
             <input type="submit" value="Deny" name="Deny">
             echo "No Pending Students";
       //Approves user account activation
        mysql_query("UPDATE Profiles SET Status = 'Active' WHERE Status='Approval' AND NickName = '{$_POST['NickName']}'") or die (mysql_error());


    You have to set the $_POST[] array, not the $myrow[] array.

  2. Could i also advise something,


    by simply doing this:





    Your are really leavaing yourself open, I'd advise setting a file_exists() function in there..


    if ( !isset($_GET['page']) ) {
      header("location: index.php?page=home");
    } else {
      $page = $_GET['page'].'.php';
      if(file_exists($page) {
        } else {
        echo "404";

  3. are you connecting to your db; because I do see where your connecting

    Then it should show an error

    Same result.. :(



    SELECT *, count(BusinessType) as C FROM `businesses` GROUP BY BusinessType WHERE C < 3



    Do you think queries would know what C is or should it be $C ? :S

    No, make sure you check your cases, 'c' is completely different too 'C'.

  4. You probably should check whether "register_globals" is disabled. If it is enabled, you will have problems when there is a local variable that is named the same as a session variable. For example, with register_globals enabled

    $user = 'xyz';
    $_SESSION['user'] = 'abc';


    You will find that the value of the $user variable will clobbered by the value of the $_SESSION['user'] variable.



    Thanks, they actually aren't globaled but that worked.  :D

  5. Ok, Ill rewrite your code then:

    //generates a list box to display the rows of available business
    $findbusinessresult = mysql_query("SELECT *, count(BusinessType) as C FROM `businesses` GROUP BY BusinessType WHERE C < 3") or die(mysql_error());
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($findbusinessresult))
            $option .= "<option value=\"{$row['BusinessType']}\">{$row['BusinessType']}</option>";
    <form name="" method="POST" action="businesslondonstage2.php" enctype="text/plain" id="Form1">
    </br></br><center><select name="businesslist" size=10>"></center>
    <option value =""><b><u>Business Types</b></u></option>
    <?="$option"; ?>
    <input type="submit" id="Button1" name="Button1" value="Submit" style="position:absolute;left:358px;top:215px;width:75px;height:45px;z-index:1">
    <input type="checkbox" id="Checkbox1" name="Checkbox1" value="" style="position:absolute;left:466px;top:232px;z-index:2">

  6. And your center codes..

    echo '<br /><br /><center><select name="businesslist" size=10>"';
    echo'<option value =""><b><u>Business Types</b></u></option>';
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($findbusinessresult)) {
            echo "<option value=\"{$row['BusinessType']}\">{$row['BusinessType']}</option>";
    echo '</select></center>';

  7. Right, but it isn't possible that that issue is the problem.  Because if it is not set, the session doesn't get set, but it should!


    The session does get set, but it only gets set for 2 pages, on the second it begins too fade, and by the third you are logged out again.

  8. Just run two mysql queries.


    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `fmodels` (`member_id`, `make_id`, `model`, `model_date`, `description`) VALUES ('$memid', '$fm', '$fmod','$today', '$fdes')");

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table2` (`member_id`, `make_id`, `model`, `model_date`, `description`) VALUES ('$memid', '$fm', '$fmod','$today', '$fdes')");

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