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Posts posted by jscix

  1. This post is about tcpa, which is basically going to be the end of open source software. Please repost this on your blogs/Social networking sites and social bookmarking sites.. we can't let this bill pass.





    What this essentially means is that if one were to buy a TPM computer, any software which did not have a license under the TCG would not be able to run. This, then, means that a 'lockout' of sorts would exist to small to mid-sized companies who perhaps would not be able to afford licenses. It would also mean that Open Source software, which is often run by unpaid individuals, would be locked out of the computer market due to the impracticality of such an organisation having a license. This has been seen in a less than favourable light by certain groups due to this apparent coup by Proprietary based companies, such as Microsoft [1] to gain back control of the software market.[2] In addition to this, there are plans to use TPM to remotely remove and censor certain things such as MP3s and Software. [3]


    In the USA there's a planed bill, the so called CBDPTA (Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act). First it was callen SSSCA (Security Systems Standards and Certification Act). The new name reads much more harmless. Looks like the first name made it too easy to discover the purpose of this bill.

    This bill plans to legally force secure (TCPA-conform) systems. So in the USA it would then not be allowed to buy or sell systems that are not TCPA-conform. Passing this law would be punished with up to 5 years of prision and up to $500.000 fine. The same would apply for development of "open" software. Open means that it would work on systems that're not TCPA-conform.

  2. Okay, This code actually works.. but it is Ridiculously slow. (and I know, I know.... Don't use goto.. :/ )


    well, For some reason the ListView control isn't enumerable(I've read somewhere you can add in functionality, but I'm still a noob.)


    Anyway.. I'm wondering if anyone has a better alternative for this, or can help me correct my code, to make it faster.


    DreamWords is the ListView object.


       int curind = 0;
                int cntdw = (DreamWords.Items.Count - 1);
                int innerind = 0;
                int Dup = 0;
                while (curind <= cntdw)
                    cntdw = (DreamWords.Items.Count - 1);
                    DreamWords.Items[curind].Selected = true;
                    string curword1 = DreamWords.SelectedItems[0].Text;
                    while (innerind <= cntdw)
                        cntdw = (DreamWords.Items.Count - 1);
                        if (innerind > cntdw) { innerind--; goto restart; }
                        DreamWords.Items[innerind].Selected = true;
                        string curword2 = DreamWords.SelectedItems[0].Text;
                        if (curword2.Equals(curword1)) { Dup++; }
                        if (Dup == 2) { DreamWords.SelectedItems[0].Remove(); curind = 0; }
                    Dup = 0;
                    innerind = 0;

  3. Line 1.  SELECT a,b,a+b INTO OUTFILE "/tmp/result.csv"

    ---> Selecting which data to process (Which Fields to collect information from)

    ---> Save collected data into result.csv (File)


    Line 3.  LINES TERMINATED BY "\n"

    ---> I've never used these commands, But I assume they are for data parsing ..

    ---> Looks like it says: any text that may be enclosed in ' ', and seperated by , and \n signfying the end of a line.

    Line 4.  FROM mytable


    ---> The Table which holds the feilds, you are collecting data from .. (See line1)

  4. <?PHP

    $target_path = "uploads/";

    $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['Filedata']['name']);


    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {

    echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['Filedata']['name']). " has been uploaded";

    $contents = file_get_contents($target_path);

    print_l ($contents);

    } else {

      echo "Error Uploading File.";




  5. I'm not sure how your information is setup, but you may be able to make this a bit easier by fetching multiple requests at once, and printing them out together, you have a massive loop with multiple inbedded loops, this is bound to be confusing.. especially if you will need to go back at some point and modify your code. Generally the best answer is a simple one, try a new approach I think.





  6. You seem like you dont understand alot of the underlying mechanisms of programming .. html and so on. It would do you good to read up a bit on these.. it will help alot in your programming.


    Buy/checkout some books on HTML, CSS and PHP.

  7. It didnt have anything to do with the function you used to print the html.



    When you use: "

    Any Following "s must be escaped,(  Escape is \  ||| So to escape " you would type \"  ) until the closing ";


    If you dont want to escape every ", you can also use a single quote '

    $variable = "this is my 'example' see?";  // this works ..


    It also works the other way: $variable = 'blah blah "example" ya';


    nothing to do with print or echo.. :)

  8. You shouldn't have that loading time, usually mysql queries are relatively fast.. anyway.. assuming it's just the sql-server lagging.. depending on the kind of data you are retreiving.. grab all the data that your scripts will require on the first connection and set all the data into session variables.

  9. mysql internally keeps record of auto-incrementing values.. i'm sure you could look it up.. I personally haven't dealt w/ it before.. is there any specific reason you want to start it over? It doesnt really effect anything.

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