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Everything posted by severndigital

  1. if you didn't fix it yet ... here is your code <?php //... //... //... case "sign":{ $area2 = '<div class="available"><h1>Congratulations!</h1>This domain is available for free registration.<a href="http://www.exposemyschool.com/sign_up.php">Sign Up Now!</a></div>'; break; } default:{ $area2 = '<div class="nav_error"><h1 class="title">Oops!</h1>The following error(s) occured while attempting to process your request: <ul> <li>The page you are looking for does not exist</li> <li>The page was moved</li> <li>The site you are searching for no longer exists</li> <li>The site you are attempting to access has been deleted due to a terms of service violation.</li> </ul> Possible Solutions: Contact technical-support [at] exposemyschool [dot] com . There may be a fatal systems error that needs attention. Try refreshing the page. Make sure you typed the address correctly. If you are the owner of this site and are unable to access it contact User Services at: user-service [at] exposemyschool [dot] com . If you recently registered this site then try waiting. It may take several minutes to register in our systems.</div>'; break; } } ?> //line 154 unless they changed the syntax for a switch it should look something like this <? switch ($varThatSwitches){ case "valofswitch" : echo 'some items of value'; break; case "val2ofswitch" : echo 'some items of value'; break; default: echo 'some default items of value'; break; } ?> unfortunately unexpected $end errors can be very ambiguous about what errors they reference and also what lines they refer to. here is a great tut on using switches http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/PHP-The-Switch-Statement-and-Arrays/
  2. been googling and searching all the code repositories for several days and coming up empty.. was hoping someone knew of something out there.
  3. agreed that using php's mail() functions are easy.. however if you need more robust configurations and settings you may want to check out phpmailer http://phpmailer.codeworxtech.com/
  4. I've been hunting around and can't seem to find anything. I am looking for a meeting / scheduling software that will do the following 1. allow for users / groups 2. allow users to book meetings and invite attendees (like outlook) 3. allow for users to accept or reject invites. 4. allow for users to see the entire schedule / calendar at a glance to see what eveyone's schedule looks like for the day. any ideas? or will i be stuck yet again designing something from scratch. Thanks, -C
  5. What is the difference how many fields there are, and what they pertain too?? but to answer your 3rd. non-helpful question. YES 80 Fields of customer information. We are not simply housing an address. If we were housing an just an address I would not have asked such a question. Why would I lie about it? I am asking for help.
  6. I completely agree. However, I am unable to route a specific port, in this case port 80, to multiple internal IP addresses. I have been dodging the need to do so, but perhaps it is time to setup a proxy server. :-[ Man .. I already have too much to do -Cheers
  7. ok .. i have a relatively firm grasp of the basics of virtual hosts. however, this one is outside my realm of knowledge. I would like to have a domain name .. goingcrazy.myplace.net when requests come in on that address .. i would like the apacher server to send them to a completely different machine in the building. for example lets say my main server is (demonstration only) and the second server address is what, if anything, can I do with apache to send requests from goinginsane.myplace.net to the server instead of the server? does that make sense?? I've read apache manual and all i can see is how to have multiple incoming ip addresses .. but how do i direct to multiple internal ip address?? thanks, chris
  8. I am preparing to start a project that will manage several large databases. As of this moment, the databases will not be accessed simultaneously. however, the project will allow for sorting and also for criteria defining. the system will then allow for export of the selected rows in the database. the total amount of entries will be approximately 300,000. the databases will range from 30 - 80 fields to search from. My question is, what is the best way to store these databases? Should I import them into different tables in mysql or should I import the name and location of the them on the server and open them via flatfile? thanks, -C
  9. i have a number $num = 255; i need an array that is popluated as follows $prod = array(0,1,2,3,4,...,253,254,255); how can I do that dynamically with a function? In other words the value of $num can change and the array will populate with the new values. I have looked over the array() section of php.net .. as well as the foreach() area .. and the answer still eludes me. thanks in advance, -C
  10. there is no pattern .. at least in my example. all i want to do is input the following $start = 75; $end = 30000; $steps = 20; I want the code to get from 75 to 30000 in 20 steps. whatever the numbers may be. The more I work on this, I think I will have to also input a rate or some sort of min / max for each cell increase. for example $minrate = 3; $maxrate = 500; this would state that when stepping out the numbers the current number cannot be less than 3 percent of the next number and no more than 500 percent of the preceeding number.
  11. start at the very beginning .. are you sure the $password variable is being filled?
  12. I'm not sure how to title this post. But this is what i want to do. I need to take two variable numbers say 75 and 30000. Then I need to step out the difference over a variable amount of cells. in this case say 20 cells. the output should look something like this. 75 80 93 123 178 320 ... ... ... 30000 I'm not even really sure where to start other than the incoming variables. thanks in advance.
  13. thanks for that link .. i found what i was looking for. for anyone else .. this how i did it. in the popup window head <script language="JavaScript"> opener.name = 'main'; //name the opener function closePopup(link){ window.open(link ,'main'); self.close(); } </script> then on the link you want to use add this as the href <a href="javascript:closePopup('linkyouwant.htm')">click here</a> that closes the popup and opens the link in the href in the opener window. not sure if it is the 'best practice' but it got the job done for me. thanks again, chris
  14. ok I am having problems with this one. here is what i want to do. 1. open a popup window. 2. when a specific link is click in the new window I want to close it and open the link in the original window that the popup came from. currently I have the code in place to popup the window. I can also close the window with the self.close command. can anyone help me with a function that will close the window and open a link in the original window. or is it even possible?? thanks, chris
  15. excellent .. that had what I was looking for ... specifically the $_SESSION['server_name']; call .. thank you, chris
  16. it will be easier to help if we can see the code that you already have. finding the mode of an array is easy, but integrating it into your existing code will be hard if we can't see it.
  17. i don't think that middle set is a double quite, I think the middle set is empty single quotes.
  18. not enough parentheses. should read $then = mysql_query ("insert into chat_lines (id, userid, username, message, staff, private) values ('', '$playerinfo[id]', '$username', '$repl5', '0', '0'))"; //added ) to the end. Try that. It happens to me all the time
  19. I know has to be an easy way to do this. I want to pull the entire current url. using $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] does not seem to work as it only returns the back of the url. I want to get the entire url .. http://www.mywebsite.com/page.php as a variable to parse. I can't find it in the php.net function list. thanks, Chris
  20. then i would definitely make sure you can access the yahoo smtp server. I would assume they have it wrapped up tighter than a drum to eliminate spam usage.
  21. switch to PHPMailer http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net/ you can define ANY smtp server form within the script. you don't need to mess with php.ini Also, you may need to check and see if you can even hit the yahoo smtp server. I know that you can only access email outside of the Yahoo Webmail interface with the paid subscription version of yahoo mail.
  22. This is a tough one .. there are php softwares out there but IMO they either take forever to implement and/or you still need to have some coding knowledge. unless you are running a CMS system, it's almost a trade off getting the editing script up and running and doing the edits yourself. I've used this one in the past. http://www.snippetmaster.com/index.php but again, you will need to have a little bit of experience coding.
  23. the script is saving them by calling the registerSesssions() function here is the code for that. function registerSessions($item){ foreach($item as $key => $val){ //session_register("$key"); $_SESSION["$key"] = $val; } }//END registerSessions
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