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Everything posted by itsmeArry

  1. instead of this action="<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?> ?$var1=$var2&$var3=$_SESSION[$var3]"> use this <?php $action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".$var1=$var2."&".$var3."=".$_SESSION[$var3]; action="<?php echo $action?>"
  2. then instead of this $tlist="tracklist.php?"; use this $tlist="tracklist.php?id="; then url wull be like... tracklist.php?id=1 now you can get the value of id from url as $id = ''; if(isset($_GET['id'])) $id = $_GET['id'];
  3. $arrfileName = explode(".", $tmp_filename); $srtExt = $arrfileName[1]; now you can use the $strExt where you want...
  4. sorry to correct you but it should be the result in place of query...
  5. Sorry ignore the previous peply use this <?php $tlist="tracklist.php?"; // a semocolon was missing ?> <td class="trk_list_main" width="15%"> <?php if ($tracklist != "") echo "<a href='$tlist$id'>Tracklist </a><br> </td> </tr>"; // some parse error were there... ?>
  6. $tlist="tracklist.php?" <td class="trk_list_main" width="15%"> <? if ($tracklist != "") echo "<a href=\ $tlist.$id \">"Tracklist <br> </td> </tr>"; use this:: <?php $tlist="tracklist.php?"; // a semocolon was missing ?> <td class="trk_list_main" width="15%"> <?php if ($tracklist != "") echo "<a href='$tlist.$id'>Tracklist </a><br> </td> </tr>"; // some parse error were there... ?>
  7. this is not correct $s = $sub." "."by"." ".$name; use this... $s = $sub." by ".$name;
  8. you need to check the connection with the database whether its getting connected to the database or not...
  9. try using echo $tsql; this will give you the query tocheck if the query that is being executed is correct or not... mysql_num_rows($result); this will give you an idea whether its fetching any data or not..
  10. function byttpass($password) you are passing the password here ahere are you setting the $id I think $id is not having any value try echo the query for update you will get an idea.
  11. make sure that you have some value for default language in "sconfig" table and also have a look at the field of default language in the table is it "svalue" if not then cnange the code here $sql="select * from sconfig where soption='language'"; $rs=$conn->execute($sql); $default=$rs->fields[svalue to $sql="select * from sconfig where soption='language'"; $rs=$conn->execute($sql); $default=$rs->fields["[b]field name in table sconfig for default language[/b]"]; change what I have highlighted. you didn't get the error once you chose Japneese bcz.. it set in session $_SESSION['lang'];
  12. some modification hre... $description_fopen = fopen($dl_desk_dafile, "x") or exit("A Very Unusual Error Has Occurred. Congratulation!"); echo fwrite($dl_desk_dafile, $dl_description_template); fclose ($dl_desk_dafile); use this:: $description_fopen = fopen($dl_desk_dafile, "w") or exit("A Very Unusual Error Has Occurred. Congratulation!"); echo fwrite($description_fopen, $dl_description_template); fclose ($dl_desk_dafile);
  13. that seems the problem because the $default dosenot hold any value so it cannot open a file language/.php
  14. <?php $variable = "abc"; ?> <input type=text value="<?php echo $variable?>">
  15. if ($download2 != "") echo "<a href=\"$download2\">part 2</a>";
  16. still you haven't removed the ";" from if statement... if ($download2==""); change this to if ($download2=="")
  17. can u post the code and the line no where you are getting this error...
  18. here lies the proble th ";" with if and else statement if ($download2==""); break; else; chande it to if ($download2=="") break; else
  19. here is the error $Sensor_Char_list("!", "@", "#", '$", "%", "^", "&", "*"); replace it with $Sensor_Char_list("!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*");
  20. U are always welcome... and please do mark it as SOLVED
  21. Look wht you have here $result=mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); echo $result; if ($result == $_REQUEST['password']) { echo "Welcome"; } else { echo "\nInvalid Password"; } usde this:: $result=mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) if ($row['password'] == $_REQUEST['password']) { echo "Welcome"; } else { echo "\nInvalid Password"; }
  22. Ok... leave the previous one... use this code it works fine $newDate = strtotime("+7 day", time()); $newDate = date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $newDate);
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