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Everything posted by itsmeArry

  1. use it like this if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "index.php" ) echo "<ul><li><a href=uploads/$file>$file</a></li></ul>"; [/c0de]
  2. there are 2 things you can do first: you can submit the form to same page when you select a category and query the database to get the subcategories from database and fill the select box of subcategories... Second: you can use ajax when you select a category and get the subcategories to fill the subcategories select box
  3. use it like this <?php $age = ''; $year = ''; $FindAge =''; $YearBorn =''; if(isset($_GET["age"])) $age= $_GET["age"]; if(isset($_GET["Year"])) $Year= $_GET["Year"]; if(isset($_GET["FindAge"])) $FindAge = $_GET["FindAge"]; if(isset($_GET["YearBorn"])) $YearBorn = $_GET["YearBorn"]; if(isset($YearBorn)) { $year = 2007 - $age; echo "Year Born = $year"; } if(isset($FindAge)) { $age = 2007 - $year; echo "Your Age = $age"; } ?> <form action="<?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="GET"> <label for="Age">Age :</label><input type="text" id="n1" name="age" value="<?php echo $age; ?>" /></br><br> <label for="Year">Year Born :</label><input type="text" id="n2" name="year" value="<?php echo $year; ?>" /></br><br> <input type="submit" name="YearBorn" value="Find Year Born" /> <input type="submit" name="FindAge" value="Find Your Age" /> </form>
  4. yup u can do it with array or variables both
  5. e.g. $infoID = $info['ID']; mysql_query("SELECT * FROM _Leads WHERE LINKID = '$infoID'")
  6. simply pass the variable you want in place of 8 e.g. $var = 8; mysql_query("SELECT * FROM _Leads WHERE LINKID = '$var'")
  7. firstly you have everything in "if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['Start_Serial'] ) &&...." condition except the function write_form which is called in the if condition.. 2ndly you are missing "EOF" in the write_form function. replace "FORM" with "EOF" and make sure all the conditions are met.. then only the code will be executed...
  8. 1. open the file. 2. read the content of file into a variable 3. get the position of <ECHOTYPE3> using $pos1 = strpos($mystring, "<ECHOTYPE3>"); 4. get the position of </ECHOTYPE3> using $pos2 = strpos($mystring, "</ECHOTYPE3>"); 5. now use substring function to get the string between these two positions. substr($mystring, $pos1, $pos2);
  9. did u try to find whats coming in "$_POST["download_description_data"]);" try echo $_POST["download_description_data"]);and c if you have any value in it...
  10. it will restrict you to only 6 rows... $z1 = $z[0]; $z2 = $z[1]; $z3 = $z[2]; $z4 = $z[3]; $z5 = $z[4]; use this $i = 1; foreach ($z as $plName) { $z.$i = $plName; $i++; } from here you will get all the rows... like $z1,$z2.... etc.....
  11. You havent changed the code fully with what I gave you replace this code:: $description_fopen = fopen($dl_desk_dafile, "w") or exit("A Very Unusual Error Has Occurred. Congratulation!"); echo fwrite($dl_desk_dafile, $_POST["download_description_data"]); fclose ($dl_desk_dafile); with this one... $description_fopen = fopen($dl_desk_dafile, "w") or exit("A Very Unusual Error Has Occurred. Congratulation!"); echo fwrite($description_fopen, $_POST["download_description_data"]); fclose ($description_fopen);
  12. have you incremented $i in while loop otherwise it will go in infinite loop
  13. str_word_count($string) is a php function
  14. Yes but no value is also the booleen FALSE. yes thats true...
  15. you are using the correct format for function function splitPageResults($query, $max_rows, $count_key = '*', $page_holder = 'page') it will do wht you need to do call the function like splitPageResults($query, $max_rows, '', $page_holder)
  16. I think you missed an EOT; here $searchtablefooter = <<<EOT </table> it should be $searchtablefooter = <<<EOT </table> EOT;
  17. its not mysql_count_row but its mysql_num_rows
  18. echo "<pre>"; print_r ($rec); this will print formatted array
  19. use this $myVar = ($a > 1) ? 'true' : 'false';
  20. a little modification will stop showing . and .. use this while (!(($file = readdir($dh)) === false ) ) { if (is_dir("$dirname/$file") && $file!="." && $file !="..") { echo "<a href=results/$file/gallery.php>$file[/url] "; } }
  21. never mind sometimes it happen...
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