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Everything posted by phpQuestioner

  1. You should be able to do this with JavaScript, but I think the best method would be server side.
  2. It's does not delete it; if you have a layer in your flash movie, you will be able to see whatever is on the layer (shapes,text,bgcolor, and etc).
  3. You mean something like this: Frameset Page: <frameset rows="75%,25%"> <frame src="http://www.yahoo.com"> <frame src="ButtonPage.html"> </frameset> Web Page That Display's Your Button (ie "ButtonPage.html") <script language="javascript"> function changeProperties() { parent.document.getElementsByTagName('frame')[0].scrolling='no'; parent.document.getElementsByTagName('frame')[1].scrolling='no'; parent.document.getElementsByTagName('frame')[0].noResize=true; parent.document.getElementsByTagName('frame')[1].noResize=true; } </script> <input type="button" value="Change" onclick="changeProperties()"> Is this what you were going for?
  4. I would say since your using PHP preg_match() to get your matches; you will need to use AJAX.
  5. Set a wmode parameter for the object and the embed; like so; <object> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <embed wmode="transparent"></embed> </object> Of course you will have to add all the rest of the object's/embed's parameters, code type and so on............
  6. Your Welcome - Glad To Help Out
  7. Do you want each select menu's selected option to alternate; is that what your wanting?
  8. try this instead and see if it is what your wanting: <script language="javascript"> var LI_Items = document.getElementsByTagName("li"); for (i=0;i<LI_Items.length;i++) { LI_Items[i].style.marginTop="10"; } </script>
  9. There is nothing wrong with tables; it's really just a matter of preference.
  10. I only come here to try and help people with their problems and learn from the situations they have found themselves in. I simply wanted this guy to know that in css a div and a float are displayed as a block by default. Well you leave any issue that I may present for the posty to refer back to me; it's not your concern. *yawn* I pointed you to Roger's example so that you could see for yourself with your own eyes, in your own copy of IE6, that you were wrong! But instead you refused to look at it and claimed that it was evidence of my stupidity. You must really have no life; you remember something from months ago; that you thought you had me on, but you didn't, just like you don't have me on this. So, again you can state your opinions and I will state the facts monkey boy. Now you drudge some relic like that up - what an infant you are. Go away - Your opinions are not valid to me forum helper.
  11. <div id="stuff"> <?php // a table showing the users who have and have not payed so that they can be deleted from the database include_once("./dbconfig.php"); $q="SELECT * FROM members WHERE id > 0"; $sql=mysql_query($q); if ($_GET['userpaymenterror']){ echo '<font color=orange>The user with an ID of the above listed error number does not meet the requirements in order to post their payment.</font>'; } echo "<table border=1 align=center><CAPTION ALIGN=TOP><B>Member Table!</B></CAPTION> <tr align=center> <td><b>ID</b></td> <td><b>Nickname</b></td> <td><b>Email</b></td> <td><b>Name</b></td> <td><b>Payment</b></td> <td><b>Picks</b></td> <td><b>Refferals</b></td> <td><b>Confirm Pay</b></td> </tr>"; $rcount="0"; $color1 = "#003300"; $color2 = "#000066"; while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $rcolor = ($rcount%2)?$color1:$color2; $nickname=$row['nickname']; $email=$row['email']; $name=$row['name']; $payment=$row['payment']; $picks=$row['picks']; $refferral=$row['refferralamount']; $userid=$row['id']; $usernumber=$userid['id']; echo " <tr align=center><form name='Payment' action='./paidconfirmed.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> <td bgcolor=$rcolor align=left>$userid</td> <td bgcolor=$rcolor align=left>$nickname</td> <td bgcolor=$rcolor align=left>$email</td> <td bgcolor=$rcolor align=left>$name</td> <td bgcolor=$rcolor align=center>$payment</td> <td bgcolor=$rcolor align=center>$picks</td> <td bgcolor=$rcolor align=center>$refferral</td> <td bgcolor=$rcolor align=center><input type='checkbox' name='paid' value='$usernumber' onclick='document.Payment.submit()'> </tr>"; $rcount++; } echo "</table> <p align=center> <input type='submit' value='Submit'> <input type='reset' value='Reset'> </p> </form>"; ?> </div>
  12. yeah that works too
  13. It would not be hard to make; just create a select menu, and add each province as a option. Here is a list of provinces on this web page: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/print/ca.html
  14. Yeah, because you've made nearly 5 times as many posts. Unfortunately, your advice is not always correct. In another thread you mistakenly claimed that IE6 supports the tabular display values, suggested that Roger Johansson's clear demonstration example was incorrect, and refused to view his demonstration for yourself in IE6. It's not a competition to see who is best. Rather than invent false information, just accept your errors, there is nothing wrong with that...everyone here has, at some point, posted something that was not correct. No what's wrong is people like you who think they have to give their two cents to every person's post to make themselves look better or too get more of a status on this forum. And I was not wrong about the display property in IE; only someone like you has to reference others work to prove a point. And I guarantee I am correct more times then you are; so take a bow and admit defeat; you child and don't repost to what I have to say, because I don't want to hear your opinions - mind your own business.
  15. You can do this with CSS; like so: <style type="text/css"> #tos {font-weight:bold;width:300px;height:100px} </style> <textarea id="tos"></textarea>
  16. You can repeat the image with css; if you want like a background image or you can do as you were saying and use JavaScript to resize the image based on the screen resolute. You could also resize the image server side with the PHP GD Library. It just really depends on which way you want to go.
  17. obviously you're not thinking Well there is a reason why I am almost a Guru and your still a Forum Helper still and I guess we all know why now. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D (yeah that's me laughing at you - haha!)
  18. Well what your wanting to do; using PHP Sleep() function; probably will not display any content in you page, until the sleep time is up. Why are you wanting to use the sleep function? You could do this with ajax; like when someone starts uploading a file; display text or an image in a html element (like a: span, div, or whatever) and then when your file loads; have you ajax to update the response text of that you would echo in your php page (once the file is uploaded); back to your html element. If you want it to blink; the easiest way is to use a animated gif - that is what I do.
  19. I would only use ajax if you needed to populate the select menus server side. If you will search Google for "JavaScript Chained Select Menus"; then you should be able to find several tutorials/examples with live demos and you can decide which you would like to use.
  20. try this: <script language="javascript"> var wide = screen.width; var heigh = screen.height; if (wide == "800" && heigh == "600") { document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='800X600' />"); } else if (wide == "1024" && heigh == "768") { document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='1024X768' />"); } else { // add alternate stylesheet for other screen resolutions } </script>
  21. It's because your putting a variable in the for condition.
  22. The table position should override the div; although I was thinking the opposite. I tested your question in FF and IE; the table with an alignment of left does override a 100% width div; that has a text/alignment of center. Although, really; you could have figured this one out on your own, but I went a head and tested it for you - because I am nice like that and I was bored.
  23. This thread really belongs in the AJAX Forum; which can be found here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/board,51.0.html
  24. <script language=""> function intialize() { document.getElementById('myDIV').innerHTML='Goodbye' // Echo PHP Where The Static "Goodbye" Currently Is } window.onload=function() { setTimeout("intialize()", 3000); } </script> <span id="myDIV">Hello<!-- Echo Intial PHP Value Here Where Static "Hello" Currently Is --></span> World
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