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Try setting your "contentpage" div as a block level element. I believe that is the div that you are using as your page's content wrapper.
Actually Try This Version It Will Work Better <script language="javascript"> // Replaces the currently selected text with the passed text. function replaceText(text, textarea) { // Attempt to create a text range (IE). if (typeof(textarea.caretPos) != "undefined" && textarea.createTextRange) { var caretPos = textarea.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text; caretPos.select(); } // Mozilla text range replace. else if (typeof(textarea.selectionStart) != "undefined") { var begin = textarea.value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart); var end = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionEnd); var scrollPos = textarea.scrollTop; textarea.value = begin + text + end; if (textarea.setSelectionRange) { textarea.focus(); textarea.setSelectionRange(begin.length + text.length, begin.length + text.length); } textarea.scrollTop = scrollPos; } // Just put it on the end. else { textarea.value += text; textarea.focus(textarea.value.length - 1); } } // Remember the current position. function storeCaret(text) { // Only bother if it will be useful. if (typeof(text.createTextRange) != "undefined") text.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); } // Surrounds the selected text with text1 and text2. function surroundText(text1, text2, textarea) { // Can a text range be created? if (typeof(textarea.caretPos) != "undefined" && textarea.createTextRange) { var caretPos = textarea.caretPos, temp_length = caretPos.text.length; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text1 + caretPos.text + text2 + ' ' : text1 + caretPos.text + text2; if (temp_length == 0) { //caretPos.moveStart("character", -text2.length); //caretPos.moveEnd("character", -text2.length); //caretPos.select(); } else textarea.focus(caretPos); } // Mozilla text range wrap. else if (typeof(textarea.selectionStart) != "undefined") { var begin = textarea.value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart); var selection = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart); var end = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionEnd); var newCursorPos = textarea.selectionStart; var scrollPos = textarea.scrollTop; textarea.value = begin + text1 + selection + text2 + end; textarea.scrollTop = scrollPos; } // Just put them on the end, then. else { textarea.value += text1 + text2; textarea.focus(textarea.value.length - 1); } } function grantpermission() { var urladdress = document.postmodify.webaddress.value.length; var urltxt = document.postmodify.webaddresstxt.value.length; if (urladdress != "0" && urltxt != "0") { document.getElementById('linkadder').disabled = false; } else { document.getElementById('linkadder').disabled = true; } } window.onload=function() { // Event Used To Ready IE For Caret Position Storage document.postmodify.message.focus(); } </script> <form name="postmodify"> <textarea id="forumpost" name="message"style="width:500px;height:250px" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);" onchange="storeCaret(this);" onfocus="storeCaret(this);" ></textarea> <br><br> Enter Link URL: <input type="text" name="webaddress" onkeyup="grantpermission()"> Enter Link Text: <input type="text" name="webaddresstxt" onkeyup="grantpermission()"> <input type="button" id="linkadder" onclick="var urladdress = document.postmodify.webaddress.value; var urltxt = document.postmodify.webaddresstxt.value; surroundText('<a href=\''+urladdress+'\'>', ''+urltxt+'</a>', document.forms.postmodify.message); return false;" value="Insert Link" disabled> </form>
Here you go; I changed the script, because I thought this version may work better for you particular needs. <script language="javascript"> function surroundText(startTag,endTag) { document.getElementById('forumpost').value += startTag + endTag; document.getElementById('forumpost').focus(); } function grantpermission() { var urladdress = document.postmodify.webaddress.value.length; var urltxt = document.postmodify.webaddresstxt.value.length; if (urladdress != "0" && urltxt != "0") { document.getElementById('linkadder').disabled = false; } else { document.getElementById('linkadder').disabled = true; } } window.onload=function() { // Event Used To Ready IE For Caret Position Storage document.postmodify.message.focus(); } </script> <form name="postmodify"> <textarea id="forumpost" name="message"style="width:500px;height:250px"></textarea> <br><br> Enter Link URL: <input type="text" name="webaddress" onkeyup="grantpermission()"> Enter Link Text: <input type="text" name="webaddresstxt" onkeyup="grantpermission()"> <input type="button" id="linkadder" onclick="var urladdress = document.postmodify.webaddress.value; var urltxt = document.postmodify.webaddresstxt.value; surroundText('<a href=\''+urladdress+'\'>', ''+urltxt+'</a>', document.forms.postmodify.message); return false;" value="Insert Link" disabled> </form>
I guess IE has a problem changing the innerHTML of a select tag; never really ran into that before. Try This Instead: <script language="javascript"> function changeMenuOptions(what) { var months = document.getElementById("selectMonth").value; if (months == "3" || months == "5" || months == "8" || months == "10") { document.getElementById("selectDay").innerHTML="<SELECT name='day'><OPTION VALUE=\"1\" SELECTED>1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"2\">2</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"3\">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"4\">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"5\">5</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"6\">6</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7\">7</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"8\">8</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"9\">9</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"10\">10</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"11\" >11</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"12\">12</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"13\">13</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"14\">14</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"15\">15</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"16\">16</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"17\">17</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"18\">18</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"19\">19</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"20\">20</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"21\">21</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"22\">22</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"23\">23</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24\">24</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"25\">25</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"26\">26</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"27\">27</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"28\">28</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"29\">29</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"30\">30</OPTION></SELECT>"; } else if (months == "1") { document.getElementById("selectDay").innerHTML="<SELECT name='day'><OPTION VALUE=\"1\" SELECTED>1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"2\">2</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"3\">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"4\">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"5\">5</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"6\">6</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7\">7</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"8\">8</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"9\">9</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"10\">10</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"11\" >11</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"12\">12</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"13\">13</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"14\">14</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"15\">15</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"16\">16</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"17\">17</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"18\">18</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"19\">19</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"20\">20</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"21\">21</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"22\">22</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"23\">23</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24\">24</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"25\">25</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"26\">26</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"27\">27</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"28\">28</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"29\">29</OPTION></SELECT>"; } else { document.getElementById("selectDay").innerHTML="<SELECT name='day'><OPTION VALUE=\"1\" SELECTED>1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"2\">2</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"3\">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"4\">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"5\">5</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"6\">6</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7\">7</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"8\">8</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"9\">9</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"10\">10</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"11\" >11</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"12\">12</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"13\">13</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"14\">14</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"15\">15</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"16\">16</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"17\">17</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"18\">18</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"19\">19</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"20\">20</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"21\">21</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"22\">22</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"23\">23</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24\">24</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"25\">25</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"26\">26</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"27\">27</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"28\">28</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"29\">29</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"30\">30</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"31\">31</OPTION></SELECT>"; } } </script> <SELECT name='month' id='selectMonth' onchange='changeMenuOptions(this.value)'> <OPTION VALUE="0" SELECTED >January</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="1">February</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="2">March</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="3">April</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="4">May</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="5">June</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="6">July</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="7">August</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="8">September</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="9">October</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="10">November</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="11">December</OPTION> </SELECT> <span id="selectDay"> <SELECT name='day'> <OPTION VALUE="1" SELECTED>1</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="2">2</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="3">3</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="4">4</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="5">5</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="6">6</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="7">7</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="8">8</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="9">9</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="10">10</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="11" >11</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="12">12</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="13">13</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="14">14</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="15">15</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="16">16</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="17">17</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="18">18</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="19">19</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="20">20</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="21">21</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="22">22</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="23">23</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="24">24</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="25">25</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="26">26</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="27">27</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="28">28</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="29">29</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="30">30</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="31">31</OPTION> </SELECT> </span>
Try this timestamp and see what it gives you: 1202111580.
<script language="javascript"> var fullstamp="02.04.2008 7:53 PM PST"; var datestamp="02.04.2008"; var hourminstamp="7:53"; var firstexplosion = fullstamp.split(" "); var secondexplosion = datestamp.split("."); var firstexplosion = hourminstamp.split(":"); </script> Then you use array keys; just like you would in PHP; too get it to display like you want it to.
split() is like explode() concat() is like implode()
emehrkay the reason I said that is because Aureole was saying he/she was going to be able to do this no matter what I say. The javascript date functions can not accurately find the time zone of a person's current location. You need to use severs side scripting to accurately find times zone; as in PHP 5+ Time Zone Date And Time Function. I did not know original that Aureole wanted to convert a static date into another format; I thought he/she was trying to get the time zone for each web page visitor's location with javascript only.
Well good luck with that.
Here is the error it's throwing: I am not exactly sure why it is working locally and not on your server. Maybe try to remove your current code and put the original code you have saved locally back in it's place; you may have just left something out.
The only sure way to detect time zones is sever side, not client side with javascript.
There must be something wrong with the rest of your code; because the image load should be instantaneous on your local machine (preloading is not needed locally; if your code is accurate; the image should display in a matter of milliseconds).
Do it like this: <script language="javascript"> function showPic(whichpic) { document.getElementById('placeholder').src = whichpic } </script> <table width=375 height=375> <td> <a href="javascript:showPic('main.jpg')">Main $sheet assembly</a><br/> <a href="javascript:showPic('A.jpg')">Assembly A</a> </td> <td> <img id="placeholder" src="main.jpg" alt="" border="0" width=25 height=25> </td> </table>
The original code I provided you works perfectly fine; I tested it in IE and FF. Your code is still wrong; it should be like this: <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function SelectMonth(x){ var months = "01"; months = document.getElementById("selectMonth").value if (months == "03" || months == "05" || months == "08" || months == "10") { document.getElementById("selectDay").innerHTML="<OPTION VALUE=\"1\" SELECTED>1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"2\">2</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"3\">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"4\">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"5\">5</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"6\">6</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7\">7</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"8\">8</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"9\">9</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"10\">10</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"11\" >11</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"12\">12</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"13\">13</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"14\">14</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"15\">15</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"16\">16</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"17\">17</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"18\">18</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"19\">19</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"20\">20</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"21\">21</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"22\">22</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"23\">23</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24\">24</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"25\">25</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"26\">26</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"27\">27</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"28\">28</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"29\">29</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"30\">30</OPTION>"; } else if (months == "02") { document.getElementById("selectDay").innerHTML="<OPTION VALUE=\"1\" SELECTED>1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"2\">2</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"3\">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"4\">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"5\">5</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"6\">6</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7\">7</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"8\">8</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"9\">9</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"10\">10</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"11\" >11</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"12\">12</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"13\">13</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"14\">14</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"15\">15</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"16\">16</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"17\">17</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"18\">18</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"19\">19</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"20\">20</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"21\">21</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"22\">22</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"23\">23</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24\">24</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"25\">25</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"26\">26</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"27\">27</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"28\">28</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"29\">29</OPTION>"; } else { document.getElementById("selectDay").innerHTML="<OPTION VALUE=\"1\" SELECTED>1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"2\">2</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"3\">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"4\">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"5\">5</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"6\">6</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7\">7</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"8\">8</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"9\">9</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"10\">10</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"11\" >11</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"12\">12</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"13\">13</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"14\">14</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"15\">15</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"16\">16</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"17\">17</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"18\">18</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"19\">19</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"20\">20</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"21\">21</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"22\">22</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"23\">23</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24\">24</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"25\">25</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"26\">26</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"27\">27</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"28\">28</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"29\">29</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"30\">30</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"31\">31</OPTION>"; } } function SelectDay(y){ var dayselect = document.getElementById("selectDay").value alert(dayselect); } alert(months); //var firstDate = new Date(); //comment //firstDate.setFullYear(2010,months,dayselect); // comment //document.write ("firstDate"); //comment </script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form action=""> <SELECT name='month' id='selectMonth' onChange='SelectMonth(this.value)'> <OPTION VALUE="01">January</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="02">February</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="03">March</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="04">April</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="05">May</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="06">June</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="07">July</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="08">August</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="09">September</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="10">October</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="11">November</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="12">December</OPTION> </SELECT> <SELECT name='day' id='selectDay' onChange='SelectDay(this.value)'> <OPTION VALUE="01" SELECTED >1</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="02">2</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="03">3</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="04">4</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="05">5</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="06">6</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="07">7</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="08">8</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="09">9</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="10">10</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="11" >11</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="12">12</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="13">13</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="14">14</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="15">15</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="16">16</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="17">17</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="18">18</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="19">19</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="20">20</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="21">21</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="22">22</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="23">23</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="24">24</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="25">25</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="26">26</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="27">27</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="28">28</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="29">29</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="30">30</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="31">31</OPTION> </SELECT> </body> </html> I don't know exactly what you mean. ???
Well I guess you'll have to figure that one out - he he
Sorry, I don't create/deal with classes in javascript, but I can help you with a function; if you choose to go that way.
OK , I'm not getting what your wanting to do. Do you want an alert with the value of the textbox onkeyup or do you just want an alert to occur whenever text is typed into the textbox; that says "Hello World"?
try this (it's not perfect; but it's pretty freak'n good ) <script language="javascript"> function limiter() { var max = 250; // maximum number of characters to display var chatwin = document.getElementById('chat').innerHTML.length; var deleteThis = chatwin * 0.50; // removes 50% of the chat's characters if (chatwin >= max) { document.getElementById('chat').innerHTML = document.getElementById('chat').innerHTML.slice(deleteThis); } setTimeout("limiter()", 1); } window.onload=function() { limiter(); } </script> <div id="chat"> words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words </div>
You can erase all the content; like so: document.getElementById(‘messages’).innerHTML ='';
I am getting a "too much reclusion" error for this line of your javascript. function start(){if(document.getElementById)ns6marquee(document.getElementById('slider'));else if(document.all)iemarquee(slider);else if(document.layers)ns4marquee(document.slider1.document.slider2);}function iemarquee(whichdiv){iediv=eval(whichdiv);iediv.style.pixelTop=sheight;iediv.innerHTML=wholemessage;sizeup=iediv.offsetHeight;ieslide();}function ieslide(){if(iediv.style.pixelTop>=sizeup*(-1)){iediv.style.pixelTop-=sspeed;setTimeout("ieslide()",100);}else{iediv.style.pixelTop=sheight;ieslide();}}function ns4marquee(whichlayer){ns4layer=eval(whichlayer);ns4layer.top=sheight;ns4layer.document.write(wholemessage);ns4layer.document.close();sizeup=ns4layer.document.height;ns4slide();}function ns4slide(){if(ns4layer.top>=sizeup*(-1)){ns4layer.top-=sspeed;setTimeout("ns4slide()",100);}else{ns4layer.top=sheight;ns4slide();}}function ns6marquee(whichdiv){ns6div=eval(whichdiv);ns6div.style.top=sheight;ns6div.innerHTML=wholemessage;sizeup=ns6div.offsetHeight;ns6slide();}function ns6slide(){if(parseInt(ns6div.style.top)>=sizeup*(-1)){ns6div.style.top=parseInt(ns6div.style.top)-sspeed;setTimeout("ns6slide()",100);}else{ns6div.style.top=sheight;ns6slide();}} It may have to do with the "start()" function; start() is a global constant. Try renaming this function through-out your js. PS: It does not work in FireFox either.
I really need help with my script Im really Confused
phpQuestioner replied to winmastergames's topic in Javascript Help