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Everything posted by phpQuestioner

  1. This is not a slideshow; it is just a lightbox that displays the image (when the original image is clicked) and then floats up/down page onscroll.
  2. You need to set the entire id with a parameter and then this will work. Example: <script language="javascript"> function readmore(from) { document.getElementById(from).innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText; } </script> <div id="readmore<?php echo $news['newsid'];?>"><a href="#" onClick="readmore('<?php echo $news['newsid']; ?>'); return false;">Read More</a></div> Do something to this extent and I think it will work the way you want it to.
  3. Try this instead and see if this is what your looking for. <script language="javascript"> function lockout() { document.getElementById('clear').disabled = true; } </script> <form action="" method="POST" name="form1"> <input type="text" name="nume" value="nume" onchange="test()"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" onclick="lockout()"> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="reset" id="clear"> </form>
  4. phpQuestioner


    Just send them to your tos page; when the click on your forum link or button or however they are accessing you forum. Then add this little snippet of code to your tos page. <h3>Do You Agress To These Terms?</h3> <br/><br/> <input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='http://www.yourdomain.com/forumpagename.php'; return true" value="Yes"> <input type="button" onclick="alert('You Must Except Our TOS Agreement To Use Our Forum')" value="No"> Obviously this is a very simple way to do this, but if you want to make it mandatory that they click "yes"; I suggest you do this differently and use server side scripting to validate their answer. But if you just want to give the a quick "heads up"; this will work just fine.
  5. Oops - Change the checkbox to a radio button - Sorry - My fault. Like So: <script language="javascript"> function showDetails(val1,val2,val3) { document.getElementById('txt1').value = val1; document.getElementById('txt2').value = val2; document.getElementById('txt3').value = val3; } </script> <input type="radio" onclick="showDetails('Put Value 1 Here','Put Value 2 Here','Put Value 3 Here')"> <br><br> <input type="text" id="txt1"><br> <input type="text" id="txt2"><br> <input type="text" id="txt3">
  6. <script language="javascript"> function showDetails(val1,val2,val3) { document.getElementById('txt1').value = val1; document.getElementById('txt2').value = val2; document.getElementById('txt3').value = val3; } </script> <input type="checkbox" onclick="showDetails('Put Value 1 Here','Put Value 2 Here','Put Value 3 Here')"> <br><br> <input type="text" id="txt1"><br> <input type="text" id="txt2"><br> <input type="text" id="txt3">
  7. I clicked on the url/domain you provided and the domain does not exist. ???
  8. Yeah I can tell you why; because you altered my original code. You have delete multiple options in the initial "if" condition. Leave it as it was and it will work fine.
  9. You really cannot prevent the: tab, window, or browser from closing. You might find a way to stall it; but the end result would be; if someone really wanted to close your page; they could.
  10. try this: <script language="javascript"> function addFields(what) { document.getElementById("more").innerHTML=""; var amount = document.getElementById('numTimes').value; var max = amount - 1; for (i=0;i<=max;i++) { document.getElementById("more").innerHTML += "\n<input type='text' name='field"+i+"'><br><br>"; } } </script> <select name="numTimes" id="numTimes" onchange="addFields(this.value)"> <option selected>Select Number <option value="1">1 <option value="2">2 <option value="3">3 </select> <br><br> <span id="more"> <!-- Dynamically Populated Input Fields Here --> </span>
  11. This is one way you can do this: <script language="javascript"> function changeMenuOptions(what) { var months = document.getElementById("selectMonth").value; if (months == "3" || months == "5" || months == "8" || months == "10") { document.getElementById("selectDay").innerHTML="<OPTION VALUE=\"1\" SELECTED>1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"2\">2</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"3\">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"4\">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"5\">5</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"6\">6</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7\">7</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"8\">8</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"9\">9</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"10\">10</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"11\" >11</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"12\">12</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"13\">13</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"14\">14</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"15\">15</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"16\">16</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"17\">17</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"18\">18</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"19\">19</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"20\">20</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"21\">21</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"22\">22</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"23\">23</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24\">24</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"25\">25</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"26\">26</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"27\">27</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"28\">28</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"29\">29</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"30\">30</OPTION>"; } else if (months == "1") { document.getElementById("selectDay").innerHTML="<OPTION VALUE=\"1\" SELECTED>1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"2\">2</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"3\">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"4\">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"5\">5</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"6\">6</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7\">7</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"8\">8</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"9\">9</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"10\">10</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"11\" >11</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"12\">12</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"13\">13</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"14\">14</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"15\">15</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"16\">16</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"17\">17</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"18\">18</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"19\">19</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"20\">20</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"21\">21</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"22\">22</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"23\">23</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24\">24</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"25\">25</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"26\">26</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"27\">27</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"28\">28</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"29\">29</OPTION>"; } else { document.getElementById("selectDay").innerHTML="<OPTION VALUE=\"1\" SELECTED>1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"2\">2</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"3\">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"4\">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"5\">5</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"6\">6</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7\">7</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"8\">8</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"9\">9</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"10\">10</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"11\" >11</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"12\">12</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"13\">13</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"14\">14</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"15\">15</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"16\">16</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"17\">17</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"18\">18</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"19\">19</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"20\">20</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"21\">21</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"22\">22</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"23\">23</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24\">24</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"25\">25</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"26\">26</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"27\">27</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"28\">28</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"29\">29</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"30\">30</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"31\">31</OPTION>"; } } </script> <SELECT name='month' id='selectMonth' onchange='changeMenuOptions(this.value)'> <OPTION VALUE="0" SELECTED >January</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="1">February</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="2">March</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="3">April</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="4">May</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="5">June</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="6">July</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="7">August</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="8">September</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="9">October</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="10">November</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="11">December</OPTION> </SELECT> <SELECT name='day' id='selectDay'> <OPTION VALUE="1" SELECTED>1</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="2">2</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="3">3</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="4">4</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="5">5</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="6">6</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="7">7</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="8">8</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="9">9</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="10">10</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="11" >11</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="12">12</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="13">13</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="14">14</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="15">15</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="16">16</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="17">17</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="18">18</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="19">19</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="20">20</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="21">21</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="22">22</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="23">23</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="24">24</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="25">25</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="26">26</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="27">27</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="28">28</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="29">29</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="30">30</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="31">31</OPTION> </SELECT> There is also other ways; like adding or removing options. If that is what you would rather do; Google It. You should be able to find plenty of example and tutorials on how to add/remove options from select menus.
  12. <script language="javascript"> var month="January"; switch(month) { case "January": var month="01"; break; case "February": var month="02"; break; case "March": var month="03"; break; case "April": var month="04"; break; case "May": var month="05"; break; case "June": var month="06"; break; case "July": var month="07"; break; case "August": var month="08"; break; case "September": var month="09"; break; case "October": var month="10"; break; case "November": var month="11"; break; case "December": var month="12"; break; } alert(month); // remove this - demo purposes only </script>
  13. Is this what your wanting? The script is now set-up for your users/members to type just their id number in and the pop-up window will open up to that page, with their id number sent in a query string, to that page. <script language="javascript"> function popUp() { var id = document.getElementById('urlselection').value; window.open('http://wiicharged.com/index.php?action=hubs&id='+id+'','' + id + '','toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=275,height=300'); } </script> <form onsubmit="popUp(); return false"> <input type="text" id="urlselection"> <input type="button" value="Join the hub" onClick="popUp()"> </form>
  14. View the code; look for specific parts of the script that changes css styles. If you can correct and save the css style issue, that the external js cause, do so as needed. Otherwise, add inline css as needed to the html elements; too override js code.
  15. You take the current textarea value; add paragraph tags to it and it all together back in the textarea. You can reference all links with the code I provided for you before; just change the attribute to href.
  16. You cannot put a url in document.getElementById; that is not the way it works. I missed that before; sorry about that. Use the original code I provided you; before you changed it.
  17. Not really sure what to tell you about this one; never created something quit like that. - Good Luck
  18. Your wanting a WYSIWYG Editor; search Google for "TinyMCE".
  19. What? - That's All I Can Say Your going to have to explain what your wanting or what your having problems with or errors or something.
  20. The best way to do this is server side with an explode().
  21. http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/index.html?whichScript=ajax_chained_select
  22. I would go with AJAX; that way, you page does not have to reload each time you query your database.
  23. The only way to have database interaction with your javascript is to use ajax; unless you use php to post your database query for your first select menu; back to your second select menu.
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