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Everything posted by MadTechie

  1. Okay i have updated the code Heres a snippet i move the delet to the correct place BUT as your clearing all tagging all of them and then deleting its a little slower that i you would like to i updated it to purge all at once.. } /*this should be here*/ // Add here to delete read email #imap_delete ( $mbox, $m ); //Removed // Mark As Deletion } /*But this will work better*/ //clear out an entire mailbox. imap_delete($mbox,'1:*'); //Added to do a full purge! // Purge email before closing imap_expunge ( $mbox ); // Connection close @imap_close ( $mbox ); } EDIT: and and your welcome and welcome to phpfreaks Full code below <?php require_once ('commoninclude.php'); require_once ("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer ( ); $pop_setings = Pop_Account_Settings (); $counter = count ( $pop_setings ); if ($counter !== 0) { for($x = 0; $x < count ( $pop_setings ); $x ++) { $mbox = @imap_open ( $pop_setings [$x] [20], $pop_setings [$x] [21], $pop_setings [$x] [22] ); if ($mbox !== false) { $check = imap_check ( $mbox ); $totalmessages = $check->Nmsgs; for($m = 1; $m <= $totalmessages; $m ++) { $header = imap_header ( $mbox, $m ); if ($header !== false) { $subject_email = $header->Subject; $body_email = imap_body ( $mbox, $m ); $body_length = strlen ( $body ); $array_header = object_to_array ( $header ); $to_email = $array_header ['to'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['to'] ['0'] ['host']; if ($pop_setings [$x] [23] == "Y") { if (($subject_email == $pop_setings [$x] [25]) && ($to_email == $pop_setings [$x] [24])) { $full_name = $header->fromaddress; $name_array = explode ( " ", trim ( $full_name ) ); if ($name_array [0] != "" && $name_array [1] != "" && $name_array [0] != " " && $name_array [1] != " ") { $from_name = $name_array [0]; $last_name = $name_array [1]; } else { $from_name = $full_name; $last_name = ""; } $from_email = $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['host']; $check1 = Check_Email_Existing ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_email ); $row_setting = View_Setting ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $tracking_links = GetAllTracking_links ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $cnt = count ( $tracking_links ); $All_group = GetAllGroupName ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $campaign_list = Show_Selected_Campaign ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); /////////////////////////////////////////// if ($check1 == 0) { if ($row_setting [10] == "Single") { $subs_type = "Email"; $ip_address = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url = $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1 = "insert into " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url) values(" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . ",'" . $from_name . "','" . $from_email . "','" . offset_date () . "',1,'" . $subs_type . "','" . $ip_address . "','" . $sign_up_url . "')"; $result1 = db_query ( $data1 ); $getid = "select max(id) from " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . ""; $q = db_query ( $getid ); $rsgetid = db_fetch_row ( $q ); $subs_id = $rsgetid [0]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id = Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers ( $from_email ); for($z = 0; $z < count ( $existing_camp_id ); $z ++) { $rowsetting_new_camp = View_Setting ( $existing_camp_id [$z] [1] ); if ($rowsetting_new_camp [18] != "") { $camp_name_list = $rowsetting_new_camp [18]; $camp_array = explode ( ",", $camp_name_list ); for($y = 0; $y < count ( $camp_array ); $y ++) { $new_campid = Show_Campaign_Id ( $camp_array [$y] ); if ($new_campid == $pop_setings [$x] [1]) { $new_status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set status=" . $new_status . " where id = " . $existing_camp_id [$z] [0]; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } //=====================from here code for zero delay mail to these subscribers $content = Show_Confirm_Message_Campain_Queue ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); if (($content != "") && ($row_setting [14] != "on")) { $msgid = $content [0]; $subject = $content [2]; $body = $content [3]; //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////==modified code for links personalisation==//////// $read_online = explode ( "#OnlineReadLink(", $body ); $read_online = explode ( ")#", $read_online [1] ); $online_text = $read_online [0]; $link_unsub = explode ( "#UnsubscribeLink[", $body ); $link_unsub = explode ( "]#", $link_unsub [1] ); $unsub_text = $link_unsub [0]; //////================end here================// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $date = offset_date (); $current_date = offset_date (); $subject = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $subject ); $body = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#CurrentDate#", $current_date, $body ); for($i = 0; $i <= $cnt - 1; $i ++) { $var = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $var ); $var_link = "<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $tracking_links [$i] [5] . "#", $var_link, $body ); } for($m = 0; $m < count ( $All_group ); $m ++) //this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group = Select_Random_Link ( $All_group [$m] [0] ); $total_link = count ( $random_link_in_group ); $random_link = rand ( 1, $total_link ); $new_random_link = ($random_link - 1); $variable = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $variable ); $variable_link = "<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $All_group [$m] [2] . "#", $variable_link, $body ); } for($p = 0; $p < count ( $campaign_list ); $p ++) { $upgrade = $basepath . "upgrade.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . $campaign_list [$p] [0] . "&em=" . urlencode ( $from_email ); $upgrade_new = "<a href='$upgrade'>$upgrade</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $campaign_list [$p] [1] . "#", $upgrade_new, $body ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==This code is for message display according to type==// $contenttype = $content [7]; $total_msg_read = $basepath . "total_message_read.php?id=" . $msgid . "&msg_methode=queue&email_id=" . $from_email . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1]; $total_read = "<img src='$total_msg_read' width'0' height='0'>"; $line_break = "<br>"; if ($contenttype == "text") { $unsubscribe_url = $unsub_text . "::" . $basepath . "unsubscribe.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . md5 ( $from_email . $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $server_message = $online_text . "::" . $basepath . "server.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&msgmtd=queue&msgid=" . $msgid; $body = str_replace ( "#UnsubscribeLink[" . $unsub_text . "]#", $unsubscribe_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#OnlineReadLink(" . $online_text . ")#", $server_message, $body ); $confirm_message = url2link ( $body ) . " " . $line_break . " " . $total_read; } elseif ($contenttype == "html") { $var = $basepath . "unsubscribe.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . md5 ( $from_email . $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $var_msg = $basepath . "server.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&msgmtd=queue&msgid=" . $msgid; $unsubscribe_url = "<a href='$var' title='Click Here To unsubscribe us'>" . $unsub_text . "</a>"; $server_message = "<a href='$var_msg' title='If You are not able to read this email properly then click here to read this email online'>" . $online_text . "</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#UnsubscribeLink[" . $unsub_text . "]#", $unsubscribe_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#OnlineReadLink(" . $online_text . ")#", $server_message, $body ); $confirm_message = $body . " " . $line_break . " " . $total_read; } /////////===End code==////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings = View_Priority_Settings (); $mail->Priority = $mail_type_settings [0]; $setMailSendType = $mail_type_settings [1]; $mail->CharSet = $mail_type_settings [5]; if (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "smtp")) { $smtp_row = View_Setting_Smtp (); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $smtp_row [0]; $mail->Port = $smtp_row [1]; if ($smtp_row [4] == "true") { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $smtp_row [2]; $mail->Password = $smtp_row [3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = ""; } } elseif (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path = View_SendMail_Path (); $mail->Sendmail = $path [0]; } $dir = "uploadedimages/"; $attfile = $dir . $content [4]; $mail->From = $row_setting [3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting [2]; //fromname means sender Email Id $mail->ContentType = "text/html"; $mail->AddAddress ( $from_email ); // Reciepients Id $mail->Subject = stripslashes ( $subject ); $mail->Body = stripslashes ( $confirm_message ); $mail->AddAttachment ( $attfile ); if ($mail->Send ()) { $sending_way = "queue"; Save_Sent_Message ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $subs_id, $msgid, $from_email, $sending_way ); $mail->ClearAddresses (); } //=====================Admin report======================= if ($row_setting [7] == "on") { Confirmation_Mail_to_Admin ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_name, $last_name, $from_email, $ip_address, $sign_up_url, $row_setting [3], $row_setting [2], $row_setting [8] ); } } } else //end of if of single opt_in if loop //start of double opt in type { $subs_type = "Email"; $ip_address = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url = $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1 = "insert into " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url,last_name) values(" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . ",'" . $from_name . "','" . $from_email . "','" . offset_date () . "',0,'" . $subs_type . "','" . $ip_address . "','" . $sign_up_url . "','" . $last_name . "')"; $result1 = db_query ( $data1 ); $subs_id = db_insert_id (); $date = offset_date (); // $subs_details=View_Subscribers_details_By_mail_campid($from_email,$pop_setings[$x][1]); // $subs_id=$subs_details[0][0]; // $date=$subs_details[0][4]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id = Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers ( $from_email ); for($z = 0; $z < count ( $existing_camp_id ); $z ++) { $rowsetting_new_camp = View_Setting ( $existing_camp_id [$z] [1] ); if ($rowsetting_new_camp [18] != "") { $camp_name_list = $rowsetting_new_camp [18]; $camp_array = explode ( ",", $camp_name_list ); for($y = 0; $y < count ( $camp_array ); $y ++) { $new_campid = Show_Campaign_Id ( $camp_array [$y] ); if ($new_campid == $pop_setings [$x] [1]) { $new_status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set status=" . $new_status . " where id = " . $existing_camp_id [$z] [0]; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($row_setting [14] != "on") { $verify_lk = $basepath . "confirm.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&em=" . urlencode ( $from_email ); $verifylink = "<a href='$verify_lk'>$verify_lk</a>"; $subject = $row_setting [12]; $body = $row_setting [13]; $subject = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#VerifyLink#", $verifylink, $subject ); $body = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#VerifyLink#", $verifylink, $body ); for($i = 0; $i <= $cnt - 1; $i ++) { $var = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $var ); $var_link = "<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $tracking_links [$i] [5] . "#", $var_link, $body ); } for($m = 0; $m < count ( $All_group ); $m ++) //this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group = Select_Random_Link ( $All_group [$m] [0] ); $total_link = count ( $random_link_in_group ); $random_link = rand ( 1, $total_link ); $new_random_link = ($random_link - 1); $variable = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $variable ); $variable_link = "<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $All_group [$m] [2] . "#", $variable_link, $body ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings = View_Priority_Settings (); $mail->Priority = $mail_type_settings [0]; $setMailSendType = $mail_type_settings [1]; $mail->CharSet = $mail_type_settings [5]; if (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "smtp")) { $smtp_row = View_Setting_Smtp (); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $smtp_row [0]; $mail->Port = $smtp_row [1]; if ($smtp_row [4] == "true") { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $smtp_row [2]; $mail->Password = $smtp_row [3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = ""; } } elseif (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path = View_SendMail_Path (); $mail->Sendmail = $path [0]; } $mail->From = $row_setting [3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting [2]; $mail->ContentType = "text/html"; $mail->AddAddress ( $from_email ); $mail->Subject = stripslashes ( $subject ); $mail->Body = stripslashes ( $body ); if (! $mail->Send ()) { } else { $mail->ClearAddresses (); } } //end of if if($row_setting[14]!="on") } //end of double opt in } //end of if } } //end of "Y" //==================Code for unsubscription================================== if ($pop_setings [$x] [26] == "Y") { if (($subject_email == $pop_setings [$x] [28]) && ($to_email == $pop_setings [$x] [27])) { $from_name = $header->fromaddress; $from_email = $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['host']; $check1 = Check_Email_Existing ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_email ); if ($check1 != 0) { $status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set `status`=" . $status . " where campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . " and EMAIL='" . $from_email . "'"; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } /////===================code for track bounced mail==================================== if ($from_email != $pop_setings [$x] [3]) { $pos_matter = $basepath . "bounced_mail.php?id="; //$pos_matter = "<img src='$bouncelink'"; if (strpos ( $body_email, $pos_matter ) === false) { //echo "<li>Not found matter"; } else { $pos = strpos ( $body_email, $pos_matter ) + strlen ( $pos_matter ); $str = substr ( $body_email, $pos ); $subscribers_id = substr ( $str, 0, strpos ( $str, "'" ) ); if (is_int ( $subscribers_id )) { $bounced_status = 5; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set `status`=" . $bounced_status . " where campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . " and id=" . $subscribers_id; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } /*this should be here*/ // Add here to delete read email #imap_delete ( $mbox, $m ); //Removed // Mark As Deletion } /*But this will work better*/ //clear out an entire mailbox. imap_delete($mbox,'1:*'); //Added to do a full purge! // Purge email before closing imap_expunge ( $mbox ); // Connection close @imap_close ( $mbox ); } } /////////////////////////////////// } ?>
  2. function writeShoppingCart() { ... return "<p>You have <a href=\"cart.php?fname=$fname\">".count($items)." item".$s." in your shopping cart</a></p>"; ... }
  3. MrAdam's RegEx, with a tweak to capture $data = preg_replace('/^([\d]{2})[-\.:\|]([\d]{2})[-\.:\|]((?:19|20)[\d]{2})$/i', '\1/\2/\3', $data); changing (?:19|20)[\d]{2} to (?:19|20)?[\d]{2} will allow DD MM YY formatting as well
  4. Nope.. for uploading you need to change a few things, in the php.ini file update the following max_execution_time max_input_time post_max_size you could try via script ini_set("max_execution_time", "900");
  5. Not sure if this helps but you could do this <?php $data = '19.9.74, 19/9/74, 19/09/74, 19.09.74, 19.09.1974, 19/09/1974'; $data = preg_replace('/(\d{1,2}).(\d{1,2}).(19|20)?(\d{2})/i', '\1/\2/\3\4', $data); echo $data; //19/9/74, 19/9/74, 19/09/74, 19/09/74, 19/09/1974, 19/09/1974 ?> EDIT: ooops just re-read.. i thought to had a ton of info and needed to reformat it.. for getting the input you could google JS calander theirs tons and it look fancy or have 2-3 drop downs
  6. Erm .. use smaller amounts of data... if you page "freeze up" then its probably the data being passed back it taking JS a longer time to process.. becareful not to over use AJAX it tends to make the site slower when used for things that should really be done on a reload.. personally if you returning a ton of data then ajax is not the correct way to do it.. when the buzz from the ajax buzz word fade its better to have a solid app than a buzzed out one
  7. ODBC if its no another PC but if its local then just use the file path..
  8. Who wrote the code, as i seam to be getting the feeling you didn't.. and what do you have so far ? or are you asking us to wrote the code for you ?
  9. okay your need to supplie the UserDetails class and please explain the problem again? heres an example of a basic file upload script <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="POST"> <!-- MAX_FILE_SIZE must precede the file input field --> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="30000" /> Send this file: <input name="userfile" type="file" /> <input type="submit" value="Upload File" /> </form> <?php // In PHP versions earlier than 4.1.0, $HTTP_POST_FILES should be used instead // of $_FILES. $uploaddir = '/var/www/uploads/'; $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']); echo '<pre>'; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { echo "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.\n"; } else { echo "Possible file upload attack!\n"; } echo 'Here is some more debugging info:'; print_r($_FILES); print "</pre>"; ?>
  10. And the problem is ? also your probably need to supplie the UserDetails class
  11. i must stress this is after a very quick review $y was being used inside the foreach block so i changed to to $m and the delete has also been moved up to inside the check to make sure its set.. this should do the trick.. full code below <?php require_once ('commoninclude.php'); require_once ("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer ( ); $pop_setings = Pop_Account_Settings (); $counter = count ( $pop_setings ); if ($counter !== 0) { for($x = 0; $x < count ( $pop_setings ); $x ++) { $mbox = @imap_open ( $pop_setings [$x] [20], $pop_setings [$x] [21], $pop_setings [$x] [22] ); if ($mbox !== false) { $check = imap_check ( $mbox ); $totalmessages = $check->Nmsgs; for($m = 1; $m <= $totalmessages; $m ++) { $header = imap_header ( $mbox, $m ); if ($header !== false) { $subject_email = $header->Subject; $body_email = imap_body ( $mbox, $m ); $body_length = strlen ( $body ); $array_header = object_to_array ( $header ); $to_email = $array_header ['to'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['to'] ['0'] ['host']; if ($pop_setings [$x] [23] == "Y") { if (($subject_email == $pop_setings [$x] [25]) && ($to_email == $pop_setings [$x] [24])) { $full_name = $header->fromaddress; $name_array = explode ( " ", trim ( $full_name ) ); if ($name_array [0] != "" && $name_array [1] != "" && $name_array [0] != " " && $name_array [1] != " ") { $from_name = $name_array [0]; $last_name = $name_array [1]; } else { $from_name = $full_name; $last_name = ""; } $from_email = $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['host']; $check1 = Check_Email_Existing ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_email ); $row_setting = View_Setting ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $tracking_links = GetAllTracking_links ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $cnt = count ( $tracking_links ); $All_group = GetAllGroupName ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $campaign_list = Show_Selected_Campaign ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); /////////////////////////////////////////// if ($check1 == 0) { if ($row_setting [10] == "Single") { $subs_type = "Email"; $ip_address = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url = $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1 = "insert into " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url) values(" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . ",'" . $from_name . "','" . $from_email . "','" . offset_date () . "',1,'" . $subs_type . "','" . $ip_address . "','" . $sign_up_url . "')"; $result1 = db_query ( $data1 ); $getid = "select max(id) from " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . ""; $q = db_query ( $getid ); $rsgetid = db_fetch_row ( $q ); $subs_id = $rsgetid [0]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id = Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers ( $from_email ); for($z = 0; $z < count ( $existing_camp_id ); $z ++) { $rowsetting_new_camp = View_Setting ( $existing_camp_id [$z] [1] ); if ($rowsetting_new_camp [18] != "") { $camp_name_list = $rowsetting_new_camp [18]; $camp_array = explode ( ",", $camp_name_list ); for($y = 0; $y < count ( $camp_array ); $y ++) { $new_campid = Show_Campaign_Id ( $camp_array [$y] ); if ($new_campid == $pop_setings [$x] [1]) { $new_status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set status=" . $new_status . " where id = " . $existing_camp_id [$z] [0]; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } //=====================from here code for zero delay mail to these subscribers $content = Show_Confirm_Message_Campain_Queue ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); if (($content != "") && ($row_setting [14] != "on")) { $msgid = $content [0]; $subject = $content [2]; $body = $content [3]; //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////==modified code for links personalisation==//////// $read_online = explode ( "#OnlineReadLink(", $body ); $read_online = explode ( ")#", $read_online [1] ); $online_text = $read_online [0]; $link_unsub = explode ( "#UnsubscribeLink[", $body ); $link_unsub = explode ( "]#", $link_unsub [1] ); $unsub_text = $link_unsub [0]; //////================end here================// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $date = offset_date (); $current_date = offset_date (); $subject = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $subject ); $body = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#CurrentDate#", $current_date, $body ); for($i = 0; $i <= $cnt - 1; $i ++) { $var = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $var ); $var_link = "<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $tracking_links [$i] [5] . "#", $var_link, $body ); } for($m = 0; $m < count ( $All_group ); $m ++) //this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group = Select_Random_Link ( $All_group [$m] [0] ); $total_link = count ( $random_link_in_group ); $random_link = rand ( 1, $total_link ); $new_random_link = ($random_link - 1); $variable = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $variable ); $variable_link = "<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $All_group [$m] [2] . "#", $variable_link, $body ); } for($p = 0; $p < count ( $campaign_list ); $p ++) { $upgrade = $basepath . "upgrade.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . $campaign_list [$p] [0] . "&em=" . urlencode ( $from_email ); $upgrade_new = "<a href='$upgrade'>$upgrade</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $campaign_list [$p] [1] . "#", $upgrade_new, $body ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==This code is for message display according to type==// $contenttype = $content [7]; $total_msg_read = $basepath . "total_message_read.php?id=" . $msgid . "&msg_methode=queue&email_id=" . $from_email . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1]; $total_read = "<img src='$total_msg_read' width'0' height='0'>"; $line_break = "<br>"; if ($contenttype == "text") { $unsubscribe_url = $unsub_text . "::" . $basepath . "unsubscribe.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . md5 ( $from_email . $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $server_message = $online_text . "::" . $basepath . "server.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&msgmtd=queue&msgid=" . $msgid; $body = str_replace ( "#UnsubscribeLink[" . $unsub_text . "]#", $unsubscribe_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#OnlineReadLink(" . $online_text . ")#", $server_message, $body ); $confirm_message = url2link ( $body ) . " " . $line_break . " " . $total_read; } elseif ($contenttype == "html") { $var = $basepath . "unsubscribe.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . md5 ( $from_email . $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $var_msg = $basepath . "server.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&msgmtd=queue&msgid=" . $msgid; $unsubscribe_url = "<a href='$var' title='Click Here To unsubscribe us'>" . $unsub_text . "</a>"; $server_message = "<a href='$var_msg' title='If You are not able to read this email properly then click here to read this email online'>" . $online_text . "</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#UnsubscribeLink[" . $unsub_text . "]#", $unsubscribe_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#OnlineReadLink(" . $online_text . ")#", $server_message, $body ); $confirm_message = $body . " " . $line_break . " " . $total_read; } /////////===End code==////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings = View_Priority_Settings (); $mail->Priority = $mail_type_settings [0]; $setMailSendType = $mail_type_settings [1]; $mail->CharSet = $mail_type_settings [5]; if (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "smtp")) { $smtp_row = View_Setting_Smtp (); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $smtp_row [0]; $mail->Port = $smtp_row [1]; if ($smtp_row [4] == "true") { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $smtp_row [2]; $mail->Password = $smtp_row [3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = ""; } } elseif (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path = View_SendMail_Path (); $mail->Sendmail = $path [0]; } $dir = "uploadedimages/"; $attfile = $dir . $content [4]; $mail->From = $row_setting [3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting [2]; //fromname means sender Email Id $mail->ContentType = "text/html"; $mail->AddAddress ( $from_email ); // Reciepients Id $mail->Subject = stripslashes ( $subject ); $mail->Body = stripslashes ( $confirm_message ); $mail->AddAttachment ( $attfile ); if ($mail->Send ()) { $sending_way = "queue"; Save_Sent_Message ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $subs_id, $msgid, $from_email, $sending_way ); $mail->ClearAddresses (); } //=====================Admin report======================= if ($row_setting [7] == "on") { Confirmation_Mail_to_Admin ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_name, $last_name, $from_email, $ip_address, $sign_up_url, $row_setting [3], $row_setting [2], $row_setting [8] ); } } } else //end of if of single opt_in if loop //start of double opt in type { $subs_type = "Email"; $ip_address = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url = $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1 = "insert into " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url,last_name) values(" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . ",'" . $from_name . "','" . $from_email . "','" . offset_date () . "',0,'" . $subs_type . "','" . $ip_address . "','" . $sign_up_url . "','" . $last_name . "')"; $result1 = db_query ( $data1 ); $subs_id = db_insert_id (); $date = offset_date (); // $subs_details=View_Subscribers_details_By_mail_campid($from_email,$pop_setings[$x][1]); // $subs_id=$subs_details[0][0]; // $date=$subs_details[0][4]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id = Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers ( $from_email ); for($z = 0; $z < count ( $existing_camp_id ); $z ++) { $rowsetting_new_camp = View_Setting ( $existing_camp_id [$z] [1] ); if ($rowsetting_new_camp [18] != "") { $camp_name_list = $rowsetting_new_camp [18]; $camp_array = explode ( ",", $camp_name_list ); for($y = 0; $y < count ( $camp_array ); $y ++) { $new_campid = Show_Campaign_Id ( $camp_array [$y] ); if ($new_campid == $pop_setings [$x] [1]) { $new_status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set status=" . $new_status . " where id = " . $existing_camp_id [$z] [0]; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($row_setting [14] != "on") { $verify_lk = $basepath . "confirm.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&em=" . urlencode ( $from_email ); $verifylink = "<a href='$verify_lk'>$verify_lk</a>"; $subject = $row_setting [12]; $body = $row_setting [13]; $subject = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#VerifyLink#", $verifylink, $subject ); $body = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#VerifyLink#", $verifylink, $body ); for($i = 0; $i <= $cnt - 1; $i ++) { $var = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $var ); $var_link = "<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $tracking_links [$i] [5] . "#", $var_link, $body ); } for($m = 0; $m < count ( $All_group ); $m ++) //this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group = Select_Random_Link ( $All_group [$m] [0] ); $total_link = count ( $random_link_in_group ); $random_link = rand ( 1, $total_link ); $new_random_link = ($random_link - 1); $variable = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $variable ); $variable_link = "<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $All_group [$m] [2] . "#", $variable_link, $body ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings = View_Priority_Settings (); $mail->Priority = $mail_type_settings [0]; $setMailSendType = $mail_type_settings [1]; $mail->CharSet = $mail_type_settings [5]; if (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "smtp")) { $smtp_row = View_Setting_Smtp (); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $smtp_row [0]; $mail->Port = $smtp_row [1]; if ($smtp_row [4] == "true") { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $smtp_row [2]; $mail->Password = $smtp_row [3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = ""; } } elseif (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path = View_SendMail_Path (); $mail->Sendmail = $path [0]; } $mail->From = $row_setting [3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting [2]; $mail->ContentType = "text/html"; $mail->AddAddress ( $from_email ); $mail->Subject = stripslashes ( $subject ); $mail->Body = stripslashes ( $body ); if (! $mail->Send ()) { } else { $mail->ClearAddresses (); } } //end of if if($row_setting[14]!="on") } //end of double opt in } //end of if } } //end of "Y" //==================Code for unsubscription================================== if ($pop_setings [$x] [26] == "Y") { if (($subject_email == $pop_setings [$x] [28]) && ($to_email == $pop_setings [$x] [27])) { $from_name = $header->fromaddress; $from_email = $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['host']; $check1 = Check_Email_Existing ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_email ); if ($check1 != 0) { $status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set `status`=" . $status . " where campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . " and EMAIL='" . $from_email . "'"; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } /////===================code for track bounced mail==================================== if ($from_email != $pop_setings [$x] [3]) { $pos_matter = $basepath . "bounced_mail.php?id="; //$pos_matter = "<img src='$bouncelink'"; if (strpos ( $body_email, $pos_matter ) === false) { //echo "<li>Not found matter"; } else { $pos = strpos ( $body_email, $pos_matter ) + strlen ( $pos_matter ); $str = substr ( $body_email, $pos ); $subscribers_id = substr ( $str, 0, strpos ( $str, "'" ) ); if (is_int ( $subscribers_id )) { $bounced_status = 5; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set `status`=" . $bounced_status . " where campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . " and id=" . $subscribers_id; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } } if($mbox) { // Add here to delete read email imap_delete ( $mbox, $m ); // Mark As Deletion // Purge email before closing imap_expunge ( $mbox ); // Connection close @imap_close ( $mbox ); } } } /////////////////////////////////// } ?>
  12. first off i ma not sure if you mean radio instead of check boxes but in anycase you have 2 problems 1. you requesting $_POST['pic']; which is the ID not the name.. the name is "select" 2. it will only take the last ticked value.. so to fix this.. change <input type="checkbox" name="select" id="pic" value='<? $row['name'] ?>'/> to <input type="checkbox" name="pic[]" id="pic" value='<?php $row['name'] ?>'/> and then change $pic=$_POST['pic']; to $pic=$_POST['pic'][0]; //assuming you only tick 1 box
  13. as a note you can't decrypt MD5 its one way encryption
  14. RewriteRule ^http://mysite.com/blog/ blog.php
  15. upload the path to a pdf ? i think i need more detail.. what are you trying to do ?
  16. Hi Pjack125, please see untested example below Grab from sessions <?php session_start(); // $_SESSION['PName']= $_POST['Phone']; //removed this would set it to nothing //$_SESSION['bio'] = $_POST['Bio']; //same as above echo "<br>PName: ".$_SESSION['PName']; echo "<br>PDesc: ".$_SESSION['PDesc']; echo "<br>Phone: ".$_POST['Phone']; //From Page 2 ?> or Add the data to the form in a hidden box (not secure) <?php session_start(); $PName = $_POST['PName']; $Description = $_POST['Description']; ?> <html> <head> </head> Body <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="page3.php"> <input name="Phone" type='text' class="style9" id="Phone" /> <textarea name="Bio" id="bio" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> <input name="PName" value="<?php echo $PName; ?>" type='hidden' class="style9" /> <input name="Description" type='hidden' value="<?php echo $Description; ?>" class="style9" /> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Next>>" /> </form> </body> </html> and read the post as normal <?php echo "<br>PName: ".$_POST['PName']; echo "<br>PDesc: ".$_POST['Description']; echo "<br>Phone: ".$_POST['Phone']; ?> EDIT: fixed typo
  17. I use WAMPSERVER to test things locally.. and most sites i use have phpmyadmin in the cPanel to allow me to setup and edit the MySQL database, for basic editing you can use a ton of thing notepad++ is nice for general and filezilla is a nice FTP.. now all of the programs are free.. (which helps) for HTML design i use dreamweaver (its not bad, but you can probably get a free one, just saves time with some html design).. as for the problem your facing.. well you don't complie php (you can but in general we don't) its an interpreted language.. so your need to have the file on a machine that has PHP installed. (or wampserver or xamp etc etc) and your need to open if from the browser it http://localhost/theThing/install.php hope that helps to start with.. i'm sure its not going to solve the problem but should point you in the correct direction EDIT: oh and welcome
  18. always happy to help
  19. okay change i dumped that function as its not needed <style> .rowgreen { background-color: #00FF00; } .rowred { background-color: #FF0000; } <?php mysql_select_db("ipendpoi_Purchase", $conn); //1 or more ticked if(count($_POST['invoiced']) > 0) { //Get the values and put them into a comma delimited string $invoiced = "'".implode("','",$_POST['invoiced'])."'"; //update database $result = mysql_query("UPDATE po SET invoiced ='Yes' WHERE number IN ($invoiced)"); echo "Updated"; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM po ORDER BY number DESC"); echo "<table width='100%' border='1'> <tr> <th>Date</th> <th>PO Number</th> <th>Requester</th> <th>Amount</th> <th>Vendor</th> <th>Department</th> <th>End User</th> <th>Invoiced</th> </tr>"; echo "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\">"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $col = ($row['invoiced'] == "Yes")?"green":"red"; echo "<tr class = \"row{$col}\" >"; echo "<td>" . "<div align=\"center\">" . $row['date'] . "</div>" . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . "<div align=\"center\">" . "<a href=\"upload_directory/Purchase-Order-" . $row['number'] . ".pdf\">" . $row['number'] . "</a>" . "</div>" . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . "<div align=\"center\">" . $row['requester'] . "</div>" . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . "<div align=\"center\">" . "£" . $row['amount'] . "</div>" . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . "<div align=\"center\">" . $row['vendor'] . "</div>" . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . "<div align=\"center\">" . $row['department'] . "</div>" . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . "<div align=\"center\">" . $row['End_User'] . "</div>" . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . "<div align=\"center\">" . $row['invoiced'] . "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"invoiced[]\" value=\"".$row['number']."\" id=\"checkbox\">"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; mysql_close($conn); echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Update\" id=\"Update\" value=\"Submit\">"; echo "</form>"; ?>
  20. ahh ok change $invoiced = implode(",",$_POST['invoiced']); to $invoiced = "'".implode("','",$_POST['invoiced'])."'"; i expected PO's like 1,2,3,40,59,69,77,84
  21. Its probably needs some tweaks but the problem was basically the first total were infact the totals from the second couon_id, below is the final version (remove an unneed if & query) basically i echo the last totals (first one is blank) then get the totals at the same time the coupon id changes, but as were out the loop before the next titles we just echo the last totals final code below <?php /*REMOVE BELOW*/ mysql_connect("localhost","solon","solon"); mysql_select_db("solon"); $memb_id =22; $agn_id = 230457; /*REMOVE ABOVE*/ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `coupons` WHERE `member_id` = '$memb_id' && `agent_id` = '$agn_id' ORDER BY coupon_id") or die(mysql_error()); $previd = ''; $data = ""; echo '<table border="0">'; while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { //titles & Totals if($row['coupon_id'] != $previd) { //Totals echo $data; $previd = $row['coupon_id']; $data = BuildTotals($previd); //titles echo "<tr>"; echo "<td colspan='3'><u><b>Coupon Id:</b>{$row['coupon_id']}</u></td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo " <td width='260'><u><b>Game</b></u></td>"; echo " <td width='100'><u><b>Bet</b></u></td>"; echo " <td width='40'><u><b><u><b> Winings </b></u></b></u></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } //results echo "<tr>"; echo " <td>{$row['event']}</td>"; echo " <td>{$row['bet']}</td>"; echo " <td align='right'>{$row['winings']}</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo $data; echo "</table>"; function BuildTotals($previd) { $data =""; $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `coupon_winnings` WHERE `coupon_id` = '$previd' ORDER BY `coupon_id`"); while($row_o = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_o)) { $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC'><b><u>Total:</b></u></td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC' align='right'>{$row_o['total_winings']}</td></tr>"; $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC'><b><u>Stake:</b></u></td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC' align='right'>{$row_o['stake']}</td></tr>"; $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC'><b><u>Possible Winnings:</b></u></td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC' align='right'>{$row_o['poss_total_winnings']}</td></tr>"; $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>"; $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>"; } return $data; }
  22. change $result = mysql_query("UPDATE po SET invoiced ='Yes' WHERE number IN ($invoiced)"); to $result = mysql_query("UPDATE po SET invoiced ='Yes' WHERE number IN ($invoiced)") or die(mysql_error()); lets see what error we get
  23. try this <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `coupons` WHERE `member_id` = '$memb_id' && `agent_id` = '$agn_id' ORDER BY coupon_id") or die(mysql_error()); $previd = ''; $data = ""; echo '<table border="0">'; while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { //titles if($row['coupon_id'] != $previd) { echo $data; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td colspan='3'><u><b>Coupon Id:</b>{$row['coupon_id']}</u></td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo " <td width='260'><u><b>Game</b></u></td>"; echo " <td width='100'><u><b>Bet</b></u></td>"; echo " <td width='40'><u><b><u><b> Winings </b></u></b></u></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } //results echo "<tr>"; echo " <td>{$row['event']}</td>"; echo " <td>{$row['bet']}</td>"; echo " <td align='right'>{$row['winings']}</td>"; echo "</tr>"; //Totals if($row['coupon_id'] != $previd) { $previd = $row['coupon_id']; $data = BuildTotals($previd); } } echo BuildTotals($previd); echo "</table>"; function BuildTotals($previd) { $data =""; $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `coupon_winnings` WHERE `coupon_id` = '$previd' ORDER BY `coupon_id`"); while($row_o = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_o)) { $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC'><b><u>Total:</b></u></td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC' align='right'>{$row_o['total_winings']}</td></tr>"; $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC'><b><u>Stake:</b></u></td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC' align='right'>{$row_o['stake']}</td></tr>"; $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC'><b><u>Possible Winnings:</b></u></td><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC' align='right'>{$row_o['poss_total_winnings']}</td></tr>"; $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>"; $data .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>"; } return $data; }
  24. Okay... Lets sort this.. can you do a SMALL sql dump from phpmyadmin or something so i can create the tables on my local system.. that way i have more control and and run some tests also let me know the $memb_id $agn_id values
  25. i mean the HTML source..
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