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Everything posted by MadTechie

  1. erm.. no file attached but we need to see some code ? also try LOAD DATA from MySQL IE LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/php9vWmPg' INTO TABLE table FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' EDIT:Due to a ton of dup posts from you i will no longer be helping read the rules and use bump!
  2. Try this pop3 don't you love google
  3. lol, hardly a lot of work Sends a credit note to igor berger
  4. use stripslashes() after the $_POST
  5. OK your best option is to save as CSV and use that file, i wrote a excel importer to mysql it took about amonth and works but still isn't 100% EDIT or use coms (easier)
  6. i don't think thats fwrite, review other parts of your code
  7. Theirs no other way i can think of.. infact i am surprised that adobe allow printing without promoting (but it can be disabled) sorry but please if you find a way please share the info options: Maybe ActiveX, Maybe Flash, Maybe Java, Create your own browser (ok this is getting silly)
  8. change style.css to www/style.css or move style.css to the top level edit:also same images
  9. probably like this $test = "SESSION[logged='admin']&(GET[id=23]|VAR[page='admin']|POST[pageid!=23])"; $result = preg_replace('/(SESSION|GET|POST)/i', '$_$1', $test);
  10. maybe the freelance section would be a better place!
  11. <a href="show_encounter_list.php<?php echo URL_APPEND ?>&pid=<?php echo $pid ?>&target=<?php echo $target ?>"><?php echo $LDListEncounters ? target='_blank'></a> EDIT: ToonMariner is a better (more compleate reply)
  12. whats the problem/error/question!!
  13. yep the orange area looks like the cause, but your need to post more of your code in the code tags..
  14. use ^[A-Za-z0-9\_]+$ as "chris" "chris1" are more than one char
  15. their fine but i had to look twice at pucaptcha.jpg
  16. read the header page <?php on_start(); $res = $_POST["name"]; $rs = $_POST["password"]; $con = mysql_connect('localhost'); if (!$con) { print("There is a problem with MySQL connection.\n"); } else { print("The MySQL connection object is ready. "); mysql_select_db("login", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT name, pwd FROM loginpwd WHERE name LIKE '$res' AND pwd LIKE '$rs'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['name'] . " " . $row['pwd']; echo " "; $url = ""; //header("Location:"); //header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); header("HttpMessage:setRequestUrl ( string $url )");/* header( "Status: 301 Moved Permanently" ); header( "Location: http://www.new-url.com/" ); exit(0); // This is Optional but suggested, to avoid any accidental output */ } mysql_close($con); } ob_end_flush(); ?>
  17. no the users password would be the key, so each of the "clients details" would be protected by their own password (while secure a nightmare to manage) (infact the key is the resulting hash from the 2nd salt and the users password) i would also point out this itsn't something i would recommand doing but more or idea to maybe spark others
  18. try using "\par\n" or "\par\r\n"
  19. Fatal error: Undefined class name 'db' in /src/functions.php on line 280 bascially theirs not a function called db in /src/functions.php search for "function db(" try including the file with that function
  20. you have totally missed the point.. it wouldn't affect the password stored at all! have 2 salts and 1 hash.. when they login use md5($_POST['pass']+salts1) = user login password to decrypt data use md5($_POST['pass']+salts2) = data password (store in session) i would use 2 salts to make it a little more secure of course system data would require its own password and datamanagement would be a nightmare but as i said its an idea and changing the user password would mean your have to update all their info, does that make sense ?
  21. I did try that but it kept failing before reaching the amount set.. then i noticed ini_set("memory_limit","24M"); D'oh i'll class this as solved!
  22. is their a way to pull the "memory_limit" from the php.ini file?? if not how can i capture the error mid flow? PS i really don't want to use exec (i prefer to have it disabled on the server) and for error handerling i would prefer the error LOL
  23. well spotted
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