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Everything posted by per1os

  1. Probably do a grep for the userid and than look at the manpage for adduser on the smtp to look at the parameters needed.
  2. Can you post an example of the raw data, if so I can take a look at it more thoroughly for you.
  3. Dude, use [ code ] [ /code ]. Seriously, especially with HTML output which this form automatically displays.
  4. JavaScript is the only way to do it, sorry bud. Even with ASP, they may providecode but it is all JScript based.
  5. Glad to be of service.
  6. You want to lower in the WHERE clause not the SELECT clause of the SQL statement. Change that and see what happens.
  7. Seriously, read my above post. you did not set $_SESSION['user'] to anything. Read how to code PHP first before diving head first into it man. You cannot get anywhere without reading. So read, php.net is a great reasource.
  8. It is possible with some manuvering, but is not recommened, any function inside a function inside a function will slow down php processing time significantly.
  9. Seriously if you cannot figure out how to locate simple parse errors you need to read up more on PHP. The problem is in the header(); you need " around the data inside IE: header("Location:etc...."); My suggestion learn PHP better before diving head deep into it, or even basic programming syntax structure.
  10. Not without an updating statement. via SQL.
  11. Yep, I will post it later tonight for you for the whole forum to see and reference if need be. But if you need it sooner, google is really your best friend. That is how I got my information =) But it is always good to see a real world example. Currently it is how my site http://www.aeonity.com is done (ie if you go http://www.aeonity.com/frost it is the same as http://www.aeonity.com/blog.php?username=frost) Great tactic for SEO. =)
  12. Need an extra ) on line 5 should be: if(isset($_SESSION['user']))
  13. If you still need an example, I can provide my .htaccess file that I usually use available to you. (not for about 6 more hours until I get home) but yea.
  14. Yep, to use the fetcharray it goes like while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { print $row['field1']; // processing here. }
  15. .htaccess with modrewrite. Basically you look for profiles keyword and than pass that to the file /profiles.php?user=hotdawg. Look at the mod_rewrite for SEO friendly urls, that should explain everything Google.com should provide you with plenty of explinations.
  16. First of all especially with links [ code ] and [ /code ] are your best friends. Without it, it is very very hard to see the actualy data. <? include("classes/core.inc.php"); $obj = new core; session_start(); include_once("classes/core.inc.php"); if(isset($_SESSION['user']) { print 'see it code here'; }else { print 'login code here'; } ?> make sure you are using session_start(); and assign the $_SESSION['user'] a value when you get that data.
  17. The question is does he have PHP 5? =) I bet he has PHP 4.x
  18. You are referencing your $_POST variables wrong, they must match EXACTLY what the input name states. IE: $jobnumber = $_POST['job_number']; Even a mismatch in case will throw it off.
  19. Also, make sure that $code has a value. =) That is a key in this portion also.
  20. wildteen is absolutely correct. I would use Javascript or Ajax (javascript with xml) to do the error checking without making the user back track. If you like the back tracking idea, than look into storing the $_POST or $_GET variables into $_SESSION data. php.net session
  21. Where is the $sql located, it would have to be placed in that section...To get the extra column you would need to mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_fetch_array($result); Unless that $db->query() function does that for you, that definiation might help out also.
  22. $fp is the file resource, you need to do this: <?php $fp = fopen("test.txt", "r+"); $file = fread($fp); $file = str_replacE("<html", "hi", $file); fclose($fp); in order to put that file back you need another filepointer with fwrite(); As for the previous comment, if you need to change the site to something different I would set it up like this: <?php $baseSite = $_GET['basesite']; // or $baseSite = "http://www.google.com/"; $site = "http://www.google.com/someparams"; $file = file_get_contents($site); $file = str_replace("/images/", $site . "images/", $file); print $file; // should now print with proper images. // Another option is to add <base href="http://www.google.com" /> before the </head> which can be done like so $file = str_replace("</head>", "<base href=\"".$site."\" /></head>", $file); print $file; //but will not work on the javascript portion. ?>
  23. is_file only works on the relative path. IE: /www/home/username/images/file.jpg has to be used and cannot reference the virtual (http://) location.
  24. pathinfo() or path_info() via php.net will help.
  25. while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // processing here }
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