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Everything posted by jakebur01

  1. I appreciate it.
  2. dude I would but I have like 80,000 rows of product and I don't need to risk screwing anything up.
  3. Hey, I have some rows in my mysql table that have blank fields as part numbers. I want to delete all of the rows that have blank part numbers. would it be like: delete from table where partnumber = '0'; ???
  4. Hello, I have a 80,000 records in a table on my localhost that I need to transfer to my database at my hosting service. What is the best way to do this? `Jake
  5. Hello, I have a table of products that I am attempting to connect image paths with. I am going to create a new column in my table for image paths. The folder that contains the images contains images whose names match the product no. Ex. 384-842 whould match 384-842.jpg What would be the best way to do this automatically? I need someone to step me through it. like this? while($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $pattern="(".$myrow['mls_num'].")"; if ($handle = opendir('../images')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(eregi($pattern, $file)) { $image_link='http://www.mydomain.net/images/'.$file.''; break; } } closedir($handle); }
  6. I see what your saying. Thank you.
  7. Ha ha.... Thanks anyway though... I'm trying to learn.. I appreciate your help.
  8. Would you suggest a good resource for creating your own shopping basket?
  9. I want to create a wrapper class! How to I start?
  10. COOL!!!! so this would allow me to continue to return my connection as an object?
  11. I have been learning php going through this cool book. Anyway, I am halfway through this thick book and it is using mysqli to communicate with the mysql database. It is to my understanding that mysqli is returning an object this way rather than a resource. And all of the cool programs and scripts in this book are using mysqli. My host does not have this feature enabled. What would be an alternative method for me to continue to use these scripts and learn using just regular mysql rather than mysqli? `Jake
  12. What are some good resources to turn to when building your own shopping cart? I've never built a shopping basket before, I am going to build one this summer. What are some problems related to building your own shopping cart? Thank you, Jake
  13. The website for the table was built by a big programming company using asp and visual basic. I am now using the products table so I can built another website off it using php. I am having trouble finding the column in the database that holds the quanities of the products. This one column has those #### in it and I am wondering if thats going to be my quanity in there. I was thinking it was just encoded. The table was originally in a mssql database, I migrated it into mysql. It shows #######0 in both databases. `Jake
  14. Thanks for you time and help. I'm learnin. `Jake
  15. There is another website that is connected to this database. The site was created by a big company using asp. I have gone through miles of asp code looking for this and have not found it. I am using this table so I can use all of the products. I am looking for the quanity column. I am think this is it that is encoded. I was hoping maybe their are a few different functions I could try to decode this to get the info out of my fields.
  16. `CommerceInsight_dbo` CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci; USE `CommerceInsight_dbo`; -- ------------------------------------- -- Tables DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `CommerceInsight_dbo`.`Item`; CREATE TABLE `CommerceInsight_dbo`.`Item` ( `CompanyNo` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `No` CHAR(20) NOT NULL, `Descn1` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `Descn2` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `ItemClassCode` CHAR(3) NOT NULL, `SeqNo` VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, `UomSmallest` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `Uom2` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `Uom3` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `UomSt` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `UomPr` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `UomSl` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `UomCt` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `UomBy` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `Cf2Sm` CHAR(10) NOT NULL, `Cf3Sm` CHAR(10) NOT NULL, `Alpha` CHAR(10) NOT NULL, `StdPack` INT(10) NOT NULL, `ManualCost` DECIMAL(19, 4) NOT NULL, `ManualCostBasis` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `ManualCostMultiplier` DECIMAL(8, 3) NOT NULL, `CfMask` CHAR(10) NOT NULL, `GlTable` CHAR(3) NOT NULL, `VendorNo` CHAR(10) NOT NULL, `VendorItemNo` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `DateLastSale` DATETIME NOT NULL, `DateLastPurchase` DATETIME NOT NULL, `DateLastPrice` DATETIME NOT NULL, `DateLastCost` DATETIME NOT NULL, `DateEstablished` DATETIME NOT NULL, `Taxable` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `UpdateInventory` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `SerialLots` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `MiscSales` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `ManufacturedItem` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `Active` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `MultipleUom` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `DfltPrices` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `WeightUom1` DECIMAL(18, 0) NOT NULL, `WeightUom2` DECIMAL(18, 0) NOT NULL, `WeightUom3` DECIMAL(18, 0) NOT NULL, `FreightClass` CHAR(3) NOT NULL, `MsdsId` CHAR(20) NOT NULL, `StdComm` DECIMAL(5, 3) NOT NULL, `SubItem1` CHAR(20) NOT NULL, `SubItem2` CHAR(20) NOT NULL, `SubItem3` CHAR(20) NOT NULL, `NotUsed2` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, `ModelNo` CHAR(15) NOT NULL, `DotCode` CHAR(6) NOT NULL, `ItemPriceClassCode` CHAR(3) NOT NULL, `ListPrice` DECIMAL(19, 4) NOT NULL, `Service` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `MeteredItem` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `Uom_Meter` CHAR(2) NOT NULL, `Track` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `NotUsed1` CHAR(5) NOT NULL, `ModelCode` CHAR(15) NOT NULL, `SalesSvrItem` CHAR(20) NOT NULL, `PricingType` CHAR(1) NOT NULL, `PartsWtyDays` CHAR(4) NOT NULL, `LaborWtyDays` CHAR(4) NOT NULL, `Fltr` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, `Icmun1` VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, `Icmun2` VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, `Icmun3` VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, `Icmun4` VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, `Icmun5` VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL, `Udf1` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `Udf2` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `Udf3` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `Udf4` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `Udf5` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `TS` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, `rowguid` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CompanyNo`, `No`), INDEX `IX_Item_Alpha` (`CompanyNo`, `Alpha`), INDEX `IX_Item_ClassCode` (`CompanyNo`, `ItemClassCode`), INDEX `IX_Item_ModelNumber` (`CompanyNo`, `ModelNo`), INDEX `IX_Item_MsdsId` (`CompanyNo`, `MsdsId`), INDEX `IX_Item_SearchNoDescn1` (`CompanyNo`, `No`, `Descn1`), INDEX `IX_Item_VendorItemNo` (`CompanyNo`, `VendorItemNo`), INDEX `IX_Item_VendorNo` (`CompanyNo`, `VendorNo`), INDEX `IX_Item_VendorNo_ClassCode` (`CompanyNo`, `VendorNo`, `ItemClassCode`) ) ENGINE = INNODB; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EOF
  17. I am retrieving the data: CfMask is the column that returns ########0 . I have 80,000 rows of products. I just need to decode this one column somehow. $result=mysql_query("SELECT No, Descn1, CfMask, VendorNo, VendorItemNo, ListPrice ". "FROM item ". "limit $offset,$limit"); ?> <TABLE width=100% BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 ALIGN=center > <?php while ($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo"<tr><TD WIDTH=133><p class=foot><small>"; echo$myrow["No"]; echo"</small></p></td><TD WIDTH=133><p class=foot><small>"; echo$myrow["Descn1"]; echo"</small></p></td><TD WIDTH=133><p class=foot><small>"; echo$myrow["CfMask"]; echo"</small></p></td><TD WIDTH=133><p class=foot><small>"; echo$myrow["VendorNo"]; echo"</small></p></td><TD WIDTH=133><p class=foot><small>"; echo$myrow["VendorItemNo"]; echo"</small></p></td><TD WIDTH=133><p class=foot><small>"; echo$myrow["ListPrice"]; echo"</small></p></td>"; echo"</tr>"; } echo "</table>";
  18. Any ideas on what I could do on this?
  19. Varchar 10
  20. (char(10),not null)
  21. I have a column in my mysql table that has ########0 in all of its fields. How to I get whats in these fields? How do I decode this using php? P.S. The data originally came out of a mssql database. I now have all of the data in a mysql database and I am using php. Thanks, `Jake
  22. I have a column that has ########0 in all of its fields. How to I get whats in these fields? How do I decode this? P.S. The data originally came out of a mssql database. I now have all of the data in a mysql database and I am using php. `Jake
  23. Thank you. I will write this down for my records. `Jake
  24. I exported a table from my localhost mysql database in sql and csv formats. I am trying to import this into my remote mysql database using phpmyadmin. The sql server query file is 46.5mb and has 80,000 rows. The csv file is about 33mb. I have tried importing either one of these files, it will just load for a little while and then goes to a white page. I am assuming it is just timing out or something. What are some other approaches I could use? `Jake
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