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Everything posted by dennismonsewicz

  1. are you sure MySQL is running? Don't allow MySQL to run as a service.
  2. make sure your apache is running and Mysql is running...
  3. instead of action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" use this: action="http://localhost/groupsio/post.php"
  4. here is another tutorial that might be of more help http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/mysqlupdate.php
  5. gotcha yeah the way i am getting around it is like this: $testimonialLength = strlen($row->testimonial) + 30; Thanks for the help!
  6. the whole string is not showing up in the input field... like it cuts off the string.. you have to place your cursor in the field and then scroll over to see the rest of the string.. make sense?
  7. I have a script that reads the length of a string coming out of a database and based on the length is how long the input field is to edit that particular field. But the problem i am having is its not accurately sizing the input field correctly $testimonialLength = strlen($row->testimonial); Any ideas? The input is like this: <input class="inputbox" type="text" name="testimonial" id="testimonial" size="<?php echo $testimonialLength; ?>" value="<?php echo $row->testimonial; ?>" />
  8. figured it out.. use two apostrophes instead of one.. EX: INSERT INTO table (row1, row2) VALUES ('Hello', 'Don''t Try');
  9. I am writing a SQL file and was wondering... i am more used to doing it using PHP to process but i have to write a SQL file for this particular project. Will escaping it your way still work?
  10. How do you place an apostrophe in a SQL statement? EX: INSERT INTO table (row1, row2) VALUES ('Hello', 'Don't Try');
  11. do you have session_start(); at the beginning of the page?
  12. well php is a server side technology not client side
  13. i would also look into error checking with PHP cause you don't just want to select something out of a DB without checking the $_POST vars
  14. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.strtolower.php That is assuming you are wanting to force the string in the var to be lower.
  15. yeah if you don't use the break the next switch case will evaluate along with the previous one. You can stack cases on top of each other. example (stacking cases): switch($action) { case "test1": case "test2": //code here break; }
  16. yeah... the code you posted is still appending and not erasing i REALLY appreciate your help bud!
  17. at the current time the code writes the new url on the page everytime the parent url changes. And continues down the page. Is there a way to just write it once and every time the url changes write the new url?
  18. i would use PHP with MySQL to house the data and then you could just sort the data based on a date from newest and oldest
  19. this is awesome! It works! One last thing.. is there anyway to append the data over and over in the same div without writing the url down the page? so it only shows up once?
  20. hmmm we are getting closer... I loaded your code and tested it. Is there anyway to have the current parent URL printed on the page once you go to the newly created child page and when the parent URL changes it re-prints the url on the child page? also once the timer starts the child page just keeps trying to load.
  21. I updated your code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head> <title>JS Testing</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var url; var timer; function checkUrl() { if(url != window.opener.window.location.href){ clearInterval(timer); //Stop the timer //alert('The parent URL changed'); } } function init(){ url = window.opener.window.location.href; //Save the current parent url timer = setInterval("checkUrl()", 500); //Start the timer document.write(url); //I added this line } </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> </body> </html> The page is not refreshing.. like i need the child (pop-up/under) window to refresh every like 5 seconds and checks to see if the parent window has changed and if it has then display that url on the child page
  22. This code: function checkUrl() { var oldurl = window.opener.window.location.href; document.write(oldurl); } Does not work in IE6 but works in FF... any thoughts?
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