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Everything posted by DJTim666

  1. You can try using ini_set if you dont have access to the actual file. <?php ini_set("POST_MAX_SIZE", "someValue"); ?> -- DJ
  2. You can use; <?=$date?> or; <?php echo $date; ?> -- DJ
  3. Had to change the chatroom URL; http://djtim666.com/chatroom.dj
  4. Hey everyone; I'm looking for someone to provide with some info. I just recently began coding an AJAX Chat Room. Currently my script works fine except for the fact that you have to click the "Post" button instead of hitting enter on the keyboard. I've tried using void(0) with the onSubmit thing, but it won't work.. please help! Chat Room; http://djtim666.com/chatroom.php -- DJ
  5. MySQLi is a different platform of MySQL. -- DJ
  6. I also noticed another error. Change this; if ($_POST["$submit"]) { To; if ($_POST["submit"]) { -- DJ
  7. Look at all of your HTML input forms. They all have the same NAME's. Try changing the names to the things they should be and retrying the script. -- DJ
  8. Just use str_ireplace, it ignores the case of the word. -- DJ
  9. -deleted
  10. Change this.. header("Location: http://". $_POST['website'] . "newgrounds.com") To this.. header("Location: http://". $_POST['website'] . "newgrounds.com"); -- DJ
  11. Try this <?php if(isset($_POST['order_photo'])) { $picture = array(); $picture[0] = $_POST['S46']; $picture[1] = $_POST['QU46']; $picture[2] = $_POST['S57']; $picture[3] = $_POST['QU57']; $picture[4] = $_POST['S810']; $picture[5] = $_POST['QU810']; foreach ($picture as $key => $value) { echo "<img src='$value' alt='' /><br />"; } } ?> -- DJ
  12. As awpti said, md5 creates a hash of the incoming value. You're creating a hash of the password, then checking it to see if it's the same as a conjunction of english words.. not gunna happen. Try un-hashing the password until you've checked to see if it's the same as the $currentPassword. -- DJ
  13. I know it says solved, but I don't think you got the updated script. You don't need all that strtotime stuff in your re-written script. mktime returns the timestamp of the month/year/day/hour/minute/second supplied. Anyways, glad I could be of help . -- DJ
  14. <?php $month = 1; //supply month # $year = 1998; //supply year $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 0, $year); $i = 1; $days = date("t", $date); while ($i <= $days) { $find_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $i, $year); if (date("l", $find_date) == "Friday") { echo "Day $i is a Friday on month #$month.<br />"; } $i++; } ?> Edit: Works fine .
  15. Just loop through all the files in the directory and display a table to represent them. Check out this section of php.net for the filesystem function reference list. -- DJ
  16. Just take the simple way out. Put the following at the top of your file before ANY code. <?php ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); ?> -- DJ
  17. Your table must AUTO INCREMENT before you can add multiple lines of data with the same values. Run the following SQL query in your database. ALTER TABLE `members` ADD `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id)
  18. I am trying to disable some checkboxes on my website depending on how many current checkboxes are clicked. So for example I am going to have 6 checkboxes and if 2 are clicked then I want the other 4 to be disabled. I tried using an array, I tried plusing and minusing and I tried some other ways, all failing. If someone could PLEASE help me that would be greatly appreciated. -- DJ
  19. Hmm, that still doesn't work. I only get the message up til the quote .
  20. <?php $findUsers = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM `tblName`"); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $findUsers ) ) { echo $row['username']; echo $row['rank']; echo "<br /><br />"; } ?>
  21. I am outputting information in a text box the following way; <?php $findInfo = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE `id` = '$var'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $findInfo ); echo "<form action='somescript.php' method='post'> <input type='text' name='title' value='" . stripslashes ( $row['title'] ) . "' /> </form>"; ?> Now when I output using stripslashes(or no stripslashes) I can't see the whole topic name because it is cut off when someone has a ' in the topic. Is there any other way to output something so the users will see just a single quote without the backslash? -- DJ
  22. That might work. Trying now.
  23. Won't work because I am updating locations not deleting items.
  24. Items are stored in a database and each item is a seperate row. They are stored by location. For galleries the location of the items is 9. And my question is how am I supposed to handle the form when submitted.
  25. I am trying to allow my users to type the amount of things they would like to remove from a gallery. So lets say they have 40 of the same thing in the gallery and they want to remove 23. {GALLERY ITEM} | {QUANTITY} | {AMOUNT TO REMOVE} I've tried several different things with all of them failing. Anyone have an idea? -- DJ
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