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Everything posted by raydawg

  1. http://us.php.net/manual/en/ref.pcre.php
  2. you shouldn't initialize your form INSIDE a table....then end your form OUTSIDE the table. that makes no sense at all ??? infact your not even really initializing your form inside of anything. you initialize it in the abyss of nothingness which are TR's. then your creating a hidden field thats not even inside your form, its above it. I think the PHP issues are the least of your worries........im not sure how scope friendly HTML really is....but that is a nightmare
  3. well you dont need to specific 0777 since that is teh default. what error message? if its not working then it has to be throwring a message of some sort. did you echo out the value of $this->config->item('base_path') . '/users/' . $userInfo['username'] to make sure that is actually the correct place?
  4. why dont you just use teh fetch_array instead to store the DB results inside a local array that you can just loop through as much as you want?
  5. I have a web app running on a linux machine and basically what I want to do is when the users login, I want that validated against the unix account for validation instead of having a database or hardcoded info. I want to eliminate the need for a database as much as possible as that is not the scope for this machine. Having a webserver is already pushing it but this app is needed. anyways su doesn't take input from stdin so I can't use that. I tried using crypt to encrypt the user password to match that up to /etc/shadow but I don't know the salt that was used to create those passwords so that was a no go. anyone have any idea on what I can use to accomplish this?
  6. or you can use a .htaccess file to rewrite the url
  7. I'm having a problem getting Curl to work properly...and I know its because of this unique situation, so I'm hoping a CURL expert can help me out. I'm trying to access this URL (public search form) using CURL and grab the HTML contents http://enterprisedirectory.ucr.edu/phone/tel_search.show Now the problem is that in order to access that site, a Cookie must be set. For the web browser if you attempt to access the site, it redirects you to http://enterprisedirectory.ucr.edu, sets the cookie then sends you back. In PHP if I call curl on this site, instead of grabbing the contents it physically redirects the browser to http://enterprisedirectory.ucr.edu (thus leaving my script) and then back to the search page (still not in my script) So im thinking the only way to do this is to use CURL, pass a cookie along with the CURL requests and then it will not do the redirect on me. Well the problem with that is when I view my cookies I can see the cookie that was set, but in my cookies.txt (or Cookie folder in IE) there is no record of this cookie!!?? So i tried doing this and creating a cookie file with the contents enterprisedirectory.ucr.edu TRUE /phone/ TRUE 1181508361 SearchID 5851 Then in PHP use this $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,120); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookie.txt"); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); $results = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); That did not work, but Im assuming I did it wrong. Can someone please help me out with this, I really need to get this working. After about 5 hours of this im pulling my hair out and begging for help. Thank you -Ray
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